Lap dance?

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Summary: It started out with agreeing to stay, and then agreeing to get the private lap dance. But you never expected to see him afterwards, and out of all places it had to be at the family get together.

"That's it, get the fuck out of bed." You heard before your arm was being pulled so that your body fell half off of the mattress. Your eyes widened and you grabbed onto the side table to keep yourself up. "Are you going to make me pick you up? Because I will."
"Fuck off, Hoseok. I'm trying to sleep,"
You heard a snort before the blankets were being pulled off of you and thrown to the other end of the room. You whined and folded in on yourself to try and keep the warmth, but it wasn't working. "You have to get up."
"Can I not just sleep today and get up tomorrow?" You asked him. You had finally opened your eyes to take a peak, the frown on his face making you frown as well.
At your question he shook his head and pulled some clothes from your closet, throwing them over at you, "These are good for where we're going."
"Where exactly is that?" You questioned, picking up the clothes. It was just a casual pair of black skinny jeans and your favorite shirt, but the shoes that he pulled out next made you worry. "High heels? Why?"
He didn't reply, instead he pulled you up along with your clothes and pushed you into the bathroom. "Shower, smelly."
"I do not smell, I've only been in bed for like a day and a half."
He shut the door in your face and you rolled your eyes. How he expected you to get ready without knowing where you were going was beyond you, but you jumped into the shower and started washing anyway.
When you were finished you got out, drying off and getting dressed before suddenly the door was opening again, "Do you know how to knock?"
"It's not like I haven't seen you naked before," He replied.
"Excuse me, when did you see me naked?"
He froze for a second and then jumped up onto the counter beside where you were getting ready, "Let's not talk about that."
"You're so greasy, why are you even in here right now?"
"I'm not greasy," He chuckled, "Are you almost ready? We're gonna be late."
You glared at him, you had no makeup on and your hair was still wet. "What does it look like?"
"Can you hurry then?" He suddenly jumped down, walking to the other room, but not before turning around to say one last thing, "Go heavy on the makeup."
Two hours later and you were standing outside of a club with him, anxiety in the pit of your stomach. You hadn't been to a club in a while and you were not one for one night stands, which is exactly the reason he was bringing you here. "Hobi, can we just go somewhere else? Buy me clothes instead of drinks, that would be so much better."
"Nah, I have a feeling you'll like this." He smirked.
"I have a feeling that I won't, like I'll actually probably hate it."
He rolled his eyes, pulling you forward as the line started to move, not even bothering to reply to you.
Only two weeks had gone by since you broke up with your boyfriend, and you had spent every last second hidden in your bedroom, so you understood why he wanted to bring you out, but you still felt kinda of silly. You couldn't push away the feeling that you shouldn't be here, that it was wrong to try and get over him so quickly after breaking up, but you knew that wasn't right and it was his fault that you were over. He did cheat, after all.
You finally got to the front of the line with him and he tightened his hold on your hand before paying entrance and dragging you inside. As soon as the doors opened, music blasted into your ears and lights blinded you, but the first thing that really popped out was the half naked men and women walking everywhere. Your eyes widened and you stopped in the spot, pulling at his arm to try and get him to turn around. "You idiot!"
He smirked, pulling you towards him and getting closer to your ear so that you could hear him. "You need to chill out, let's go get a drink."
"You brought me to a strip club," You said, quite obviously.
Your eyes wandered to the people walking in front of you, guys in small thongs handing out drinks and girls dancing on poles. One of them met your eye and you looked away quickly, making Hoseok laugh in your ear. "Come on, just give it a chance. Get a few drinks in you and maybe you'll change your mind."
"I hate you,"
He grinned and you let him walk you over to the bar, your hands still intertwined together so that you wouldn't get lost in the big group of people.
You both sat down next to each other and he ordered your drinks as you glanced around again. Sure, the guys were attractive, like really attractive, but you had no idea how you even got a boyfriend in the first place considering how socially awkward you were so there was no way you were going to be going near them tonight.
"Enjoying the view?" Hoseok asked from beside you as he handed you your drink.
You glanced at him and then brought the cup to your lips before replying, "They're hot but enjoying the view is all I'm gonna do, I'm not sticking money in their g-string if that's what you're thinking."
He laughed and the grin on his face was blinding, "It's okay, I think the shows starting soon and maybe you'll change your mind."
"I won't be changing my mind," You assured.
He shrugged, "That's fine. I'll do it for you."
"What? Stick money in g-strings?" You said, he nodded his head. Of course he would be, because just like you said earlier, he was greasy. You laughed and took another sip, and then another, and within a few minutes it was all gone and Hoseok was passing you another. "You're such a bad influence, making me drink to get over my problems."
"It's not to get over your problems, (Y/N) I'm just trying to help you have some fun, it's the start of you getting better."
His words got to you, and even though you didn't want to be here right now you knew that he was right. You did need to have some fun.
Suddenly the music stopped and someone was coming onto the stage to talk to the DJ, but you couldn't even look to see what was going on before Hobi was grabbing your hand and dragging you to a table closer to the stage. "Wait wait, why are we getting so close?"
"You don't want to miss it, do you?" He replied. He sat down and you reluctantly followed, glancing over to the stage again.
A brunette with a tall build made their way to the front of the stage with a seductive smirk pulling at their lips, and then the music started again, louder than before, to the point where you could feel the table vibrating under you. You looked over at hoseok, who had a huge grin on his face as he watched what was about to happen, and then the guy started dancing. Your eyes wandered back to him and didn't leave as he started body rolling and moving his body to the music. He was good, and pretty attractive, but it wasn't really catching your attention and you inwardly cringed as his clothes started coming off. "This is so weird."
He looked over at you and rolled his eyes, "Give it some time, maybe you just aren't into the guy."
You sighed dramatically and leaned your elbow onto the table so that you could rest your cheek on your hand. You brought the cup to your lips again and just continued drinking, letting your thoughts wander to other things. Sure, you may have only broke up with your boyfriend a week ago, but you hadn't had sex in almost a six months, you were counting; You should of been feeling at least something, but maybe he was right, you just didn't like the guy.
Eventually another came on, and then another and you continued getting drinks and not having any interest. "Hobi we've been here for like an hour and I haven't liked any of them?"
As you were talking there was a guy coming up to the table with a drink, handing it to Hobi slowly with his eyebrow raised. You saw his eyes move down the guys body and he smirked before slipping some money into his g-string.
You grinned at his bold move and then he was walking away again and Hoseok turned his head to look at you, "You see?"
"What?" You laughed.
"I wasn't even into that guy, but I'm having fun. You should try it."
You rolled your eyes playfully, "Yeah? Then why did it look like you wanted to jump him when he started walking over here?"
"I'm drunk, I'd gladly jump on anyone right now." He said nonchalantly.
You chuckled again, because you knew he was all talk. He had never had a one night stand before, and neither have you; He might be a flirt but he didn't really go anywhere with it, usually.
The next dancer came onto the stage and you sighed again, because this one wasn't even attractive at all. "I'm going to get another drink,"
"Just wait for the guy to come around." He replied without looking at you. He was too busy checking out someone's ass across the room, you assumed.
You shook your head, even though he couldn't see you, "I don't wanna look him in the eye he's practically naked, thank you."
You heard laughs coming from him as you got up from the chair and slowly made your way towards the bar.
Dodging the random dancing people through out the room was frustrating, but soon enough you were sitting down again and putting your face in your hands. After a few seconds you pulled your face up to order a drink, and found the bartender already looking at you with a smirk on his face.
"Not having a good time?" He asked.
You smiled sheepishly, "Is it that obvious?"
"Kind of, did someone force you to come?" He started pouring a drink for someone else but he kept glancing up at you as he did it.
You nodded your head and his smile grew, "It's almost over, and if it makes you feel any better, that girl over there just got slapped in the face with a dick, so you should consider yourself lucky – I'm Namjoon, by the way."
"Are you serious? That is so nasty." You laughed, "I'm (Y/N)"
The grin was still on his face, and you noticed that he had cute dimples on both cheeks. "So what can I get you?" He asked, startling you out of the little staring session you were having.
"Just a water, please."
He nodded and got you a bottle from under the bar, "It's on me, don't worry about it."
"Are you sure?" You asked.
He hummed in response and then pointed to the stage, "You should head back to your table, the best part's coming up."
You smiled, "Are you being sarcastic?"
"No, seriously," He said to you, handing someone else their drink. "He's everyone's favorite, he's pretty good."
You shrugged and got up, "What do I have to lose, honestly."
He chuckled, "It was nice meeting you."
"You too," You said before walking back to the table that Hoseok was still sitting at, but now he was moving his body to the beat and holding up his drink, waving it around in the air. You grinned and sat down next to him just as the guy finished his dance and headed off the stage, just for all of the lights to turn off. Everyone started yelling and then the club was dimly lit up again and music started playing softly. Your eyes stayed on the stage and then someone was walking out with a mic in their hand.
"Is everyone having fun tonight?" He yelled into it.
You cringed and looked down at your water bottle, taking a sip from it.
"Okay, well we have something new for you guys tonight. One of everyone's favorite's is going to be giving a private lap dance after the show to the lucky girl or guy who catches his thigh garter!"
Everyone's yells filled through the club and you cringed, yet again.
The guy chuckled into the microphone, "Everyone welcome, J.STEEL!"
He ran off of the stage and you took another sip of your water before the music stopped and another song was put on, but louder this time. You were kind of curious, since Namjoon said that he was everyone's favorite, but at the same time you were seriously considering going back to the bar to just chat with the bartender. You were quickly startled out of that thought, though, as he walked out or more like flipped out onto the stage.
He had short tight shorts on and his thighs were bulging out of them, thick and drool worthy with a garter tightened around the left one. As he started moving his body you noticed that wasn't the only impressive thing about him; His ass was gorgeous, and the large bulge in the front of his shorts had you breathing heavier. Your eyes traveled up his body, and then he was taking his shirt off and you came to the conclusion that he probably had the most gorgeous body you've ever seen. You looked up at his face next and your breath was stolen from your lungs, his thick lips and round cheeks making you feel some type of way. He thrust his hips forward along to the beat, and then got slower, biting his lip and staring seductively out at the audience.
You noticed his dancing was a lot better than the others, like he had been doing it for a long time and you wondered if he was just used to the job, or he danced outside of it and that was one of his hobbies. Leave it to you to wonder about a strippers outside life as you're watching him rip his clothes off.
His eyes suddenly met yours and your breath hitched as he continued staring at you, smirking. He was on the ground now, body rolling as if he was fucking someone and you had to close your legs, rubbing your thighs together uncomfortably.
You could feel Hoseok's eyes on you, but you kept them glued to the man on the stage. He looked away from you, putting his attention towards another girl that was on the other side of the club. He got up from the ground, slowly starting to pull his shorts down as he body rolled and you had to cover your face to hide the blush that was forming on your cheeks. Damn your sexually deprived body for everything that you were feeling.
He had a thong on underneath the shorts and you breathed out, peaking between your fingers.
His entire butt was visible now, smooth skin there for your eyes to stare at and you almost died when he turned back around, but this time instead of looking at you he let himself fall back onto his hand and started thrusting into the air, using his free hand to grab himself and literally rub his cock through the thin material of the thong. Your lips parted in surprise and you almost moaned at the sight of it, but you held yourself back.
"Are you about to nut?" Hoseok randomly asked from beside you. You kicked him under the table and blushed harder,
He started laughing and you hid your face again, "Shut the fuck up."
"Okay okay, sorry," He said through his laughs. "Just watch, I think he's about to throw the Garter."
You didn't have to be told twice, you could of watched him dance forever and not gotten bored of it. He moves were like magnets, and you were being pulled towards him. He slowly started pulling the garter down his thigh and the screams in the room grew louder, knowing exactly what was happening. You felt your heart speed up a little, maybe at the idea of someone else catching it and getting that private dance, or it could of possibly been the idea of you catching it; You had no idea what you would do if you got alone with him.
Probably die, or maybe nut on the spot.
When it was fully pulled off of his leg he started smirking again as he looked around the room. He did a few more body rolls and then threw it, making your eyes widen in surprise when you realized it was coming your way. If you lifted your hand you could catch it. Your breath caught in your throat and then before you could even do anything Hoseok was reaching up to grab it, but instead of holding it in his hand he swatted it your way and it landed right on your lap. Your eyes widened slightly and you lifted it up, staring at it in your fingers. Hobi had a look of mock disappointment on his face as if he didn't just do that on purpose and then your eyes traveled up again, locking eyes with the man on the stage. He smiled seductively before turning around to go backstage and then the music changed to something else and the lights went back on like they were before, still dimmed but brighter than when he was dancing.
You looked down at your hands again, checking out the garter that you were still holding. "Hoseok,"
"Why the hell did you do that," You pouted. No matter how much you wanted to go back there, the anxiety was real.
He took the garter from you, bringing it up to his face so that he could see it better. "Did you see the way he was looking at you? And then he threw it straight in your direction, he obviously wanted you to catch it."
"It's his job to look at me like that." You replied. "You go in for me, okay?"
"What?" He shook his head and put the garter back in your hands. "As much as I would love to, I'm not going to do that."
You could see someone walking towards you, and you recognized him as one of the guys who were handing out drinks tonight but now he was fully dressed.
His eyes traveled to the garter in your hands and then he smiled, "Come with me, I'll bring you to J."
"...Um." You looked over at Hobi and he motioned for you to get up, so you did. You walked around the table and the guy put his hand out, looking at you expectantly. You didn't move though, and then you felt hands on your back, pushing you towards him. He chuckled as you stumbled forward and then intertwined your fingers with his own before walking back towards the entrance for backstage.
You looked back at Hoseok and he sat there with two thumbs up and a huge grin on his face. You were definitely going to kill him later.
When you looked forward again you were walking through a door. It led to a room with more doors on one side, and then on the other side you saw all of the dancers from earlier taking off their makeup, except for one.
"What's your name, babe?" The brunette who was holding your hand asked. "I'm Kookie."
You looked up at his bunny like smile, "I'm (Y/N)"
"Is this your first time?" He asked.
You nodded and he took his hand out of yours, putting it on your lower back instead. "You'll be fine, I'm sure he'll be gentle."
"Gentle?" You asked nervously. All he did was smile before opening one of the doors that were lining the walls.
"You can wait in here for J, I'll let him know you're ready."
You nodded and walked into the room, sitting down on a couch that was placed next to a small DJ looking area. This was probably where they did all of their lap dances, and you cringed at that thought, not wanting to know what had happened on the couch before you had sat on it.
Your thoughts were interrupted by the door opening and when you turned your head you saw him walking in, a smile on his face when he saw you looking. The first thing you noticed was that he had clothes on now, a pair of dark wash jeans with rips in the thighs and a black baggie tank top that hung low, showing off his sides. His hair was still up, dark and slicked back but it looked like he had wiped off the sweat that had built up on his skin when he was dancing. You didn't even realize you were staring so intently until you looked up and saw him smirking at you, a knowing look in his eyes.
You blushed and looked down, rubbing your sweaty hands on the thighs of your pants. You could hear him walking towards you now but you were too nervous to even check, keeping your eyes on the ground.
"Baby girl, you can look at me all you want, I don't mind." He finally said, breaking the silence. Your breath hitched at the sound of his voice. It didn't sound like you imagined a few minutes ago, but instead it was a bit higher and had a melodic tone to it. You found yourself wondering if there was anything about him that wasn't pure perfection.
You didn't respond, because you didn't know what to say, and soon enough he was standing right in front of you and putting his finger under your chin. He lifted your head up to look at him and you blinked a few times.
"You're cute, what's your name, love?" He asked you, his head tilted and the smirk still on his face. The intimacy in his stare was almost too much, sending a shiver down your spine that you easily hid from him.
You let out a short breath and tried to smile back, which was considerably hard with his finger still on your chin and the close proximity of your bodies, "I'm – Uhm, (Y/N)"
"That's a pretty name," He replied without a beat. You gave him a genuine smile now and he smiled back.
He suddenly turned around, going over to the little DJ booth in the corner. He pushed a button, soft music immediately making it's way through the room. It wasn't fast and loud like what was on earlier, but instead it was slow and sensual, and low enough that you could still hear him breathing when he walked over to you and got close again.
Without warning his body started slowly moving, kind of like he was experimenting at first with how you would react. Your eyes followed him and even though you were a bit startled at first you couldn't deny the way his movements were making you feel, and he hadn't even done anything yet, really. You were screwed.
He studied your face, biting his lip slightly as he looked at you and you backed up on the couch a little bit to give him more room. He apparently took that as an invitation to get closer, – Not that you were complaining, and spread your legs slightly before putting his hands on the back of the couch for leverage. He slowly moved so that his body was practically on top of yours without touching and started body rolling again, but this time he was only a sliver away and the movement caused a very visible shiver to run through your body.
"You don't mind me being this close, right?" He asked you, bringing you out of the little drunken spell you were in. You looked up at him and shook your head and his lip curved up a bit in the corner, barely noticeable. "Be vocal, baby."
You were still nervous, but you forced the words out. "No, I don't mind."
"What don't you mind?" He asked.
"I don't mind you being this close to me,"
He hummed and rolled his body, emphasizing the thrust. Even though he wasn't touching you it was almost like you could feel him. "Then you wouldn't mind if I got closer, am I right?"
You shook your head quickly, surprised by your own reaction to him. You were almost convinced that as soon as you got in here you were going to be nervous as hell and not be into it at all, but boy were you wrong. You were nervous, but you were definitely into it, you could tell by the way your underwear was getting sticky, and your thighs were begging to be rubbed together for some type of friction. Except his body was kind of stopping that from happening.
You definitely wanted him closer, you would beg for it if you had to.
He chuckled lowly and put his hands higher on the couch, moving his body towards you slowly until finally he was close enough to feel you. He pushed his hips into yours and you gasped at the feeling. He was half hard already, and the fact that you were having the same effect on him gave you a bit of confidence. You used your feet to hook against his thighs and attempt to push him harder into you, to feel him more, but as soon as you did, a smirk took over his face again and he pulled back, making a 'tsk' noise. "Uh uh, sorry sweetheart, you're only allowed to watch."
"But, you... –" You started but stopped before saying anything more, your nerves taking over again from the slight rejection.
He put his finger under your chin again, "Don't pout, cutie. It's not my rules."
You didn't know how anyone would know if he even broke the rules, but you nodded anyway. You should of probably slowed down anyway, considering you would most likely end up wanting more, and you didn't come here to have a one night stand with someone you didn't know.
He was about to say something, but instead he pressed his lips back together and then smirked again, going back to exactly where he was before, except this time he wasn't touching you again and he was dancing with his back to you, giving you a great view of his ass through his jeans.
When he turned back around he grinned at your facial expression, but somehow it was still seductive and made your stomach swirl. The moves he was making were still effecting you but you could somehow tell that he was holding back – Not that you would mention it.
You watched as he continued, and then brought his hands down to the edge of his shirt and pulled it up and over his head, leaving him in just his skinny jeans. You had seen him shirtless earlier but now that he was in front of you, close enough to touch, and it was only you two, it was more sensual and you got a little bit frustrated that you weren't allowed to reach forward and feel his smooth skin under your fingers.
"You like what you see?" He asked.
You slowly nodded, a blush forming on your cheeks again. The way his hips were moving were adding to the already dirty thoughts in your head and you found yourself pushing your legs together. You were definitely going to go home and be sexually frustrated for a whole week after this, and it was decided right then that you were definitely going to kill Hoseok.
"Hmm, I like what I see too, sweetheart." He said, looking down at the way your thighs were rubbing together. You stopped your movement immediately and he smirked, suddenly putting his hands on your thighs to make them move in the same way that they were before, "Don't stop."
He suddenly stood straight in front of you, bringing his hand to the visible bulge in his jeans before starting to palm himself. Your eyes widened in surprise and the sight sent a jolt of pleasure straight to your core, but the words that you were thinking were stuck in the back of your throat, not daring to come out.
"You know, babe.. It's taking everything in me right now not to let you touch me." He almost moaned out, his voice a little deeper and huskier than before. "I'm thinking about maybe breaking the rules a little bit."
"What?" You asked in a breathy tone. Your voice seemed to make his hand speed up a little bit, and your eyes followed the movement.
"I want to do more than  let you touch me, actually."
He sighed loudly, eyeing you up and down until suddenly his eyes flashed over to the door. You were wondering what he was looking at but your questions were answered as he walked over, turning the lock with a click before making his way towards you again.
The small simple sound made your clit pulse, the promise behind the action making your mind reel with all the possibilities. You were literally just saying a minute ago that you didn't want to have a one night stand, but you had the worst self control, especially after it had been so long since you got any.
He sat down on the couch for the first time, looking over at you expectantly and when you didn't move he pat your thigh, "Get on my lap, baby."
Your breath hitched but you did as you were told and got on your knee's, putting one thigh on either side of him before your crotch was hovering over his. You didn't dare sit straight down yet, and he smiled at how nervous that you still were even though you were the one who tried to pull him closer just mere minutes ago.
"You haven't said much," He pointed out, "What do you want?"
Your heart sped up, because something in his eye told you that he was going to make you say it, and you never were one for dirty talk; It always made you shy. "The same things you want," You replied instead.
His plump lips curved up in a slight smirk, "And what do you think I want?"
You breathed in, and instead of answering you lowered yourself onto his lap and ground into him. You could feel everything even through both of your jeans and it made you gasp.
He let out a low moan, and you noticed the surprise on his face but he didn't waste any time as his hands suddenly came to your hips and pulled you even closer into him, thrusting up into you. A noise slipped from your lips, maybe a little bit too loud considering people were taking their makeup off right outside the door and he suddenly had his hand over your mouth. "You have to be quiet, (Y/N) We wouldn't want to get caught, would we?"
"No," You said through another breathy moan as you brought yourself down onto his lap, harder this time. His hard cock had to be uncomfortable in his tight pants, but he didn't seem to mind as he moved in time with you. He removed his hand from your mouth, putting it back onto your hip and continued to move, hitting your clit whenever he bucked up in a certain angle. You were out of breath, and you let another sound slip from your lips on accident. The thought of someone hearing you both made you nervous and turned you on, but you really didn't want to have to stop so you brought your face down and pushed it into the crevice of his neck, trying to muffle your sounds.
He ran one hand through your hair, keeping you in place and used the other one to pull you closer whenever he would thrust up. The pleasure was seeping through your whole body, making you feel things you hadn't in a long time.
You reached down, feeling for the button on his pants and you were about to undo it when his hands landed on yours, "Is someone a little eager?"
"Yes," You admitted, pulling your face out of his neck for a moment to look at him. "I want to feel you, for real."
He raised his eyebrows, almost looking surprised and then he started cursing under his breath. "I want the same thing, but I don't have a condom, and I would definitely get fired if anyone found out that I slept with you."
He didn't have a condom. Disappointment washed over you and then he shook his head, the smirk falling onto his lips again. "Don't worry, baby. I'll still make you feel good."
He grabbed hold of your thighs, and pushed you backwards before lifting you onto one of his thighs instead of his lap, "What are you doing?"
"You'll see," He replied.
He brought two fingers up to your mouth, tapping your bottom lip for you to part them and when you did he slid them in, "Close your lips around my fingers, sweetheart. It'll keep you quiet for what's about to happen."
For what's about to happen?
Excitement shot through you and you did as you were told, closing your lips around his fingers. Suddenly he was pushing you down with his free hand, and at the same time he flexed his thigh, moving it against your core just right. Your clit hitting a fold in his jeans, making even more pleasure shoot through you. As he continued you just kept getting wetter, and wetter and the stickiness got more and more uncomfortable, but that was the last thing on your mind as he was suddenly bringing his free hand from your hip and unbuttoning the front of your pants. He raised a suggestive eyebrow at you and then slid in down the front, straight into your underwear to let his fingers slip between your folds. He groaned lowly in his throat, trying to stay quiet and you could literally see the annoyance in his eyes at that moment, at the fact that he had to hold back. "You're so wet, how are you this wet?"
You couldn't reply with his fingers in your mouth, so he pulled them out for a second and you smirked towards him, confidence building up inside of you. "I've been wet since the moment you walked out on stage earlier."
"Jesus Christ," He breathed, sticking his fingers back in between your lips. He brought his hand out of your underwear and instead brought his fingers to his tongue, tasting you, causing a quiet moan to fall from his mouth. "Why couldn't I of met you somewhere else?"
He didn't give you the time to reply before he was pushing his thigh up again, and you flew forward, grabbing hold of his shoulders to keep you steady. You moaned around his fingers and then continued moving your hips, pushing your heat into his thigh over and over again until you could feel more and more heat building up in your stomach to the point where you knew you were close.
You looked up at him, his eyes blown and his hair sticking to his forehead from the sweat that was forming on his skin. He still hadn't even taken himself out of his pants and you almost drooled at the thought of what his cock would look like, thick, red and angry from having to wait to be touched. You groaned again and he pushed his palm into the crotch of his pants right before a knock was heard on the door, hard and nonstop. Your eyes widened and so did his before he stopped your movements and cursed under his breath, "Shit, times up."
He pulled his fingers out of your mouth, wiping them on the material of his pants, and then with his free hand he put a finger up to his lips, telling you to be quiet. "There's a time limit?" You whispered.
He nodded and frowned, clearly arguing with himself in his mind over what he should do, but in the end he was putting his hands on your waist and moving you from his lap. He got up, grabbing the shirt from the floor to slide it on before looking over at you, "Sorry, baby girl."
He turned around again and opened the door, and there stood Kookie with a big bunny grin on his face.
"Hey sweetie, was he gentle?" He asked, chuckling under his breath.
J had a smirk playing along his lips again and you blushed before making your way forward to get out of the room.
"Your friend is waiting outside for you, said he needed some air."
You nodded and mumbled a thank you before walking off, faster than you normally would. You looked back once to see J staring at you, causing you to realize that you didn't even know his real name. You sighed and turned back around before continuing to walk.
When you got outside Hoseok greeted you with a huge grin, "So, how was it?"
"Let's not talk about it," You said immediately, "Grab a taxi, will you?"
His eyebrow raised in confusion but he did as you said, surprisingly. He would most definitely bring it up again later, but you could come up with a lie by then.
After waving down the taxi, you both got into it and you had to deal with him looking at you for the whole car ride home, but when you finally did arrive you didn't give him any time to say anything and instead you made your way to your room, locking the door as soon as you entered.
You let out a big sigh, plopping down onto your bed before eyeing the clock on the side table, '2:34 am' You let out a groan and kicked your legs in frustration before laying your head on your pillow. You could shower and change in the morning, but right now you just wanted to sleep it off.
It had been a week since you were at the strip club, and after Hobi's constant bugging, you ended up telling him the truth about what happened. He was absolutely thrilled until you got to the part about being interrupted.
You figured it was probably for the best anyway that you got interrupted.
Since that day the only things you've been able to think about is J and his heavenly thighs. Not that your ex boyfriend had completely left your mind, because you definitely still thought about him and you still had a small pit of emptiness in your stomach whenever he came up in your thoughts, but you literally couldn't stop thinking about the thought of J being inside of you, and it was becoming a problem.
If you actually did get to experience it, know the actual feeling of him ramming himself into you, you probably would of been back at the strip club already, not being able to hold yourself back, so it was a good thing, or that's what you were telling yourself anyway.
You shook those thoughts out of your head, putting on the last bit of makeup before walking out of your bedroom again. A couple days ago you got a call from your mom saying that she was having a family and friend get together, and apparently you had to come. The only good thing about going back home was that you got to see the next door neighbor and one of your really good friends, Yoongi; But other than that, your mother would bitch at you, and your sister was a spoiled brat.
You could see Hoseok laying on the couch, game controller in his hand and you walked over, plopping down next to him.
"You should really come with me today,"
He snorted, only sending a glance your way before looking back at the television. You knew he was going to say no already, the last time you went he had to hide from your sister who had a big crush on him, and even though you thought it was amusing at the time, you were regretting not doing anything about it now. "I think I'll pass, your sister creeps me out."
"So you're going to let me suffer alone?" You asked with a pout on your lips. He simply nodded his head continuing on with the game he was playing and you rolled your eyes, "I'll remember that next time you want something."
"Mhm," He hummed carelessly.
You groaned and got up from the couch, going over to the door to slip your shoes on. "By the way, I borrowed your eyeliner, but now that you're being a dick I'm not giving it back."
He looked over but before he could object, you walked out of the door and straight to your car, driving off to your childhood home.
You pulled up at the house, multiple cars already parked out front. You recognized some of them as family, but other's you had never seen before. You pulled out your phone quickly, looking through the contracts until you finally came across Yoongi's number.
  You: Did my mom invite you today?
  Yoongi: Yeah but I have an appointment in like thirty minutes so I can't come
  You: So you're telling me I have to go through this alone?????
  Yoongi: Try living next to her.
  Yoongi: No offence
  You: Are you forgetting I had to live with her for years? She's the devil
  You: are you still home? I'm coming over there
You didn't wait for his reply and put the phone into your back pocket before getting out of the car. You could see his in the driveway so you made your way over to his door and knocked. Within seconds it opened up and you saw him standing here, "I have to leave in a few minutes,"
"Well, hi to you too." You replied before pulling him into a hug. "What appointment do you even have? Can't you cancel?"
You had your lip out in a pout and he gave you a dirty look before chuckling, "I can't, my friend got me some time in the studio."
"Oh seriously?" You smiled, "What are you recording?"
He opened the door more so that you could walk in and you followed him to the living room, plopping down on the couch. You spent most of your childhood in this house and it was a lot more like a second home to you then the one next door.
"Remember when I called you last week and played you the rough version of that song I've been going on about?"
You nodded and he continued, "Well yeah, I've been telling Jin about it and he said he could get me some time in his dad's studio to record it for real."
"That's so cool," You said, "I guess I understand why you can't stay, but honestly next time if you don't I'm gonna kick you in the balls."
He laughed and grabbed his jacket off of the love seat in front of you, "Yeah I kind of have to go now."
"What? It's been like a minute." You frowned.
"I've never been to the studio so I wanna go early in case I get lost," He told you, already walking to the front door. You followed him and he grabbed the spare key off of the key holder, handing it to you. "In case you need to get away from everyone over there."
"You're the bomb."
He smiled before walking out the door and you followed him, locking it behind you before watching him drive away. Now you had no choice but to go over there. You sighed and made your way down the porch steps, the wind blowing through your hair, making it a bit messy. Your mom would definitely be bitching about that as soon as you walked through those gates to the backyard.
They were all back there, and you could hear them talking amongst each other, so you took a few steps forward and then walked through, your eyes landing on your younger sister straight away. She was laughing with someone that you recognized as one of her friends but as soon as you tried to walk to the food table her eyes flew in your direction, a grin appearing on her face.
You watched as she said something else to her friend and then started walking towards you, "(Y/N)!"
"Hey," You said in a bored tone. She instantly rolled her eyes at you and you continued on to the food table, grabbing a brownie from one of the plates.
"Just a heads up, moms gonna try to set you up with someone today."
Your eyebrows raised in surprise. It wasn't anything new, but you expected her to at least wait a little while longer. "Who?"
"He's the son of one of her friends and he's fucking hot, and way out of your league." She frowned, "I don't know why mom's not setting him up with me instead of you, to be honest."
This right here was exactly why you didn't like coming over. You rolled your eyes and shoved some of the brownie into your mouth, "Don't you have a boyfriend?"
"We broke up the other day, and I could really use a good rebound right now."
You let out a frustrated sigh and ignored her words, stacking different foods onto your plate. If anything was going to get you through this it was eating. By the time you turned around she was already gone, talking to someone else and you felt a weight being lifted off of your shoulders until all of a sudden your mom was in front of you, grinning. "Ah, you're here!"
"Hey, mom." You put on a smile and put your plate down for a second to give her a hug. When you pulled away you picked it back up and she eyed it for a second with a disapproving look in her eye.
"Isn't that too much food, sweetie?" She asked.
You shook your head and she shrugged it off, changing the subject. "My friend's going to be here soon, and I think you should talk to her son."
"Why?" You asked, even though you already knew the answer.
She shrugged nonchalantly, trying to act innocent. "I just think you guys would get along, and he's single."
"I don't need a boyfriend, I literally just broke up with Taehyung." You said, his name tasting bitter on your tongue, it was the first time you really said it since you found him cheating on you. 
"Can you at least say hi and give it a chance?" She asked in a pleading tone. You didn't know why she wanted you to meet him so bad, but you agreed anyway and she clapped her hands. "Perfect, I'm sure he'll be here soon and then I'll introduce you two."
"Okay," You said reluctantly before digging into your plate. You thought about maybe taking it over to Yoongi's and just eating there to run away from all of this, but part of you was a little curious about this guy, since your sister seemed to think he was way out of your league. Your mom turned around again to greet somebody that was walking into the backyard and you made your way over to a table on the other side of the yard, sitting down. If you were going to have to meet this guy then you might as well relax for a bit beforehand.
You took out your phone, typing out a few quick messages to Hobi.
   You: honestly I should of faked sick today
   You: She's trying to introduce me to a guy
   You: Which apparently is way out of my league according to my sister
   You: HELP
   Hobi: maybe he can help you get over the burning sexual frustration that J.Steel gave you ;) Can't talk right now tho
  You: first you won't come and now you won't text me???? why are you even my best friend
  Hobi: You love me
You sighed, shoving another one bite brownie into your mouth right before your mom came jogging over to you with a bright smile, "He just got here."
You looked around, not seeing anybody new, "Where is he?"
"They just pulled up, but you should be ready to say hi – Here, let me fix your hair," She suddenly had her hands in your hair, trying to make it neat and you pulled away with a frown on your face, "Fine, then just swallow that brownie and follow me, okay?"
She took the plate of food from your hands and put it down on the table before grabbing your wrist and dragging you to the bigger table in the middle of the yard where mostly everyone was sitting. You sat with your back to the gate and your mom cleverly put her purse on the seat next to you before going around the table to sit on the other side of it.
"Okay, he just walked in, act casual,"
You rolled your eyes, because she was the one not acting casual, but you didn't say anything and instead just sat there a bit nervously. Within seconds your mom was looking up with a big smile on her face, "Oh hello! I'm glad you guys could come."
"It's been a while," A familiar voice said and instantly you were more nervous without even knowing why. You looked up to find him already looking at you, a shocked expression on his face that matched the one that was on yours now.
There he was, the guy that's been on your mind since last week, standing in front of you with his mom. J.Steel. What were the fucking chances.
"(Y/N)?" He asked in a surprised tone.
Your name on his lips made you feel some type of way, the fact that he actually remembered who you were was surprising as well, considering all the girls he probably deals with there. Your mom startled you out of your little staring contest with him, "Do you guys know each other?"
He didn't say anything, and you cleared your throat before looking at your mom. You knew if nobody answered she would suspect something so you came up with a quick lie, "He's one of Hobi's friends,"
"Oh good! So you're already passed the introductions," She smiled, looking thrilled as ever. Except that's when you realized you still didn't know his actual name. "You can move my purse and sit there!" She said, and you handed her, her purse over the table.
He sat beside you and his mom went around to sit beside your mom and you felt your heart beat speed up a little bit. Your moms instantly broke out in conversation, but you stayed silent, looking over at him. Once again he was already looking at you, and you blushed.
His hair was hanging down his forehead, unlike last week when it was pushed back, and his outfit was a lot different too. Black skinny jeans with holes in the knee's and a plain white shirt, along with a snapback that completed the whole outfit. He still looked heavenly though, and you realized you really really liked his smile. All you saw last week was the permanent smirk that was on his face, but now he was sharing toothy grins with the rest of the table, his eyes closing in crescent moons.
"Can you help me find the bathroom, I can't remember where it is." He said suddenly, the words making anxiety fill your belly because you knew your mom was going to make you do it.
"(Y/N) Can show you," Your mom said, before you had the chance to even say anything.
You nodded your head and got up from the chair, walking into the house, and as soon as you got out of eyes view he stopped walking. "Does your mom know about J.Steel?"
"What?" You almost laughed, "No, why would I tell my mom about that?"
He shrugged, a nervous smile on his face, "Just making sure."
"Even if she did know, I wouldn't go and tell her it was you. She would flip and tell your mom, and that wouldn't be cool." You said. Silence took over and when you looked back up he was eyeing your chest. You blushed and raised your hand to scratch the back of your neck, "Um, so I don't know your name."
"Right," He chuckled, "It's Jimin."
"Oh, well it's nice to meet you again..." You replied. The awkwardness settled over again as pictures of the last time you saw him flashed through your head. You had already been thinking about it, but now that he was in front of you it was that much more real. You cleared your throat, trying to shake the thoughts from your mind and then took a step towards the kitchen that led to the backyard, "I should probably get out there, or they'll suspect something."
He nodded, "You're right. I'll see you again in a minute."
You smiled and turned around, walking through the back door and sitting in the same place you were before. Your sister was on the other side of the table now, talking to your mom about something and you quickly pulled your phone out to get out of having to talk to them.
  You: you're not gONNA BELIEVE
  Hobi: what?
  Hobi: You're right, I don't believe
  Hobi: did you fuck?
  You: NO WTH
  Hobi: Isn't "show me where the bathroom is" code for let's go fuck?
  You: Honestly I'm so done with you?? I have to go though, he's coming this way and I really don't want him to read this over my shoulder or something
He sat down beside you again, resting his hand on the table in front of you. The same hand that had been down your pants.
"So, how's school been, Jimin?" Your mom asked. You looked up with curious eyes, and she must of noticed. "He's in school for dance, he's really talented."
Dance? You tried to hold back a smile and it ended up looking like a smirk. That answered the question that you had on the night at the strip club. You knew he was better than all of the other dancers, and now you knew why.
You grabbed a water bottle from the middle of the table and opened it up, taking small sips.
"It's been good," He said when you didn't say anything. "Me and my friend Jungkook have a thing coming up that we've been practicing for."
Jimin's mom swallowed a piece of food before smiling, "Oh Kookie! He's such a nice kid, and a great dancer. I'm sure you'll do amazing."
You almost spit your water out at the mention of 'Kookie' because you assumed it was his stripper name, not an actual nickname that he used.
All eyes were looking at you now and you fake smiled, "Sorry, just swallowed down the wrong tube," You lied.
You suddenly felt a hand on your thigh, and you looked up quickly, surprised to see that it was Jimin. He was still looking forward, having a conversation with your mom like nothing was happening. Maybe it was an accident?
You didn't know whether you wanted him to take it off completely or move it between your legs, but your fight within yourself turned out to be useless when he started rubbing his thumb into your leg softly. Yeah it definitely wasn't an accident, he was doing this on purpose.
You could feel the heat of his hand even through your jeans and the feeling was almost overwhelming after a week of thinking about just that.
You took another sip of water to try and calm yourself down.
"Earth to (Y/N)?" You heard your sister say. You looked up with raised eyebrows.
"Jimin asked you a question," She said. The look on her face told you that she wasn't pleased with that, and you almost laughed, wondering what her reaction would be if she saw what was going on under the table.
You turned to face him and he had an innocent smile on his face, "I asked if you were feeling okay, you look like you're in another world right now."
"Oh," Your eyes widened slightly, no you were not fucking okay, and if he kept moving his thumb like that, he wasn't going to be okay either. "I'm fine,"
"Good," He said before you felt his hand moving further down your inner thigh. You bit down on your bottom lip and squeezed your water bottle, causing a scrunching noise but nobody seemed to notice.
You felt his fingers pushing your thighs further apart and then he started rubbing his thumb against you again, but still not in the place you wanted him.
The fact that he was doing this in front of everyone and nobody knew was thrilling, the thought of being caught making your underwear wet already and he hadn't even really touched you yet.
His teasing was getting to you, and before you could even think about what you were doing you slid your butt forward on the chair, pushing your heat straight into his hand. You heard him choke from beside you but you didn't care at the moment because the heat of his skin was finally touching you.
"Are you okay, Jimin?" You asked.
He looked over at you with wide eyes, but nodded, "Yeah."
You smiled and you could see something in his eyes switch. It startled you for a second and then his hand was cupping your crotch, rubbing his palm into your clit. You breathed out of your nose, trying to keep in the moan that was close to slipping out of your lips at his sudden movements until he stopped, and instead brought one finger exactly where he knew your clit was and started circling it, sending jolts of pleasure through out your body.
You stood up quickly, letting his hand fall down and then grabbed your water bottle. "Yeah, actually I don't think I'm feeling well,"
"What? Are you okay?" Your mom furrowed her eyebrows and you shook your head in reply.
"I don't know, I might go rest at Yoongi's for a bit."
She stood up too, "I thought he wasn't home?"
"He isn't, but I have a key to the house," You admitted, "I'll just lay down for a bit and then come back when I'm feeling better." You turned to Jimin's mom then, a small smile on  your face, "It was nice to meet you."
"You too, sweetie – Jimin, you should go with her, to make sure she's okay."
He nodded, too quickly and then stood up as well. "Alright, I'll go."
"You don't have to," You said, only to make it less obvious. His almost excited agreement was suspicious, and you could see in your sister's eyes that she knew what was going on.
He shrugged, "It's okay, I'm fine with going."
"Okay," You said quietly before pushing your chair in. You waved to everyone and walked to the gate, opening it up so that you could leave to walk to Yoongi's house, but as soon as you stepped foot out of the backyard you were being pushed into the wooden fence, making you gasp. "They're gonna see."
He smiled, pushing a thigh in between your spread legs, "I didn't think I was going to see you again, and now that I have, I don't really care."
"What?" You looked down with a blush and he chuckled under his breath before removing his thigh and grabbing your hand.
"Let's go in," He said. You nodded nervously and started walking towards the back door of Yoongi's house, unlocking the door when you got there. "Why do you have a key to his house, anyway?"
"He said I could use the house if I wanted to run away from the party,"
"Hmm," He hummed, closing the door behind him when he walked in. He locked it and then grabbed your hand again, walking backwards towards the center of the house. "Is there a spare bedroom in here?"
"Yeah," You said, "It's just down the hall."
Without any warning he was pulling you towards him, your body smacking into his. He pressed his lips onto yours suddenly and you moaned. It was the first time he had kissed you, the warmth of his plump lips feeling amazing. You kissed back, putting your hands on his cheeks and he pulled your hips into his, the hardness in his pants making you gasp. He took the opportunity to push his tongue into your mouth, tasting like mint and whatever he was drinking before you left the table. His tongue massaging yours made you want more and you took your hands from his cheeks, putting them around his waist instead. You pulled him forward, as close as he could go and pushed your hips forward, trying to feel him in any way possible. The movement made him pull back with a groan, "Baby, I'm trying to go slow but you're making it hard."
"Quite literally," You joked without thinking. When you realized what you said a blush appeared on your cheeks, but then he started chuckling. You smiled and then silence took over again, so you spoke. "What if I don't want you to go slow?"
"Not into foreplay?" He asked with a smirk.
You slowly brought your lips to his jawline, and kissed his skin a few times before whispering, "I usually do, but I think we had enough of that last time."
He looked at you for a few seconds and then began pulling you down the hall, "Which door is it?"
"This one," You said, pushing it open and walking backwards to the bed. You fell down on it and he followed, pushing your body further onto it so that he could settle between your legs. He immediately connected your lips again and pushed his clothed cock down onto your core, but even through both of your pants you could still feel him so clearly, and you needed more.
"I've been thinking about this all week, baby girl, and now that we're alone I want you to be loud."
Without anymore words he pulled your shirt over your head, leaving it stuck on arms so that you couldn't see anything. He started kissing down the valley of your breasts, and down your stomach until you felt him unbuttoning your pants, pulling them down as quickly as he could. "Fuck, I was so disappointed when Jungkook knocked on the door last week, you don't even know."
"I felt the same way," You breathed. Since you couldn't see him you didn't realize that he was so close to your core until you felt his breath on your thighs and his fingers pulling down your panties. When they were all the way down your legs he moved again so that he was hovered over you and removed your shirt completely, pressing his lips to yours in a short kiss. "Why are you still fully dressed?"
"Good question," He smirked before getting on his knee's and pulling the shirt over his head. He laid himself down on the bed so that he could pull his pants down without trouble but as soon as they were half way down his legs you got on top of him, straddling his lap. You didn't even wait two seconds before sitting down completely and grinding your wet center onto his cock, that was still covered in boxer-briefs. "Shit, I can feel how wet you are."
You looked down to see the head of his cock coming out of the top of his boxers, the sight of it making your mouth water. You pushed yourself further down his legs until your face was right in front of it and then flicked your tongue across the precome, licking it off and making his back arch off the bed, a slight whine escaping his lips.
"We can't do that right now, sweetheart. I need to be inside of you,"
You would of still tried to continue if it wasn't for the fact that you needed the exact same thing, so you pulled his boxer-briefs down and then moved back onto his lap. His dick was red and angry, laying on his abdomen and you grabbed it in your hand, pushing it between your pussy lips so that you could really show him how wet you were. "Do you have a condom?"
"Wallet," He said through a groan. He was extremely effected by everything you did, his head thrown back and his eyes tightly shut. You leaned forward to grab his pants and quickly found his wallet in the back pocket, grabbing the condom out of it before throwing them back onto the end of the bed. You could figure out where everything landed later, but right now you honestly didn't care.
You ripped the condom open before sliding it down his cock and giving him a few pumps, causing him to grab your hips to try and pull your core closer to him. "Please," He begged.
Not being able to wait, yourself, you finally got closer, lining him up with your entrance.
Before you could even do anything else his hands gripped your sides, pulling you down and thrusting up into you at the same time. You screamed out at the overwhelming pleasure that filled your whole entire body and he squeezed his eyes shut, biting his swollen bottom lip.
"Fuuuuuck," He said suddenly, lips parted. "You're so fucking tight."
You sat there for a second, getting used to his size before you put your hands on his chest to hold yourself up. You pushed up slightly, pulling him out of you almost all the way before sitting back down, moans escaping both of your lips.
"I'm actually glad we had to wait, because it feels so. fucking. good." He said in a breathy tone.
You rolled your hips into his a few more times before leaning down and bringing your lips to his again, he kissed back right away and put his fingers in your hair. Every time you pushed down onto him he thrust up, and both together had goosebumps all over your body.
He moved his hands to your ass, squeezing the flesh as you rolled your hips on top of him, loving every moment of him thrusting up into you like it was the last thing that he would do. You were surprised at how good it felt and how comfortable you were, because usually you were too shy to top, but he made it feel like you were the hottest thing he ever laid his eyes on, from the small whines escaping his lips to the way he was looking down at himself entering you. His whole face looked like he was experiencing the most intense pleasure of his life, and your confidence was through the roof.
He pulled out suddenly and rolled you over so that he was hovering over you, body in between your legs, before pushing into you again so hard that you were seeing stars, hitting you in the exact spot that you loved.
"Oh my god, Jimin!"
"Does that feel good, baby girl?" He asked, doing it over and over again until you were out of breath and sweat was forming on your skin.
You had never felt something so good in your life, and now that you were experiencing it you couldn't get enough.
He looked down at you, his pupils blown, making his eyes darker and then pushed your sweaty hair out of your face. You felt like his cock was made for you as he fucked you into the mattress, hitting spots that you didn't even know you had. The way he was stretching you out and hitting your g-spot with every single thrust making you wish that it never had to end.
You heard the headboard of the bed hitting the wall as he started thrusting even harder, hands gripping your hips so hard that you knew you were going to be bruised afterwards, but you didn't mind.
"How does this feel so good?" You yelled out, mind everywhere from all the pleasure you were experiencing.
He ran his teeth along your collarbone, breathing heavily. "I don't know but I'm not going to last long – Fuck."
"Me either," You said. At your words he brought his hand down between your bodies to push his thumb into your clit, trying to help you along. Each thrust was still just as hard, but they were getting sloppier as he got closer to his orgasm. You tightened around him and he put his forehead on yours, looking almost exhausted. "Fuck, next time this is going to last longer. I promise."
Next time.
You moaned at the thought and started moving your hips again to make it feel better for the both of you before a long raspy moan escaped his lips along with a few jerks of his body. He kissed your lips, riding out his orgasm before you could feel him going soft inside of you and he pulled out.
Immediately before you could even do anything else he was pushing himself to the end of the bed and attaching his lips to your clit. He pushed three fingers into you at once and your back arched off of the bed at the feeling, surprised that he did it so quickly. He continued to thrust his fingers, again hitting your g-spot and you were coming undone within seconds, feeling dizzy, but in a good way. He continued to touch you until it felt like too much and then he pulled away, throwing himself onto the bed beside you with a deep breath.
You both just laid there for a few minutes, trying to breathe and cool down until he rolled onto his side to look down at you.
"I'm so fucking glad my mom made me come today,"
You giggled, covering your face and pushing your hair away from your forehead. "Yeah, I'm glad my mom made me come too, she was finally right about something for a change."
He grinned, leaning down to kiss you again and it felt oddly strange after everything that you did. When he pulled away he saw the look in your eye and he licked his bottom lip, "You should go on a date with me."
"What?" You laughed, surprised.
He put his hand around your waist and pulled you toward him, sweaty skin rubbing together and then tilted his head. "A date. With me."
You smiled, "We're doing things kind of backwards, aren't we?"
"There's nothing wrong with that," He  with a smirk. "So what do you say?"
You pretended to be thinking about it for a minute, and his eyebrow raised in slight worry before you suddenly pushed him onto his back, straddling his waist. "I will, but I think we should go for round two first."
He laughed and put his hands on your thighs, "You read my mind."

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