Chapter 10-Introducing The Hirmanian Kingdom

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That Sanjid-e-Lordem screams again at the university forced me to go back to Seetamnari followers and get the remaining answers. And I was a bit reassured that I didn't have to face the discomfort part this time because I had faced that session already.

Now I wanted to know who was Seetamnari, what was that famous story of him, how did he knew about Sanjid-e-Lordem and why people didn't like him much, too.

Curious personalities never stop adding to their questions series. Something that was already expected.

I went there by the solo up road cab, which I believe is probably invented for a solo traveller like me.

The building was a little distant from the up road cabs network. I walked from there and just like the last time their gateway was open.

I entered through the gate and saw a feminine figure spreading crow feeds on the ground and alot of hungry crows cawing enthusiastically while picking up their meals.

The girl was wearing a red shirt and had a pony tale. I could guess it was Susan from the back.

"Hello! Susan", I called her with the warmth I couldn't believe I had in a dark corner of my dark soul.

She turned and stroked her hair to one side on her shoulder and smiled.

Walked towards me saying, "hi".
"Uhh... hmm" reluctant in speaking.
I paid a smile back.
She said, " I wasn't expecting you so soon"
"Ohh ... then I think I should go back" I ironically turned to go back.
She halted me by holding my arm, "no.. thats not what I meant"
I chuckled and replied, "so you mean you're letting me in, aren't you?"
Her cheeks got pink in embarrasment and she chuckled, "ofcourse.. I am so glad to see you again"
I tried to mock again, "oh are you sure?"

I developed an unbelievably high level of comfort zone with the girl in just one meeting.

We both walked towards building disturbing the crows by their magnificent feast and entered the hall which was lightened this time.

Anthony was sitting in the couch reading a book, so deep that he was unaware of the surrondings completely.

Susan got awkward and called him, "brother" in low volume.
Anthony answered in the same tone,"yes" eyes still glued to his book.
"I think you should see this"
Anthony looked up to find what Susan was talking about and got astonished to see me.
He uttered a shaky hi beneath his breath while Jessica arrived from the other side put a mug on the table infront of Anthony, "here's your coffee Anthony"
And then welcomed me with hospitality.
Came towards me, hugged me, "such a pleasant surprise Tarika"
Beckoned towards the couch wanting me to sit, which I did and then sat next to me.

"You know when you left last time I did a little bit of digging in to you and found out that you touched the source of that blast which destroyed the university" gossiping my story to me as if I didn't know what happened, with exclamations.

I looked down and sighed, "I guess I have become famous"
She laughed, "don't be offensive but you have become famous because of that"
"How did you know about Sanjid-e-Lordem? I mean you don't look like a Seetamnari follower. I guess you don't even know him right"
I shook my head no, "right I don't know him"

With this her husband Arthur came downstair with an announcing hello! to me.

I smiled at him and said "hi"
"Ohh! Did i miss something?" He sat next to Anthony who was still frozen at my presence and wrapped his arm around Anthony's neck.

Anthony looked at me saying,"no but this time Jessica isn't letting her speak" tried to taunt him, with a smirk on his face.

Arthur caressed on the back of his head with his palm with a laughter ignoring the fact that his wife wasnot letting me speak.

"I wasnt expecting you this soon" Arthur leaned on his posture with a smirk.

I smiled, "I guess I should leave" acting innocent.

Susan arrived with two bowls full of manually cut fruits put them on the table and joined the conversation, "no!not at all"
They all laughed together and I got embarassed at disturbing them again and again.

"You shouldn't have bothered" I pointed towards the fruit bowl.

Anthony spoke on her behalf, "its okay, have some" and took a peace of pineapple from the bowl, as if it was easy cutting fruits manually.

Jessica looked more curious than me and she was not liking the off topic conversation so she mentioned, "so.... I was talking about Seetamnari", and pulled everyone's attention towards herself.

Arthur refused on that saying, "no I think she wants to know about Hirmanians"

*okay now what the hell is hirmanians* My confused eyes jumped from Jessica to Arthur, couldn't process what was happening.

Again Susan refused to Arthur saying, "no she wants to know about Sanjid-e-Lordem" and gave me a puppy eyes look. The same confused eyes with a lips parted jumped to Susan.

Jessica got irritated on that, "no Susan we've already done that part"

*they were arguing on something I had to ask without asking me*

I shifted my same look from Jessica to Anthony waiting for his part of the argument.

Anthony chuckled at my look, "no I don't wanna add to this"

Everyone broke into laughter at their own stupidity.

Anthony started speaking sternly, "I think I should explain everything from the beginning"

I nodded happily because I wasn't even sure what I wanted to know. So, to know all is better than the best.

He began with Seetamnari, "Seetamnari was a Saint, philosopher or whatever you like to call him.
He used to write moral full stories which we, specifically being his followers, believe were true.

And most of the morals lied in the presence of God. He believed there is a God and so do we.

As the world has totally became atheist now, no one accepts a religious orthodox around. That's how Seetamnari himself died, he was killed.

And that's the reason why we hide from people, they consider us threat to the modern world's conceptualism."

Things started to make sense as he proceeded.
Why Mayi was insisting on not to harm them?
Why that librarian talked of Seetamnari with hatred?

"The words Sanjid-e-Lordem, as I told you last time were used by Seetamnari in his most popular work.
Well,... popular among us but... yeah whatever." Anthony got confused about the word popular.

"The story is about a kingdom named The Hirmanian Kingdom.
They were 15 in number and they had some super natural powers.
They were prosperous and well civilized as per Seetamnari.
The last one of them became a pride and he thought high of himself.
He considered himself the lord. So, he ordered his people to bow down to him.
Hence, Sanjid-e-Lordem.
And their dynasty was destroyed in a catastrophe right at the moment as a punishment from God."

I nodded as he continued.

"But the most confusing part is I can't see the judgment in your eyes"

My nod halted after a moment when a realized he was talking about my eyes and this sentence was not part of the story.
I got nervous immediately. And confused at the same time.
What judgment!?

A/N:Please Do support cuz I can't continue without motivation. 👉👈

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