Chapter 12: Senses

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". . . We'll meet again,"


Years ago, I met a realm guardian.

She called me by the name "Alice", even though my name is Aeriah. Things happened too quickly, I didn't even realize that a decade has already passed. Yet, that spectacular incident seemed to have only happened yesterday. The memory of that night lingers like a photograph stuck inside my head.

Sooner after that incident, a prestigious family decides to adopt me as their daughter. That family is no other than the Riessevilles. Although, it's strange. Why did they even consider adopting me when they already had a kid?

Or at least, that's what I thought I should ask them before. But as much as I would love to know, I didn't have the time. But now, that won't be necessary. I already have a vague answer to it. Yes, it's just a wild guess, but it does make sense.

To bring me back.

However, that's not the only shocking thing. The realm guardian I met that night was Quilya all along. The story about her parents dying in a car accident was a lie in order to keep her identity as the beast of Singularity hidden.

It was also stated in the book named The Rhapsody of Everspring; the same book where she came out, that the realm guardian called 'the Singularity' is the strongest of all of them.

Well, I'm no such believer in fairytales. Heroes, villains, demons, magic, and other entities humans could only fantasize about, I never believed them to be true, not once. I mean, who would, right? But here I am now. I'm in a world full of them.

Funny how fate can be so playful. Never have I ever dreamt of stepping into a world like this.

Right. Speaking of dreams, I haven't had one with that chaotic scene for a few days now. I've always had it during the last two weeks and I could never forget what it was and how it felt. People running around in panic, buildings collapsing, and dry leaves scattered on the blood-filled grounds. It seems as though every conceivable catastrophe is converging in one location. And soon after the catastrophe, there will be nothing left but fading cries, fires, and ruins. Or at least, that's what I think the ending would be. I would always have a strong impulse to wake up before I could even witness how the curtain will be drawn in that nightmare. Talk about disappointment.

Back to the first topic, I've been hearing the name "Alice" quite often lately. Just how many Alices are there? Two, perhaps?

". . . Plus, they have the strongest outworld God on their side at that time, si Alice,"

As far as I remember, Alec only mentioned an 'Alice' which is clearly not the same person Quilya had been calling me about. I believe this Alice that Alec spoke of is an enemy.

I breathed heavily.

"I shall go with you wherever you go. I shall accompany you through all your quests. I'll be there protecting you. So, find the truth and come back to us, Alice."

Yeah. This should make things clear to me. However. . .

"You reek the scent of a distorted persona."

Why. . .

What could Scarlette possibly mean by that?

I shook my head at the thought. It's best for me to leave these thoughts for later. I should get ready for our departure.

Preparations are all complete and it's morning now. There are three beds in the room. Quilya and I shared one while Marreanne shared it with her mother. Scarlette slept alone on the third bed.

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