Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Leah's POV

I laid on the grass out the back of the house where Mike had taken me to, and felt the soft grass under me mould to my body. I knew needed to relax my mind before my anxiety would reach new levels. I closed my eyes and focused on the heat from the summer sun as it entered my body, making me feel warm from the outside in.

I felt myself calm down, the vitamin D doing exactly what I wanted it to do.

As I took a deep breath in and held it for a second, my heart rate started to slow down. Images of Damian danced through my mind. His stunning eyes, his handsome face, that smile that could make any woman's knees weak. A grin slowly crept over my face at the images of Damian but quickly disappeared when someone stepped in the line of sunshine forcing darkness over my body.

I opened my eyes and saw hands coming down towards me grabbing me around the throat as I was lifted up onto my feet. I was held there, his grip around my throat so strong that I struggled to breathe.

I started to grab and pull at his hands, trying to loosen them so I wouldn't struggle so much, ultimately failing as I started to fall into the black abyss that appeared before me. Death is better than having to deal with this.

I allowed my eyes to close, begging the darkness to take me. Unfortunately, Mike decided to let go and I finally took a breath.

"Oh no, Leah." I heard him huff, "You don't get to just give up." Mike whispered into my ear, "you don't get to just leave, I am having way too much fun with you." He paused for a moment and I watched as anger flew through his eyes. "Now that you have people you care about, it is making this game more fun!" The grin that started to cover his face was twisted and evil and I could tell he had something planned. "The surprises that I have planned for you, WOW!" He let my throat go and made the brain explosion gesture. " You are going to love it!" He shrugged before he continued. "Or not,

Either way I will love it!"

I had no idea what he was going to do, but I knew him. I wouldn't have put anything past him.

I wanted to make him stop, stop with this craziness. I tried that before and all that did was lead me to broken ribs. I just needed him to finally give into his urge and kill me.

"Stop thinking, Leah. You know I hate it when you think..." His tone got aggressive quickly and his hands were around my neck once again. "You know I can't trust you, I wish I could but you made your bed, now you have to lay in it." He squeezed a little tighter, "It is your own fault that I don't." He said through clinched teeth, while his grip got stronger and my ability to breath lessened.

Finally he is going to do it and I will be freed.

He let one of his hands go from around my throat and pulled it back. Last thing I remember is seeing his first come flying towards me, then black....

My eyes fluttered open, and I blinked a few times as I looked around and noticed I wasn't outside anymore.

It was dark and damp, but I was in a room.

I tried to sit up but the pain was too much and I crashed back down to the ground that was beneath me. Sobbing, I tried to pull my hands up to my face so that I could hide my tears, but something held me back, making it so I couldn't lift it.

I lifted my head and looked around, trying to figure out where I was. As I got a glimpse of my surroundings I realised I wasn't in a room, I was in some kind of Cellar.

Panic started to rise with the knowledge I was locked in there with no idea of where I actually was. How could this happen? Who would do this?

As the words went through my mind a heavy metal door opened to the side of me allowing a small amount of light in. That's when I saw him... That is when I saw Mike. The smirk that spread across his face disgusted me.

"Mike! Where are we?" I asked, my tone stayed even and calm as I spoke. I watched him as he stepped closer, the evil that lived inside him owned the room.

"Oh, Leah. I have bought you to a very special place." He sat on the pathetic excuse for a mattress that I was on and grabbed my chin, yanking my head forward to meet his. My lip split instantly with the contact made and all he did was laugh. "Leah, don't look at me like that... I'm not a bad person." He raised his eyebrows like he was waiting for me to respond to his bullshit. We both sat there, the silence lingered between us until he realised he wasn't going to get anything from me.

He stood up fast and turned, slapping me across the face as he did. "Listen to me you pretty little cunt. I own you!"

He got right in my face making our foreheads touch, he pointed at me, jabbing me in the chest hard with each word he spoke. His voice was low and gravelly. "You hear me, bitch? You are MINE!"

He stepped back from me, and the anger he felt dripped off him, filling the room. I watched as his chest rose and fell with each breath, he looked like he had run a marathon. I had never pushed him this far before so I had no idea where we were heading.

If only I could see into the future...

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