Ahm is this a bad timing?

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After I kinda got out of there, I had this bad feeling. Something was wrong but it felt more as if someone was following. This was never a good sign and since I had my very own solution for that, I decided to freeze time and walk around to see who was following me. 


It couldn't get worse at all!

There was Aizawa right there around the corner and he was tagging alone! This was not really that much of a big deal except that he just kinda saw me in what make shift costume. Well I did feel really comfy in it but that was not the point.

Since there was no running away, I decided to go behind him and then release my hold off the time again looking at him as he panickingly looked around there to see where I was. 

Did he recognize me?

No, no!

He had to!

There is no way he didn't see me there!

Yeah no...

No way the underground hero didn't realize it was me.


Me: Zawa, what are you doing?

He jumped out of his skin and looked at me as he was backed away at the wall. Did I really just surpirse the undergound hero? I didn't thought that he would that surprised to see me but that also made think twice again... did he really not recognize me at all? If that was the case then I just gave myself away.

Aizawa: IZUKU?!

Me: SH!

Aizawa: What in the world are you doing?

Me: That's what I should ask the hero who was trailing me.

Aizawa: That was you?

Me: Yup.

Aizawa: What in the world are you doing here?

Now he looked the part of being part hero and partly a father figure. He was standing in his full length no more scared but anger was washing over his face and then there was also the fact that he had his hands crossed, his left foot was slightly tapping the ground but the most important feature was his quirk which was activated. 

Me: Helping out.

Aizawa: What do-

Me: This is not the place for this. Follow me.

I knew that we were way to close to the bar to actually stay here for long so, I decided to lead the underground hero to a place I knew pretty damn well. It was once used by a lot of kids to hide but there was this rumors aobut a ghost and after I vanished from the streets... I can only think about what happened to place. It was of course even more in ruins but there was no one around and no more graphity as well.

Me: Now we can talk.

Aizawa: You better have an excuse for this!

Me: Kinda.

Aizawa: That would be?

Me: I wanted to payback Dadzu and I didn't think that it would be that bad.

Aizawa: Going out in the middle of the night is not that bad?

Me: I mean, I am not doing anything bad.

Aizawa: What were you doing there then? Do you even know how dangerous that place is?

Me: I know it better than anyone else besides I can go in and out without problems as you saw.... but why were you there?

Aizawa: Tsuki asked me to look over the place. They got a hint from a homless person to investigate that place.

Me: ... you will only find villains there.

Aizawa: Fuck and you where there?

Me: Yup.

Aizawa: Did you loose your mind?

Me: I am perfectly fine.

Aizawa: Says the person who got out from there and is more or less sickly.

Me: I am fine as long as I don't overdo it!

Aizawa: *sigh* I now know why Nezu is acting this protective over you.

Me: Don't tell him.

Aizawa: You expect me to hold this a secret?

Me: Yes especially when I will tell you what I found out.

Aizawa: No. Nezu will have my head for this.

Me: Please ZAWA! I only went there to find out some information! I never faught or did anything else bad! I promise.

Aizawa: This is how it starts... you gonna be a vigilante or a villain, huh?

Me: Vigilante since I am not to be a hero. It's the closest to it after all.

Aizawa: *sigh* 

Me: Hey, ahm is this a bad timing to tell you that a group of villains are after the USJ fieldtrip?

Now I think I blasted the heroes mind because he sighed again, then truned around to leave for a bit but only stopped when he got to the door to hit it... he even broke it before he turned around. I guess he was really angry about finding out what I was doing but didn't wanted to let it out on me.... 

Hiding in Plain Sight (Vigilante Deku)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ