Infatuated pt.2

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Pairing: Jimin x Reader, Reader x Seokjin
Genre: Smut, crack.
Warnings: Oral, dirty talk, unprotected sex, facial.

You had imagined this day so many times that it was almost too hard to make yourself not think about spending time with Jin. You had seen him on a few dates before – accidentally, mind you – and rather than a bout of jealousy you'd felt determination course through your veins to be the girl in those fancy café couches that Seokjin always took his dates to. And that's not too off the typical chain of thoughts and emotions someone feels after seeing their crush on a date with another girl. Not weird at all. Yeah sure you got yelled at by Sana to snap out of it and stop being a sociopath but there was nothing sociopathic about a crush!

"Yes it is! Especially when you look like you're about to go to a business meeting than a date." You groan for the hundredth time it seems, smoothing down the formal blouse you wore on top of your formal-ish pencil skirt. You needed to look put together and like someone Seokjin could see himself bring to his future meetings for his future career. Ugh, why couldn't Sana have an equally intense infatuation with someone like you did?

"Not infatuation either. You seem even more uninterested in the romantic aspect of dating Seokjin-ssi than before." Great. You were thinking out loud and Sana was more annoying than a mom sending her teenage daughter off to prom.

"What even happened last night anyway? How did your clothes not dry in a whole night?" Her furrowed eyebrows underneath her glasses has you scrambling your brain to find something else to throw her way before her stupidly beautiful big brain put two and two together.

"Uhh I just took another swim afterwards until late night so they never dried properly I guess." Your nonchalance is commendable – you've got to say because Sana is only mulling your explanation in her head for another 5 seconds before the sound of your phone buzzing has you both distracted.

"Is it him again?" Sana's arms are crossed as she watches you check your messages and the smile on your face confirms it all.

"He's leaving his place now."

"You guys aren't going together? He literally lives like two buildings away." Oh boy. Now you have more explaining to do.

"No." Shrugging your shoulders casually, you hope her inquisitive and protective personality doesn't get in the way of your date. "He's with Yoongi right now and I'm sure he doesn't want to let him know about us yet."


"Ugh. Sana, give it a rest will you." You finally break your silent composure and face her cross armed figure that looms behind you like an over-protective mother. "It's not that big of a deal. I'm an independent woman. I can handle going to the local café by myself." The sweet smile you send her way isn't enough to change her opinion about your date with Seokjin but you can see her finally relenting and that's all you care about.

"Fine whatever. But seriously," she continues to drill the same words in you as you walk past her to fetch your booties that matched your outfit perfectly. Not too formal and not too informal. "I still don't understand why you have to wear... that!"

She's pointing her finger at you accusingly but thankfully you're almost out of the door. Turning around for the last time before you left though, you take a hold of her shoulders in hopes of getting through to her anxieties about your 'sham' of a date with Seokjin - to her anyway.

"Sana, I get that you don't approve of this sudden...change in events but maybe he genuinely has gotten the vibe from me you know?"

"I don't." She deadpans.

"Don't be such a party pooper!" You don't care that you probably sound like a child whining – cutely you hope – while you attack her with cuddles again and she unsuccessfully tries to wiggle out of your embrace.

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