Chapter 11-Genius Drinks Potions

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He took me off guard.
"What judgment?!"

They were considering me a usual modern world judgmental puppet who would look down on people without second consideration of the possibility that they could be right about their opinions too.

At first I was a little reluctant at telling them the truth of my own beliefs because I myself had always been a victim of judgment. But when slowly and gradually we shared our views, I realized that this was the company I craved my whole life for.

A bond made by mutual respect no matter how weird it sounds.

I had a nice and sound time with them.
I came to know that Mayi was like their godmother. She was also pissed by the modern world.
And after getting heart broken by her best friend, she had spent all her life single and helping needy people.
Her best friend rejected her because she was straight and Mayi was not.

Oops.... Yes she was indeed a lesbian and she did notice me in the library. But she had no other intentions.

My first instinct was correct. Sometimes you also get wronged about the wrong you thought of yourself.

By the time I came back to my apartment, I was completely drained.

Having sweet conversations, smiling, laughing at non funny jokes just because you don't wanna embarass the other person and sharing personal feelings, for an introvert is more tiring than climbing up a hill.
The tiresome is accompanied with weirdsome.

I laid on my bed throwing my phone beside me.

I just dozed off when my phone's vibration travelling upon my bedsheet towards my ear and cheek harshly woke me up.

I wanted to say something abusive but I controlled my anger when I saw a message from an unknown number, "Heyy Tarika it's Sandra"
Before I opened the message another message received.
I opened both of the messages:
"Heyy Tarika it's Sandra"
"I wanted to inform you about our meeting which I according to my schedule set on 7 p.m. sharp on coming Thursady. Let me know if you're okay with that. I am sending you the location of my favorite drinks café, where we will meet."

And another buzz occurred on my phone recieving the link of location of the place named, "genius drink potions"

I chuckled on that name and texted back, "Okay thank you for..
Back space back space
I will be there...
Back space back space
"Okay I will be there."
I thought for a moment if my message was alright and then touched the send icon.
No matter how harsh my curiosity cursed me with desperation, my inside personality still prevailed.

I started to imagine how I will start my conversation with her this time after experiencing the embarrassment with Seetamnari followers, I didn't want to mess this meeting up.

I literally practiced my starting speech twice or thrice which was,
"Actually, I am going through alot these days.... I have questions that I don't know where to find out answers... I am hopeful that you might understand the situation better than anyone else.. thats why I approached you"

And finally Thursday arrived.
I reached the Cafe at 6:55, as an extra attempt not to be late.
3D light projectors infront of the Cafe pictured every drink they had momentarily, they were countless. And same projectors imprinted the name of the Cafe "Genius Drinks Potions" above the Cafe in bright golden letters that glew in the dark blue sky of dawn.
I entered the place and wandered my vision in all directions, thinking about a suitable spot to choose.
I got flabbergasted when my eyes caught a lady sitting in a corner table waiting for someone.
*is she more curious than me, or does she spend most of the time sitting in this Cafe?!!*
Dark bald woman wearing cat eye glasses that perfectly matched her facial features.
She stood up for me as a welcome when I walked towards her.
"Hi Tarika, you came early" She greeted me humbly.
I smiled back and sat in the chair facing her.
Before I could pull myself together and begin my practiced conversation, Dr.Sandra started the inquiry first, "so you touched that meteor.. hmm..."
"Right" I cleared my throat and again before letting me speak she added further, "they said you were looking for some.... bracelet??" She narrowed her eyes.
I stared at her, that statement and the way she put it, took me into a state of oblivion.
After a pause she continued,"Tarika , I want you to be honest with me, what were you doing there? I know the bracelet story can't be true at all"
"That's true" I myself became confused why was I there in the first place.

"What would you like to order Ma'am?" The waiter asked interupting our conversation.

"Uhh.. tea?" I was confused about what to order.
The waiter smiled with an okay and turned to Sandra, "the usual?"
She nodded.

I underestimated Dr.Sandra, she was more hard to handle than Seetamnari followers.
"What is true?" She quizzed.
I felt like I am in a viva room answering the tricky questions of a strict teacher. And if this meeting was her plan to ask me questions. I pitied myself for practicing that conversation which went all in vain.

"The bracelet... I was there to find my bracelet. That's true", I showed her the bracelet on my wrist.

She observed the bracelet carefully and then asked, "whats so special about this bracelet? Why would you risk your whole life for a mere bracelet?"
She belittled my bracelet enough that even my bracelet could feel the disdain in her tone.

"Firstly, this bracelet is my mom's. I lost all my belongings in the university but this bracelet was something I couldn't let lose. I went there in a hope that I might find it which I did.
Secondly, and most importantly neither I knew nor any of the people working there told me, entering the area was life threatening." I cleared her confusion once and for all.

She nodded and provided me the next quiz I had to solve, "have you felt something unusual after that?"

I didn't know the answer, I remained silent so the question dropped.

She was so confident and stern about herself and her actions. I even forgot for a moment the reason why I wanted to meet her.

"Have you checked your medical since then?" She gave me an easier question She thought I would be able to answer.

"No" now I started to think the meteor was really dangerous.
She rose her eyebrows and I could read her mind through her expressions, which was saying
*how can you be so careless. What kind of doctor you are!*

Before she drowns me in questions of her own I took the chance and quickly mentioned mine, "the ancient city, why is there nothing in history?"
I let her rearrange the words in my sentence that I barely uttered.

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