Chapter 19: Finding Louxe II (Scent Of Lingering Blossom)

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Upon hearing Selles' declaration, the two young ladies were rendered speechless. It is clear that Selles' words had a profound impact on them, leaving them unable to articulate a response.

Right now, they don't know which Alice she is trying to retrieve. Whether it's the Outworld God or the Alice that is known today as Aeriah Riesseville, as of this moment, both are the same person. Regardless, if the dark realm manages to get their hands on Aeriah, everything will definitely turn upside down. Remembering what happened one hundred years ago when the Outworld God Alice joined forces with the dark realm, these girls are hell-bent on not letting that happen again. That's for certain. After all, if not for Quilya, this realm would have been completely wiped out long ago.

"Hey," Marreanne said gritting her teeth. "you have the guts to blatantly say that right in front of my blueberry?" she hissed with a hint of displeasure. Her tone was noticeably cold and unfriendly, indicating her disfavour with what she had just heard. Her eyes were filled with hostility, and her facial expression suggested that she might take drastic action if Selles were to do something inappropriate.

"Woah, woah, easy! I'm not here for a fight—"

"Then why throw us daggers?"

"That was. . ." she paused, thinking of what's best to say. "a form of greeting, I guess?" and then she forced a half-baked chuckle while scratching her head.

"You are a dark realmer. That means you are an enemy," berated Marreanne in a firm voice, cutting her off. Then she felt a palm tapping her left shoulder. Giving her a sign to calm down.

"I remember you," Scarlette told her. "My father made you these daggers." She pulled the daggers off the tree and tossed them back towards the woman.

Marreanne was taken aback by Scarlette's statement, causing her to blink twice in disbelief. She paused for a moment as if waiting for Scarlette to clarify that she was merely jesting. However, no such clarification was forthcoming. Because she's not.

Scarlette asked again. But this time, it was a completely different question. "Why did you join the dark realm, you traitor?"

Hearing that, Marreanne immediately realised that Scarlette isn't fooling around. And it would seem that these two share a remote history no one knows about. She could only stand there and listen to the two talking.

The woman slightly lowered her head. "I have my reasons," she answered.

"Ugh," Scarlette groaned. "Fine, let me ask you a different question, then. Are you the one who caused this?"

"The forest? No," Selles quickly replied. And that was the answer she expected. After all, she knows that this woman couldn't possibly be the serpent.

"Then who?"

"I cannot answer that. My only job here is to bring Alice back to the sire."

"Which Alice?" they asked in unison. Not even bothered by whoever this 'sire' is.

Selles' eyebrows furrowed. And at that moment, they understood. This woman has no clue what happened. The Outworld God Alice, who was once their ally, is gone. And she doesn't know Aeriah, whose real name is also Alice.

"Wala na si Alice," Marreanne uttered with a straight face.

"Leave now, Selles, before I change my mind," Scarlette's voice was gentle, yet threatening. With a simple snap of her fingers, the magic circle beneath her feet dissipated into fine dust. That previously present air of anger and irritation has now departed from her being.

However, this woman is stubborn.

"No, Alice is not dead. It is simply impossible for an Outworld God to perish. Furthermore, I can confirm that I sensed her presence just a while ago," she insisted. "Alice has returned, and that is for certain."

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