Chapter 8

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Riley's POV

The first week of classes were boring. The usual going over the syllabus's and what's expected. The only difference from last year is I get to focus more on what I want to.

My dream is to play soccer for a living. I've gone unnoticed by the national team and that's okay. I just want to be good enough to play in a woman's league.

But, if soccer doesn't work out my back up dream is architecture. I've always been really good at math and art........ but my love for architecture really sparked when I went to a soccer camp in Chicago and spent a lot of time downtown. I would sit for hours admiring the time and thought put into some of those buildings.

After all of my architecturally focused classes this week I could not be more happy that it's Friday. It's the weekend and there's sure to be some amazing back to school parties this weekend. Also, because it's gameday. Our first game of the season.

The coaches have been pushing us hard all week preparing us for this game. I've been working my ass off while simultaneously annoying Charlie.

It's becoming my favorite pastime.

The way her face turns pink when she's frustrated and the way her cute little eyebrows furl together. She's adorable.

I know I probably shouldn't enjoy having her glare at me as much as I do but any attention from her at all gives me this weird high. It's addicting.

I'm currently putting on my shin guards in the locker room wearing a sports bra and my team shorts when she walked into the room.

Her eyes found mine immediately and I couldn't help the smirk that came across my face. She glared at me and continued walking closer to me.

"Hi Charlie" I said with a grin.

She rolled her eyes as she walked past me towards Karly making me chuckle.

This years batch of freshman are all pretty fine. I am down to be their college girl experiment if they let me....... But Charlie........ Charlie is beyond gorgeous. The moment I saw her at that stupid party at the beginning of the summer she took my breath away. Her confidence is so hot and the fact that she's good at soccer too makes this whole situation so much harder.

She's with my baby brother. I'd never do anything to hurt him. So even though I flirt with Charlie she is one hundred percent off limits........... That doesn't mean I can't look though.........

I turned my eyes back towards the side of the locker room where Charlie was currently pulling her shirt off over her head. She shook her hair out and laughed at something Karly said.

Oh the dirty thought I am repressing......

"Stop staring creep." I turned around quickly to see Lilly grinning at me already in uniform. "She is totally hot though. I understand." She shrugged.

"Don't let P hear you say that..... she might kill you." I said pulling on my jersey.

"Paisley is being a little stand off ish since I asked to meet her parents so....... I don't care what she thinks at the moment."

"Damn I'm sorry Lil. That's why I don't do relationships...... too much work and dramatics." I scoffed pulling on my Nike sandals over my socks.

"Oh please. Just because you got burned one time doesn't mean you have to swear off relationships all together." She sighed then stood up. "One of these days you're going to find a girl that flips your world upside down and you are going to let her Haze...... you'll see." She gave me a pat my back then walked out of the locker room.

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