Chapter 15

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I feel like we have been at this for hours. Once again I stand up from the table that we have been using. It is full of papers that are spread out covering the whole surface. Settling in for the long haul, I slip my feet out of my black wedge shoes and give my toes a little wiggle, stretching them out after being stuffed in those heels all day. Maria looks over at me, "Feet hurting, darl?" I give her a small smile as I nod and rub the soles of my feet at the same time.

"How about we take a break? I have a feeling this is going to be one of those late nights I warned you about when I hired you." I watched Damien as he spoke and looked up at me through his lashes, his hazel eyes shining through them. They are so clear I can see the emerald and gold flecks that flitter through them. I feel like I could stare at them all day long.

My attention is taken away from his eyes by a commotion that seems to be coming from out at reception. Damien starts to walk out of the room and towards the shouting as I follow him out the doors and closer to the noise. As we walked up to the scene, Damien pushed me even further behind him. His big body protecting mine from any potential threat. The move seemed seamless and natural, and it gave me butterflies thinking why he would do that. I grab onto the back of his shirt, scrunching my palms into fists so I won't get lost if there is any kind of brawl. Damien came to a complete stop in front of me and I was walking so close behind him that I ran into his solid back. I am so close to him I can feel his body shaking. What is happening? Panic started to run through my veins and I was close to breaking down. Damien turns his head, looking down at me with a smile on his face until he sees the panic running through my body.

Quickly he steps aside allowing me to see that the commotion isn't what I expected it to be. Instead it is one of my fellow workers standing in the middle of the office clearing standing in a puddle of water and ice cubes laughing so hard he is bent over and crying.

Not being able to help myself, I burst out laughing too. I was laughing so hard I fell into Damien's chest. He grabbed me as I fell into him and I could feel how fast his heart was beating as I stared into those beautiful Emerald orbs. Damien lifted his hand and moved the hair from my face, tucking it behind my ear and all of a sudden it was like we were all alone in the office. Just him and I. I desperately want to kiss him and I have a feeling he feels the same way. The tension floating around us right now is electric and everyone around us has noticed. Someone coughed and broke me away from Damien. I looked over at my coworkers whose mouths were wide open and staring at us. I cleared my throat and go to step back. As I do, I hear a familiar voice call my name.

"Leah!" My eyes widen and my heart started pounding. I turned quickly and faced the person who called out and it was exactly who I thought it was, Micheal.

I was terrified of what his reaction would be. I stumbled backwards as Michael stormed towards me. Damien caught me before I fell too far and put me behind him again.

"Micheal!" Damien says with such power, Micheal stopped in his tracks. Damiens tone now is calm. "Micheal. Can we help you?" Micheal looked at me, "Yeah, I told Leah I would pick her up tonight." His jaw clenched as he spoke. I step out from behind Damien and head towards Mike. A gentle voice from behind me speaks, "She has only just found out we are all working late tonight. She probably hasn't had a chance to let you know." I turn and look at the person who is speaking and I can tell Maria is trying to dig me out of the shit. I turn to Michael again and start to walk forward, I can tell he is starting to really get agitated, I can see it in his eyes. He tries to reach out and grab my arm, but I take his hand in mine to try and defuse the situation.

"I am so sorry, Mike. I would have told you but I found out not long ago myself and didn't have the chance to let you know yet." The anger is swelling on the surface and it only gets worse when I feel a body standing close behind me. I don't need to turn around to see who it is, Mike's reaction tells me all I need to know.

"Sorry mate, I just sprung this on all of them not long ago. None of them have had a chance to let their families know. But don't worry, I make sure all my staff get home safe when they work long hours." Damien steps around me, stands beside me and puts out his hand. "It was good to see you again Mike." As he takes Mike's hand and shakes it, he turns to the crowd that had gathered around us and speaks up. "Alright everyone, fun is over, let's get back to work. We need to get this ready for tomorrow." Waving his hands out in front of him, motioning for everyone to leave. Damien however, doesn't leave. Instead, he turned back around and looked at Mike. "Sorry mate, we have work to do. Leah will see you later. Come on Leah." He says pointing to the office. "Maria! Come on!" he yells out afterwards. Mike shook his head and clenched his jaw even more - if that was even possible. I watched him walk away towards the elevator, stopping in front, waiting for the doors to slide open.

Once I see him walk in and disappear, Damien and Maria grab me and walk me into his office and sit me down on the couch, holding onto me as I sit. Damien started pacing the floor, with his hands on his hips and looking down. He stopped suddenly, squats down in front of me and says gently.

"Leah, I know I said I wouldn't push you, but I just need to know. Are you in danger?" He is looking at me with hope in his eyes. I'd like to think I wasn't ready to tell him what has been happening to me at home, I had never felt comfortable enough with anyone to say the words out loud but I find the words start to fall from my lips.

"I... I.... It is not nice, Damien." Tears well in my eyes and I can't stop them from falling as I stumble through my words. Breaking down, Damien takes my hands in his.

"Does he hurt you, Leah? In any way whatsoever?" My head drops and my shoulders start to shake. All I can do is nod my head and doing that is like opening the flood gates. I can't stop myself from falling into Damien as I cry. He fell to the ground as he wrapped me up in his arms and allowed me to have my feelings without any more talking.


I watched the tears roll down Leah's cheeks before she fell into my chest, knocking us both to the ground. My arms instinctively wrapped around her and held her tight to me. I looked up at Maria who also had tears running down her face and the gravity of what Leah was telling me without saying anything hit me. Instantly, I was angry. I wanted to beat this so-called man, but for right now, I am going to sit here and let Leah cry. I gently rub my fingers in a soothing motion up and down her spine trying to get her to calm down and after a few minutes, it seems to work. She starts to regulate her breathing as she sat up, slowly I move my fingers under her chin and lift them so I can see her face.

"Leah, you don't have to worry anymore, I will protect you. We need to get you out of that house and somewhere safe and we will have to be clever about it. I know men like Mike and he won't let you go easily. This could take a while." I look at her directly, switching between her eyes. "Do you think you can hold on while we sort this out? I will do anything to get you out safely." I take a deep breath and look at Maria who is nodding at me with a small smile on her face. I desperately want to kiss Leah, right here, right now. But this is not the time or place so I just pull her into my chest again. I just need her close, I need to feel like I am able to do something for her and at this very moment, this is what I can do for her.

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