Chapter 14

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Charlie's POV:

It's the final game of the regular season. We've already secured our position in the playoffs but that doesn't mean we can slack off and lose this game. We have had a perfect season. Shit like this never happens.

The score is 0-0 and our opponents have been putting up a good fight. They definitely did their homework because they have Riley and I Double teamed any time we get the ball. We have 5 minutes left in the game and we really need to score if we want to hang on to this undefeated run.

I am drenched in sweat watching for an opportunity to crash the net.

Whitney made a nice slide tackle securing the ball from the other team at half field leaving her with a generous amount of space. She started dribbling foreword and I look behind me to make sure I was on side. The defender that had been marking me all game was still right on my back. I need to make some magic happen.

Instead of running towards the net I ran towards the half line hoping my mark would follow me. I faked like I was calling for the ball then took off running in the other direction freeing myself from the stunned defender. Whitney caught on to my run and blasted the ball over the back line so I could run onto it. I made it there easily and dribbled towards the goal. I had a difficult one on one with the goalie because of the angle I am attacking. I see Riley sprinting about ten feet to my left so instead of taking the difficult shot I passed it in front of Riley and all she had to do was jab it in the net. The Keeper had no chance to react.

The crowd and bench erupted as the referee blew her whistle signaling it was a goal.

Riley came bounding up to me and pulled me into her arms for a hug. "You are brilliant!" She leaned back grinning at me.

"You scored the goal." I shrugged smiling back.

"No Charlie that was all you." Her eyes bore into mine. God I want to kiss her right now.

Just then the rest of the team had reached us and tore us away from each other to celebrate the goal.

Karly pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead "mwwwAaaah. Amazing." She grinned and I pushed her off of me laughing and wiping her slobber off of my head.

We jogged back to centerfield to finish off the game. The other team kicked off and after 10 seconds the ref blew the whistle for the end of the game.

The bench erupted and ran onto the field dog piling on top of Riley and I.

After all the congratulations and the hand shakes I found Casey by the bench waiting to congratulate us. To my surprise Noah was standing next to her.

I walked up to Noah first Wrapping my arms around his neck.

"You were amazing." He said hugging me back.

"Thank you." I pulled back but left my arms around his neck. "I wasn't expecting you to be here! I've missed you." I gave him a small smile and he grinned back.

"What am I? Chopped liver?" Casey said stamping her foot next to us.

"Hey Case." I grinned pulling her into a hug "thanks for coming." I pulled away from her.

"I wouldn't miss it." She smiled but her eyes weren't on me they were on someone behind me.

I turned around to see who she was looking at and it was none other than Karly. She was walking up to us with a grin on her face. She put her arm around my shoulder "good shit out there Charlie." She shook me a little. "I taught her everything she knows." She directed at the other two.

Noah chuckled but Casey went into a full fit of laughter. What is going on with her? I'll read into it later right now I need to shower.

I held my hand out to Noah "walk with me and catch me up on your life." I smiled.

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