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Heavy breaths...
Blue blue eyes...
Hands traveling...up...down ..arm..hair...cheek...Lips
heart..beat..beat... skipped..beat
Lips...close...so close...

Dark...Dark...so dark...

People... staring... laughing...loud so loud

L̶o̶u̶ Louis...L̶o̶v̶e̶...hurt...hurt..L̶o̶v̶e̶....hurt..pain...pain..hurt.

"Haz, are you okay?" Niall asked as he gently touched Harry's shoulder, making Him snap out of his thoughts.

They were sitting at the dining hall tables and Harry hadn't even touched his food since they got there. Niall was talking to him about something but Harry was deeply lost in his thoughts to hear anything.
Niall was concerned. He felt that Harry was hiding something from him but he didn't want to force him to say anything. He was waiting for the time when Harry would feel comfortable sharing it but seeing his best friend like that was hard on him. He wanted to help him in any way that he can but it's difficult when he doesn't even know what's wrong.
What Louis did was bad but he and Harry have been in these kinda fights since forever but it's different this time. Something's changed.

"Yeah, Em yeah I'm okay" Harry replied looking down at his fingers.

"You know that I'm your best friend right?"


"Then for Merlin's sake stop touring me like that. I know something's up and you're not telling me and it is driving me insane".

"It's nothing Ni- I just-"

Their conversation was interrupted by a boy. Maybe a year or two older than Harry. He looked roughed up...his face covered with deep purplish bruises.
"Eh... Excuse me...Harry- Harry Styles", he said.

"Yes", Harry replied with curious emotions traveling around his face.

"I-i want to apologize for what I said last night"

"Do I know you?" Harry asked.

"Emm..No...I don't know...maybe...
please, I am really sorry about what I said"

"I have no idea what you are talking about. I don't think I've ever met you and I think you've confused me with someone else"

"last night....at the party... I called you a fag. I...I'm sorry it was a mistake...I shouldn't have. Please you have to forgive me." He said with a look that wasn't there because of regret...it was something else. Fear maybe. That guy looked scared...like he don't even want to say any of this but he was scared of something.

suddenly all the hurt..the pain...the anger rushed down Harry's body in the form of a Shiver.

"You fucking asshole. How dare you." Niall screamed as he grabbed that boy's collar.

He was about to punch him when Harry stopped him. "Leave him, Niall. He's not worth it."

"Who did this to you?" Harry asked pointing his gaze towards that boy's face.

"Huh..no-nobody", There it is again...Fear..in his voice..in his eyes.
The boy's face looked like he was scared for his life.

"Answer Him" Niall screamed again.

"No one. I fell down the stairs okay. Listen I'm really sorry Harry, please...I really am", The boy said as he ran away towards the door.

Of course, Harry's mind was traveling in places it shouldn't have. He was thinking about last night... About Louis... About that boy's bruises. Something's not adding up. Why would he apologize now? He sure as hell didn't regret his words last night.

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