Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Damian's POV

The silence was deafening as I paced the kitchen floor waiting. Every little sound out the front caught my attention, forcing me to pause in my tracks before I would realise it was nothing and continue on with my pacing.

"Damian, You need to stop." Maria's voice came from behind me, she was always my voice of reason. "It's been a week since she called and you have barely slept." She pointed towards me softly, "look at you, you look exhausted." Her voice was quiet and full of worry.

"Maria, how am I meant to sleep when Leah is out there with that fucking monster having god knows what done to her. I just can't." My body showed my emotions as I let myself fall onto a chair at the dining table. I crossed my arms in front of me and let my head fall forwards in a somewhat uncomfortable but relaxing position as I heard little footsteps come closer to me before stopping. I looked down at Maria's little feet and wondered why she cares about me so much? The thought was gone, replaced by the front door swinging open and Markus making his way through it with someone in tow.

"Damian?" He called out as he walked through the rooms, trying to find me. I didn't have the energy to even answer him, all I managed was a small grunt that Maria wouldn't have even been able to hear.

"We are in here, Markus." Maria called out, letting him know our position in the house. She looked down at me with sadness in her eyes, she knew I was struggling with this and if Markus had shown up here with no answers I would lose my cool.

Markus made his way to us, eyeing me the whole time. I have never felt so vulnerable in my life and it was lucky that it was only these two people who saw it.

Well, these two and this random person that stood to the side of me. I lifted my head slightly to get a look at the imposter in my house.

"Mate, It been a month since Leah called Maria and we have found nothing, Not a fucking thing. This Mike cunt, he's good, I will give him that." Markus paused, allowing me the time to look at him. "But fuck me if we aren't better. This is an associate of mine. He is ridiculously good at finding things that are lost." He pointed to the bloke that was beside him as I eyed him, trying to figure out if he is trustworthy. Markus spoke again. "I know what you are thinking, but man, he is good... like really good. Remember when that woman went to the police and said I had attacked her?" I nodded, that was a fucking ordeal. "Yeah well, Paul here was the one who proved to the cops she was lying through her teeth." My eyes widened at the realisation of who this man actually was and suddenly I had hope.

"Ahhhh, there it is... There is the face." Markus spoke. "You know what is possible now... Don't you?" The sly grin that formed across his face as he spoke only cemented what I was thinking.

"Markus? Are you serious? This is the guy?" My finger pointed through the air towards Paul before running my hands down my face. "Oh my god!" The tone of my voice told him everything he needed to know. I was happy, excited, nervous and so so worried. If this guy blows this and Mike figures out we are looking for them, god knows what will happen to Leah. I took a second to compose myself, Damian, this man is likely the only chance you will ever have of finding Leah. Look at the positives that can happen, not the negatives!

I clapped my hands together, "Okay, let's do this!" I stood up quickly, towering over Paul who would of been only five foot ten-ish and my shoulders being double the width of his entire body. He might not be a scary guy to look at, but this man can find every skeleton you would have in your cupboard. You know the stuff you figured would never see the light of day? Yeah, that is what this man could find.... And easily...

I threw my hand out towards Paul, "welcome aboard, Paul." He grinned and pushed his hand forward as he took what I offered and shook it.

"Okay, so.... Where do we start? What do you need from me?" He took his hand out of mine and laughed. "Absolutely nothing." He smirked at me, "Except, of course, the cheque when I return the girl to you." His confidence reassured me that Leah will in fact be brought back to me.

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