A Picture Of 2085

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Year 2085, human discoveries and inventions have almost altered every aspect of nature. As more and more the brain evolves with new ideas, developmental growth is a small word to be used for rapidly changing surroundings.

In 2070, scientists invented a machine that could lower the problem that came along with development and new projects i.e. global warming. Temperature had become a major hurdle in the way of their success.

The machine throws the energetic by product of engines and generators that run the factories, industries and science lab machines, out in space. They considered this a huge victory.

But after a decade they discovered that we were continuously using energy resources from the earth and leaked them out in space which started to lower the earth's core energy and resulted in disastrous earth quakes.
This could one day lead to the destruction of whole planet.
They don't believe in the day of resurrection, or a life after this one.
So, the green chemists proposed a rule to restrict new projects and to use solar energy for most of the purposes.

It slowed down the disasters but I don't understand why are they saving the world. Death is still inevitable then what's the point of keeping the process in-process forever?

A scientist not only require to have a great idea but also with a low cost of energy.
It's too frustrating to have something in mind but cannot give it a practical appearance. Even the attempts to lower the issue are banned because they don't wanna spent energy in an experiment that has the probability of failing which means a total waste.

In order to save natural resources and money, "too much vehicles" have been replaced by up road cabs.
These are small cabins, variable on number of 1 to 5 individuals per cab. They are run by solar energy panels covering its whole body.
As the name indicates, a network of unbreakable wires about 7 meters above the ground are the tracks for these cabs which covers a specific amount of area.

Time travelling and space travelling has increased the length of the chain of question followed by answer followed by another question and so on. Although they haven't found aliens yet but they do have found some other places they think they will colonize there and do the same harshfull things to that planet as they did to planet earth.

Time traveling is past traveling and coming back to present. I don't understand its science thats why I don't know why they can't travel into the future and see the end of their tyranny. But I do know the rules:
1. Cannot travel too much in past because it costs too much energy,
2. Not allowed to change anything in past, it will be disastrous for the present and future.
So, if you have ever felt someone's presence behind you in the dark it's probably a blunt scientist from the future pretending as a ghost because he doesn't want to be fired for letting the pastees know the future.

The concept of countries has been eliminated. There are states controlled by state owners but they don't rule on the crowd, they just maintain the environment.
No boundaries in between which means world travelling doesn't require visa or passport.

Educational standards have become globalized. So, just choose the school you find it's climate your type.

In 2065, Adam Chadwick invented a dummy of ill human for the trainees to practice upon. According to Chadwick, human life is too precious to be risked for unprofessionals' training. Although they were rejected quite soon because humans never present with a single type of disease and also the symptoms vary like finger prints, still they are in use, because after it's invent people can't trust unprofessionals anymore.

I like these dummies more than humans.

A/N:English is not my mother tongue nor our national language which is why I am low on vocabulary and my apologies if I confuse someone with my grammar.
Again feel free to comment, ask anything and voting won't hurt at all. 🤭

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