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I was really happy to have this costume and all the support my dadzu was giving me. It was really something else and I believed that he was  having either a plan or he was trusting me this much. There was no way I knew what this chimera was thinking for sure. I didn't even wanted to get into his mind at all. His High Spec would be too much for me for sure. 

Anyways after I released him, Nezu decided to walk around me before hugging me again. This was just how we were. We loved to be together and appreciate the presence of the other person. Besides we both went through much and somehow I always felt as if he could relate to myself which conforted me.

Once we were done with our small hugging session, Nezu decided to show me where he was keeping Shiggy and the best part was that he showed me the entrance and then went to the other side of the black screen the room where we could see him but he couldn't see us.

Funny how he left me be there without any word. I knew what he wanted and I knew what it was instinctively. The plan which he didn't even needed to tell me was to get to Shiggy and show him I was part of the villain group while also betraying him at the same time. To be fair, I never said I was a villain at all. I wanted to be a vigilante and vigilantes were on the borderline to be heroes as well as villians. However I wouldn't do anything illegal which would make me more or less an informant and nothing else. Tho it definitelly was way cooler to be called vigilante. I mean I could go everywhere I wanted.... Yeah scratch that not breaking a rule. I would for sure do trespassing at some point.

Anyways, I stood in front of the doo before I took one deep breath and then used my quirk to stop time and get into the room to sit right opposite to Shiggy before releasing the time. Of course I scared the shit out of him but he was immediately smiling when he realized who was sitting there in front of him.

Me: Took a bit to find you.

Shiggy: Ahh Deku.

Me: Let me guess... things didn't go as you planned it?

Shiggy: Not a bit.

Me: I heard about it.

Shiggy: Am I that famous?

Me: No. You just had a snitch in your team.

Shiggy: I WHAT?!

Me: Never trust villains you hired. They kinda ratted you out and there was one who especially didn't wanted to go to prison. 

Shiggy: Who?

Me: Ah-Ah-Ah! You know the game.

Shiggy: You want something for that information huh...

Me: Of course.

Shiggy: What do you want?

Me: What can you offer me?

Shiggy: By now you know everything about my little group and since I am stuck in here, there is nothing I could give you.

Me: What if I could get you out? You saw me get in here without problems, no?

Shiggy: Did my Master send you.

Me: You tell me?

Shiggy: So he did.

Me: ...

Shiggy: Then do your job.

Me: Getting you out is no problem but where?

Shiggy: TSK!

Me: What? 

Shiggy: Shouldn't you know it?

Me: Sorry that this little one is not doing these kinds of things normally. Information gathering is my job and not being your babysitter.

It seems that I got Shigaraki wrapped around my little finger and that was when I saw that as long as I would answer in a way that was neither telling him anything usefull as well not being a ly was the best thing to do. Not only was this for my own sake but also for the sake of having him fooled. Honestly it was not as if I was doing this deliberately but more like me not knowing what else to say. I was a bit nervous since I knew this guy kinda and he was dangerous for sure. So I wanted to be a bit on the safe side.

Shiggy: Get me out and I will lead you.

Me: Alright.

That was really all that I wanted to her. I knew Nezu was trusting me as a father and we had a muteral agreement the moment he let me here. It didn't take words to know that he wanted the man behind everything. So here it was, here was the chance of getting said man.

Hiding in Plain Sight (Vigilante Deku)Where stories live. Discover now