My Pup... Hands off!

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Nezu's POV:

I knew that Izuku was special the moment I have seen him but he was beating all my expectations to it... not as if I had any on the kid at all. What I wanted for him was to be healthy and here he was actually being healthy again. Now he could finally be a kid who could run around outside without the need of me getting worried over him. 

Time really flies by.

I can't believe that he has grown soo much in these years!

It's been half a year after I willingly let him be a vigilante. The thing about this all was that after the first day of showing up as a vigilante I had my doubt that it could be him but since he was in bed, it didn't appear to me that he was the culptris. However the moment he got sick without any reasons and Chiyo telling me that it was due to his quirk, I knew that the vigilante I had talked in the evening was my own son. Talking about worry. My very first thought was that my son was in danger since a vigilante could get in. After that day I had Eraserhead on said vigilante, my very own sons tracks. 

I didn't wanted him to get in danger nor did I wanted him to get hurt. However I was respecting his wish to be a vigilante no matter what, I didn't wanted him to hate me. I knew I was already strickt and very overprotective so I couldn't let him run around alone. The best I could do was send Aizawa to his location. 

Ah nothing was so bad when I could track my son down. I was sure he didn't know that the moment Aizawa and Yamada kindapped him, I found his costume and put a tracker on it. Besides that I finally realized what I did wrong.

It made me think.

Why was my son doing this?

Why was he keeping it a secret?

Why was he trying to get away?

Why did he even come to this conclusion off being a vigilante?

There were soo many questions and the answer was simple. He felt as if he was caged in. I realized that after he got kidnapped and it was only then that Chiyo also talked things over with me again telling me how much I was restricting him and all. I knew I did something wrong but how could I change it? How could I make it up to him?

I didn't know.

For once I didn't had an answer at all.

All that I could do was watch and make sure he was safe. 

This was how I set my mind to it. I would protect my little pup no matter what he wanted to do. If I wanted to be a good father than I should support my childs dream. Tho he wanted to be a hero... that I didn't wanted. I didn't wanted to live in fear of not knowing if he would return from a mission or not so I was kinda happy he decided to be a vigilante and not fight but gather information. This was making a lot easier on me.

It was no coincidence that I had Eraserhead sooping around the bar and it was no coincidence that I had my son brought in that night to confess. I wanted to hear it from my very son. If he was dealing with people as dangerous as the LOV then I had to act. There was no chance I would have let him run around all alone any more than 2 days. A third day was not in it. My heart couldn't take it. I was too scared to lose him and my mind would think about a zillion way for him to end up in a street corner completly bloody and bruised. No. That image scared me so I chose to expose him.

All in all, it was the best decisioon I could make. My son was finally living it. He seemed more alive and even more healthier than before. Now all I had to do was sit back and watch him grow up while spending my days together talking over what he had found out. Yes this was it. I got more time with my son and a reason to be there with him. I knew that he was getting older and sooner or later he would leave me but I was not ready to let him go just yet. This was giving me an excuse to see him and just be with him.

Me: Izu, anything new today?

Izuku: Nope but I thought I could stay here and just enjoy some tea.

Me: Of course. Do you also wish to watch something?

Izuku: Aren't you busy?

Me: I am never busy when it comes to spend time with you.

Izuku: Hmm... alright. How about the Rookie?

Me: Sounds like a deal.

This was my way of handling my sonds dream and I knew I would be a bad father not to respect it but anyone would have done the same if it would be their child.... as for All for One and the LOV as well as Shigaraki... let's say there are bured six feet down in a cell on a private island. There was no chance of them to get back to the main land and I would for sure collect soo many more villains over time. No one knew about my little private island or my little underground prison which was more than just 42 stories goind down into the ground. No one knew about it because that was the place I demolished and escaped. It was my little secret and my little way of keeping my pup safe.

It was for me to know and for him to never find out. I was there to support him and make sure he was safe as long as I was living.


A/N: Thanks for reading this story and I hope you all enjoyed it as well.

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