My hot sister-in-law

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Jimin pov*
My wife yn and her sister seulgi share a large amount of similarities, especially from the back. Both are the same height, same hair, same ass but seulgi has a slightly fatter ass, and the same body language.

So when she was here for a visit and standing one morning in the kitchen, I naturally assumed that it was my wife. Walking up behind her, I pressed my crotch into her ass and reached around, cupping a handful of her tit, and start giving her butterfly kisses around her neck. She then starts moaning which sounded surprisingly more attractive than ever. I could feel myself harden already, not until she squealed and jumped away from my touch.

"Shit!" I exclaimed, "Seulgi, I'm sorry! I thought you were yn!"

She was laughing and catching her breath, "Oh God, jimin, you scared me! I thought my ex was creeping up on me."

We laughed about it, going on with our day, but I never forgot that for that brief second, she pushed back against me and moaned

Over a year later, I had a business trip scheduled for her town so beth suggested that we go together.


"Darling, it's jimin ."

"Hi! What's my favorite brother-in-law up to?"

"Well, I'll be down there next week and wanted to get together for dinner."

"Great! I know a real nice Italian place that you'd love."

"Cool. I'll be staying at the Marriott downtown, so I'll meet you at the restaurant?"

"Marriott? Why not stay here?"

"Well, It's a company trip and..."

"No, I won't hear it. You're family."

"Well, I guess I'll see you Monday."

"See you then! We're gonna have fun!"

And that was that. I cancelled my hotel, printed out a map to get me to and from her place. The accidental grab stirred in the back of my mind, making me remember how much fun it was to see her around the house, so much like yn and so different. She tended to wear soft but clinging lounge wear, which seemed to hang from nipples that never got soft and cling on her curves. Oh and especially when she wears those yoga pants that show the shape of her plump pussy. At the very least I would get a chance to peek and see how much alike she and her sister are.

I landed Monday evening, picked up my rental and drove out to her apartment. She greeted me with a hug and a peck on the cheek. She showed me to the bedroom, causing me to do a doubletake.

"Uh, Seulgi Where are you sleeping?" It was a one bedroom apartment.

"Oh, don't worry about me. I'll sleep on the couch."

"Baby, I can't kick you out of your bed."

"Don't be silly. You're in a strange town and you need to be your best for your meeting. It's a very comfy couch."

"No babygirl, we can share the bed, I'll take a side and you the other"

I unpacked and got ready for bed, soon I was ready for sleep.

"Seulgi baby, it's time for bed" I called for her to come over.

I awoke at one point, feeling my cock hardening. Seoul had her ass pressed against my cock and she was wearing nothing but these booty shorts that hid nothing I could see her pussy peeking and fuck was it wet. She humped her ass back against me and my cock was up in a second. I peeked over to check if she was asleep and she was.

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