Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Marisha POV

The people around me stunk like blue-collar workers. Ew. They all stood so close to each other, too close considering the temperature was still at 29°c at 6 pm. The ragged timber flooring made it hard for my stilettos to glide, making me look inexperienced and a fool. The people around me stared as I passed them and words started to fall from my mouth, "What? You've never seen a real female before? You used to your street rats?" The disgust was evident in my tone as my lips turned up showing the other people in there how gross they are to me. This place was dull and boring and dirty, Damian knew I hated it and he probably chose it just to frustrate me. A fat old man walked behind me, trying to hold his pathetic excuse for a comb over down. God I wish Damian would hurry up, this place freaks me out.

I locked eyes with him, something I instantly regretted, and he gave me a smile. His teeth were yellow, well, what was left of them anyway.

"Marisha, leave the old man alone." Damian's voice broke the thoughts of the teeth in front of me.

I turned my head. Standing in front of me was the man of my dreams. He was tall, solid, handsome, and best of all, RICH!

I put on the smile I reserved only for him, the one that used to get me whatever I wanted from him... Then that bitch showed up and I couldn't take what I wanted anymore. The thought made me angry. I wanted his money.

I lent in to kiss him but he pulled away. "Fuck off Marisha. Don't put on a show for the tabloids." He knew me too well, I just needed them to think we were back together. Well, what I am about to tell him may just make that a reality.

Damian's pov

I stood in the doorway watching my psycho ex show her true colours. The way she looked at another human being was disgusting and I couldn't wait to get this little pow-wow over with so she could get out of my life forever.

The look in her eyes told me she was on the brink of allowing her 'real' self out and this poor old man didn't deserve that, he just wanted to eyeball something beautiful so he could think about it later while he played with himself.

"Marisha, leave the old man alone." I sighed at her. I started to walk towards her but with my long stride, it ended up being only a few steps. Marisha undressed me with her eyes before flashing me her smile, that doesn't work on me anymore, bitch. She lent in trying to kiss me but I pulled away. She has seen the media outside, great. "Fuck off, Marisha. Don't put on a show for the tabloids." I knew what she was up to and ai could bet my fortune she was the one who gave them the heads up that I would be here.

The smirk that slowly appeared on her face was unsettling and one that I had never seen before.

I needed to say something, I needed to distract her from whatever she was planning in that evil little brain. "Ok. I'm here. Say what you have to say and leave." I kept my voice cold and calm. I didn't want her to think she had any sort of control over me anymore. Her eyes locked onto mine, forcing them to stay there like she had some sort of invisible gravity pull.

"Can we please go somewhere a little more..." she paused as she looked around her again, pulling faces at the other patrons like they were cockroaches. "Private?" She finished. "HA! You have got to be kidding me right? Marisha, you are crazy." I lent forward over the small table that divided us and got close to her, whispering loudly so she would hear over all the noise. "I know you, Marisha. I know you are a slimy scheming bitch. If we went somewhere more 'private' who knows what you would tell people what happened." I moved back, sitting on the barstool properly again. I motioned to her to move this along, "Can we get this over with please, I've got things to do, people to see."

Her arms crossed over her chest making her breasts fall out of the top of her dress even more than they already were. Can't deny the woman, she does have impeccable tits.

Marisha grunted. knowing I wouldn't take her shit tonight she started talking.

"Well, like, you know a little while ago when we fucked all night long in that hotel room downtown?" She licked her over-the-top noticed lips trying to be sexy. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her, her desperation was disgusting.

I pulled her up before she managed to spout any more nonsense. "Actually Marisha I don't. All I remember is waking up hungover as fuck with you coming out of the shower and telling me we fucked all night long. There is a difference between our 2 versions of what happened."

The smile slowly started to fade from her face as I started to get one.

I was so zoned into this conversation that I hadn't realised my phone had been ringing until another patron tapped me on my shoulder. I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Hey!" My tone was happy like he and I were old friends. He raised his glass to me as he slurred, "Bro... your phone has been going off non-stop. Somebody wants you real bad. Probably the misso seeing where you are." He stopped to wink a drunken wink and pointed to Marisha, "But we know you are with the side bitch, huh?" The laughing that came out of my mouth was loud as I threw my head back. "Classic, thanks for the heads up, man." I shook my head still laughing as I whispered, "Side bitch haha"

This time I heard the phone and I was still chuckling as I answered it, "Caldwell."

The voice on the other end stopped me from smiling instantly. "Mr Caldwell, I found him." My eyes popped with the news, "I'll report back when I have more information." And with that, he was gone. I stood up fast and went to walk out but Marisha grabbed my arm. "Damian!" She called as I flung her arm off and turned to face her. "You can't leave yet, I haven't told you yet." Frustrated with her nonsense I tried to leave again, this time making it a few steps away before I heard her voice behind me.... "I'm pregnant!" The words shook me but she didn't stop talking, "I'm pregnant and it's yours. We can be a family." I faced her. I was angry. It's not supposed to be like this, not with her. 

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