Never change a thing!

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It was easy to get up and then walk around to actually stop the time and open up his chains. I mean I didn't open them at all, it was just perfect timing that my dad was releasing them before I actually stopped time so it looked as if I did it. Nezu was really something to be able to read my moves this easily.

Anyways, I took Shiggy and opened his chains first befoe actually getting him out of there including the chair towards the hallway. Man this guy was really heavy so I released the time for a second and looked at him smilling.

Me: You want me to do the whole work or what? I don't even know where we are supposed to go.

Shiggy: What the-

Me: How about running?

Shiggy: SHIT!

Well he was angry, no doubt about that since he thought I would teleport us out but I was not one to have a teleportation quirk. No, my quirk was time manipulation and by the love of god, I was not superhuman to carry a guy who was bigger out of that room. He was heavy as fuck and he didn't even look that part at all. Nope, this was not my problem and I was not dealing with him.

Me: Hm?

Shiggy: Your job is to get me out of here.

Me: Correction. My job was to get you out of your cell.

He reached out for me but he was soo angry that he didn't think clearly. The moment I got out of the cell an alarm was actiavted. Of course Nezu was behind everything and this was just a huge show for him and me but it was effective as I was now jogging with Shiggy away.

Shiggy: Wait till my master hears from this.

Me: And I should be scared?

Shiggy: THE HECK?

Me: Look, I can vanish any moment why should I even care for a guy that never showed himself?

Shiggy: You damn bastard.

Me: Meh.

Shiggy: You think you can get away with this?

Me: I don't think, I can.

Shiggy: All for One will have your head for this.

Me: Well thanks for this precious piece of information. 

Oop and there it was. I provoked him soo badly till he finally gave away who was behind him. That made me stop in my tracks and smile a bit before using my quirk to stop time again. I hated this guy a bit for what he wanted to do at the USJ building so who could blame me when I stopped the time to get in front of him and then make him trip over and smile before getting away.

Yeah I probably had a death wish for doing this but I had full faith in Nezu that he would get this guy somewhere where no one could get him out nor where he could actually see some bit of sunlight.

It would be an understatement to say that just a few moments later around 3 heroes were having Shiggy and escorted him out but by then it was already too late for him and as for myself, I was back in the room with Nezu and seeing all that over monitors. This one small room behind the tinted window had actually 2 screens which showed the hallway so that people could see if something would happen and who was coming over. 

Me: Happy?

Nezu: That was splendid.

Me: Thanks.

Nezu: I am proud of you.

Me: What about All for One now?

Who didn't know that name?

It was quite populare and even if he vanished and people thought he was dead, I knew that some were speculating that he was allive. I myself doubted that he was dead. It was just that I heard his name in the shadows soo many times while I was living on the street that I was just doubting it. There were instences where the street runts were saying stuff like the big bad man will come and collect your quirk. As for this ability there was only one who could do so and that was All for One after all. 

Nezu: This will not be your problem. Don't worry about it. Focus on what you wanna do.

Me: Alright.

Nezu: Ah I will have my fun as well.

Me: Mh?

I heard it just for a bit but I couldn't believe my ears and I was honestly thinking that this was a trick but honestly who knew what my father could do.

I loved him and I loved all the attention and the support I was getting.

This was the best live I have and this was also a part of my life where I can now proudly say, I don't want to change anything at all.

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