Chapter 1

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Damian's POV


As I sat at the small round table in the window of the little cafe across the road, the lightning cracked in the sky above us sending heaven's light through the gloomy clouds that perfectly matched my mood.
I traced my finger around the top of the takeaway coffee cup, warming my icy hands as I stared at the grey coloured highrise on the other side of the street and wondered if I actually had to go in today. I am the CEO, after all, I'm sure I could give myself permission to take a day off, but what would I do? It was a foreign concept to the corporate world. I worked all the time.

A loud shattering sound brought me back to reality. Turning towards the raucous, I saw the cute little waitress, the one I've ogled so many times over the last six months. I sat there taking in the sight of her - even tied back, her long brown hair flowed over her shoulders. She crouched down to pick up the bits of broken cup that were scattered all over the floor. Her black ripped skinny jeans pulled hard around her ass as she squats down to clear the mess, her dark shitkickers covered in the liquid from the mug.

Hearing her apologise to the man as she worked to clean the mess, she stumbled over her words like she is about to let her emotions get the better of her. I looked at the man in the seat next to where she was and noticed his face turning red with increasing rage.
I watch as his hands clenched into fists on the table, not even trying to hide his anger. In an instant he was on his feet, sending the chair he was sitting on flying backwards hitting the customer at the table close by without any regard for the rest of the cafe.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing, you stupid bitch? Look what you've done! You have spilled coffee everywhere!" His hands flapped around exaggerated by his increased anger. "Go back over there and make me a new one, for fucks sake!" He cursed as his giant frame towers over her tiny one, an obvious move to intimidate her.

And that is all I needed to hear. Asshole, you don't talk to a woman like that.

Jumping up and stalking over to the 'man,' I put myself between him and the woman, making sure I'm creating distance, putting my hands up in front of me to show I'm just trying to calm the situation.

"Hey, buddy. It was an accident, how about you back off, let her clean up the mess and get you a new coffee? She already apologised and is trying to fix the situation," I said, as I moved myself and the waitress back.

"How about you mind your own fucking business, buddy." he retorted, poking a finger in my muscular chest.

Standing at six foot five inches, I towered over the man. I have to give him credit for trying to square me up. I mean, he is barely 6 foot tall, and not nearly as well defined as I am. So much so, his white button-up shirt is gaping between the buttons, his crinkled tie doing a terrible job of hiding it and his buxom belly hanging over his black slacks.

"I'm sorry, I can't just stand by while you abuse a woman for an accident. Who do you think you are to speak to her that way? This woman deserves respect, not your abuse." I was starting to get agitated, so I pulled my wallet out of my pocket and try to hand the man $100. "Here, I expect this will cover the coffee. Now let me escort you out. There's a little coffee shop around the corner, maybe go there from now on," I said to him as I guide him, much to his annoyance, through the door and wave him off.

Turning around, I saw the waitress staring at me, tears falling down her face. I carefully moved back towards her, not wanting to heighten her fear. "Miss, are you okay? Did he actually touch you?" I guided her to my table and helped her to sit down, pouring her a glass of water.

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