Chapter 16

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Charlie's POV:

Going 4 days without seeing someone you usually spend all your time with is painful. Telling someone you love them and them saying they don't feel the same way........agonizing.

I've seen Riley at practices this week but I haven't said a word to her. I can't even look at her without tears forming in my eyes. The worst part about it is this hasn't seemed to affect her at all. She had to stay off her knee until Friday's practice but she's been all smiles and flirting with everyone again.

Me on the other hand........ I've lost my appetite, I've definitely lost weight, and it's affecting my game. I can't focus with this pain surging through me. I haven't been able to sleep in my own bed since Sunday. It was still unmade from the last time I had sex with her.......... I've been sleeping on the couch in Karly's room.

All in all........ I'm a fucking idiot. I knew this is how it would turn out. Me falling for her and her only caring about the sex. Yet I still did the friends with benefits thing anyway.

Everything was great........ until it wasn't. I hadn't planned on saying "I love you." To her I was just so overwhelmed in the moment and it happened.

I ruined everything...


She ruined everything. With her stupid fear of commitment. God she's such a bitch.

I have my headphones on blasting music as Karly drives us to Ithica University for the semi final game against them. We chose not to ride the team bus for obvious reasons and this way Casey can come with us.

I'm in the back seat and every once in a while I look up front at them and see their hands together and feel like throwing up from the pain it causes me.

That could have been Noah and I if I didn't let Riley in......... that could be Riley and I IF she let me in.

I turned my head back to the window seeing a giant stadium that said Ithica University on it.

Thank god we are here. Karly pulled in next to two Nisson 370Z's and I groaned.

Riley and Noah were in front of the cars smiling and talking about something animatedly. I guess she decided to drive herself too, probably to avoid me. Bitch.

I climbed out of the car taking my headphones off and grabbed my bag. Riley Noticed me immediately. She paused and scanned my body for a moment making me scoff.

"I'm gonna head to the locker room. Later buddy." She said to Noah hugging him then walking away before I reached them.

Noah turned around and gave me a small smile. "Hey Char!" He said pulling me into a hug.

"Hey Noah." I said less enthusiastic than he did.

"You okay?"

I hugged him back feeling slightly better by his embrace.

"I'll be okay." I said softly into his chest.

He kissed the top of my head softly "I'll be cheering for you today. My buddies are actually really pissed about it." He giggled.

I looked up at him and smiled "thanks Noah." The last time I genuinely smiled was with Riley Monday night. "Walk with me?" I asked pulling away from him and holding out my hand.

He took it happily and we started walking together.

"So........" he started awkwardly "I'm not gonna ask you what happened. I am gonna ask you how you are handling things though."

"I'll be okay Noah. I just put my eggs in the wrong basket. Now they're broken."

Noah chuckled at my analogy. "You'll get through this. You're Charlie Fuckin Walker." He grinned. "Besides you'll get her back."

Caught In Haze (wlw soccer story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora