Chapter 17

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I watched as Damien walked out the door with Maria, leaving me alone in the room. I turned to face the glass wall that looked out over the city and wondered if Mike was still close by.

The instant anger in Damien's eyes when I told him about Mike was crazy but reassuring. It made me feel safe, and that was not something I was used to feeling. I don't think I've ever felt safe anywhere I had ever been.

I barely scratched the surface of what is happening between Mike and me with Damien and he is already this mad, I can't tell him anymore. He would absolutely lose his mind if he knew the truth.

I watched the people on the ground from high above, wondering what kind of lives they lead. Are they happy? Sad? Trapped? Is there someone like myself down there? Someone who is doing whatever they have to to survive.

My attention is dragged away from my thoughts to the door of the office, the jiggling sound of the handle echoed around the room and I started to panic. I instantly thought it was Mike trying to get to me. The handle kept turning from side to side, like whoever it was couldn't get the door to unlock and open.

I ran and hid under Damien's desk, hoping not to be seen by the intruder.

I held my hands over my mouth, hoping that my heavy breathing didn't give away my hiding spot. I hear the door open and footsteps head in my direction. The sound was getting closer and closer when the person spoke up.

"Leah? Are you in here? Where are you?" The voice belonged to Damien and it was full of panic. I let my hands fall from over my mouth to the floor and started to sob uncontrollably. The tears rolled down my cheeks like a river flowing after a storm.

Damien comes running towards the sounds of my cries and drops to the floor and crawled under the desk, taking me in his arms before he is even fully settled in beside me.

"Leah? What's wrong? What happened?" The fear in his voice let me know once again that he cared. I tried to let him know that I thought it was Mike coming to get me when I heard him opening the door, but the words couldn't make it past the uncontrollable sobbing that was happening at that moment.

My entire body shook with adrenaline and I couldn't stop it. I felt like my time had stopped right when my fear peaked and I couldn't get it to go again like I was stuck in this feat forever.

"Shhhhh, Leah. It is okay..." I felt Damien rub my back slowly, the movements were calming. "You are okay. I've got you and I won't let anything happen to you, I promise." I felt the emotion behind those last two words and they instantly made me feel safe. The shaking my body was experiencing started to slow and my mind started to calm. The rivers that had been flooding my cheeks flowed a little less and my breathing became more stable.

I pulled my head off of Damien's chest a little so I could see the man who has today alone, spent countless hours comforting me. I looked him in the eyes and all I saw was pity. He pitied me. Just what I didn't want. I didn't need him to pity me, I needed him to be my friend. Without thinking I crawled out from under the desk and stood up. I felt so angry. Angry at Damien for his pity. Angry at Mike for everything and angry at the world for allowing all these horrible things to happen to me.

I turned towards the office door and ran. I ran through the office cubicles and I couldn't tell if the tears that fell from my eyes were a side effect of how angry I was or if it is leftover from the adrenaline. Whatever they were from, they fell as I ran out of the building. I ran for what seemed like hours and when I had finally stopped running I looked around not recognising where I was and the panic I had run off was once again creeping in. I was turning in circles, my eyes jutting from building to building, trying my hardest to find anything familiar so I could keep hope that I haven't gotten myself lost.

I chose a direction to head in and I started walking. One foot in front of the other. As I walked it started to feel like someone was watching me but I never noticed anything suspicious as I looked at my surroundings. Old brick buildings lined each side of the street. They were decent-sized and clean. Each front yard looked exactly the same, right down to the length the grass had been cut.

I wasn't concentrating on where I was walking when I ran into a big body. I grabbed onto the strong arms to steady myself and looked up at the person I had run into. "Shit, I'm so sorry." It was then I took notice of who was standing in front of me. My heart started pounding as the shock registered. This can't be happening. He can not be here. How did he know where I would be?

"Hey, baby. Where are you off to in such a hurry?" A big hand wrapped around my bicep, grabbing it hard and squeezing. "Hmmmm? Where were you running to?" The man started to pull me forward by my arm so violently that I was sure I had instant bruising. We walked fast further up the street to a car that was parked on the kerbside. I was in a panic but I knew I couldn't let him see how he made me feel.

"How did you find me?" I said the words with absolute attitude in the hopes he wouldn't be able to see through them. He smirked and I couldn't stop the shiver that ran down my spine. He stepped closer making it so we were now chest to chest. Slowly, he lifted his hand and grabbed some of my hair, running it between his fingers before moving it behind my shoulder. He placed his fingers under my chin and lifted, forcing me to look at him. "Oh, Leah. I know where you are always, don't think you are ever out of my sight." He moved his fingers from gently holding my chin to wrapping his hand under my chin to hold it in place as he bent down. I felt his lips touch mine and instantly I wanted to move away, but how he was holding my face made it so he had complete control over it.

He pulled away, his tone now an angry growl. "Now, get in the fucking car! And do not make a scene." I noticed his eyes were dark and full of anger as he pushed me into the passenger seat of the car. I wanted to scream. I wanted to let the strangers on the street know I wasn't safe and needed help. But instead, I did what was demanded, losing all hope... Losing the will to fight. This is my life, I don't know why I thought I could get away from it, but here it is in all its glory. I looked out the car window as he pulled onto the road, looking at the people on the sidewalk, to them we just look like your normal couple out for a drive but I knew better. The horrors that were to come were nothing compared to what I had ever been through.

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