Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Damian's POV


I dropped my head into my hands as I tried to come up with a logical reason why I would get so wasted that I would willingly sleep with Marisha. I shouldn't have gone there again. It's like I want to continuously punish myself. I threw myself backward and landed against the cushions that lined the couch in my living room.

I closed my eyes and placed my arm over them as I remembered when Leah bought me home the last time I had made this same stupid mistake.

How she looked as I walked into the kitchen standing by the stove as she prepared food for me. I brought back the memory of the way she looked at me as she noticed the water running down my body and being caught by the top of the towel that wrapped around my hips. I pulled at the memory, remembering the way she sucked in her breath as she looked me up and down and the way she bit her bottom lip as if she was trying to stifle a moan.

The Memories turned me on and suddenly my dick was testing the strength of the zipper of my jeans. I undid my belt and whipped it from out of its constraints on my pants before unclasping the button and pulling the zipper down, freeing my cock of its prison.

It flung out, standing at attention directly in front of me, the memories of Leah proving to me what I didn't want to admit.

I was so angry with myself, I was the reason she ran off with Mike. My mind started to flood with angry thoughts, but my hard-on didn't go down.

I grabbed my dick aggressively and started to tug on it. I didn't deserve to enjoy what I did to myself. Pumping my palm up and down my cock as I grabbed hold of my ball sack and twisted, causing so much pain, but at the same time amazing pleasure.

I looked down and was able to imagine Leah's mouth wrapped around my cock, spit dripping from her mouth as she gagged on my length. I imagined I grabbed her by the throat and squeezed softly, earning a moan from her. I felt the vibration of the sound around my dick and I came hard, my cream hit the couch making a mess on the black leather. At least it's easy to clean up.

I sat back letting my now limp dick fall from my hand as I shook my head and let out a sigh. I felt like I was defeated.

I tried to do the right thing for Leah, I wanted her so badly. So many times I thought about having her up against the full-length windows of my office, showing the world either her sexy ass or gorgeous tits as they squashed against the see-through panels while I fucked her brains out, but that wasn't meant to be, I took too long. She is off with Mike somewhere and she made it clear she didn't want me to find her... she is worth more than she thinks. You didn't find that kind of pure soul very often and I let it go before I even had it. "You are a fucking idiot," I mumbled to myself.

The ringtone of my phone blasted through the silence, frightening me out of my own thoughts. I sat upright and grabbed it, flipping it over in my hand so I could see the screen.

The caller ID said, Maria. That's weird, what is she doing calling me this time of night?

I slid the green button across the screen and put the phone to my ear. "Maria?" I questioned before I continued, "what's wrong? Are you okay?" The silence after my questions was deafening and I knew something was up. "Maria!" I commanded, knowing that tone of voice would snap her out of her thought process of whatever had just happened. She cleared her throat, "well, Damian..." she paused again, "Leah called me." The words vomited from her mouth like she didn't want to tell me. She cut short my train of thought as she kept talking, "Leah called me and Mike has taken her.... Like kidnapped. Damian, she's been kidnapped." I was shocked, I couldn't understand what Maria was telling me... "What did you say? Leah's been what?"

Maria spoke slower this time, allowing my brain to comprehend the words she spoke. Leah was forcibly taken by Mike? He is literally holding her captive.

I gripped the phone tighter and squeezed my eyes closed. This entire time he has been doing whatever he pleased with her and she had to take it. "where is she, Maria?" I asked praying she had an answer.

"I don't know Damian. She had no clue where she was either. All she said was that Mike has her and whatever is going on is very very bad. She needs us to find her. Mike can not know she contacted us. She said he would kill her if he found out. Damian... I believe her." My brain was scrambling with its emotions. "Damian, she needs you to find her." Leah needed me. "Maria, cancel all my appointments for tomorrow. Do not call me unless it is about Leah." The tone that came out of my mouth was one I had never heard from come out before but it meant business and Maria knew it. "Understood, sir." She said into the phone before hanging up.

Processing what I had just been told, I scrolled through my phone, finding the person I needed to call before hitting the call and listening to the ringing on the other end.

The phone stopped ringing, "Damian? Bro, it's late, why the call?" There was silence for a little bit before I spoke up, "Marcus, I need your help. Leah was taken and I have to find her.... I need to find her...." I dropped my head down, "Marcus, I think I'm in love with her." 

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