17. LIAR

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"He's up!..Niall c'mere he's up.", Said a soft voice.

It's Lipi...She and Niall were sitting at Harry's bedside for an hour now. Their eyes eagerly waited for Harry to answer.

Swollen eyes.. bruises elbow...Harry's head was pounding and his throat was dry. He tried to speak but it was too much..too much pain to make words..too much pain to open his eyes...too much pain to realize what really happened last night..it was all kinda blurry yet too clear to forget..too raw to process.

Niall seems to understand something as he offers Harry a glass of water.

His hands were shaking as he reached for the glass.

"Tha-thank you", he said.

"How are you mate?" Niall asked with genuine concern on his face.

Harry was silent for what seemed like forever.

Three words, 'How are you?'..such a simple question but the answer to this could be the most complicated thing in the world.

How are you?.. Heartbroken...Devastated...Hurt.. Shattered...Numb...like someone is carving pieces out of my heart.

"Fine... I'm fine", Harry replied as he closed his eyes.

He felt a warm hand on his shoulder.

"We heard what happened last night"

Pain extreme pain.

no no no please don't...I don't wanna remember all that...not again..

Harry's mind was running in every direction.

stop it, no...please don't say it Niall.. please..no. His name..no I don't want to hear that name...I don't want to see that face again in the darkness of my mind..I wanna forget it all..his arms..his smile..his Fringes and the sparkle in those ocean blue eyes.

"I'm so sorry Harry..I had no idea the fight between you guys could be so serious..I thought...we all thought you guys were always just joking around..but creating a scene like that was really a dick move...

Louis shouldn't have done that."

There it is...like a hundred Needles punching my heart at once..this name...his name..

Ahhh...Niall you have no idea...No one does...everyone thinks that I'm just sad that Louis insulted me in front of everyone...but no one knows what my heart knows...what my eyes know...what my- what my lips know.

I can't even show anyone how stupid I was...that I let my guard down and let him play with my stupid feelings...he laid the trap and I fell for it...but the hardest part is, I really thought it was true..all of it..I saw it in his eyes...


"Earth to Harry.." Niall says waving his hand in front of Harry's face.

"Are you sure you're okay mate?"

"Yeah, I am", he replied hiding the pain in his eyes.

"Hey, how did I get here?"

"What do you mean?"Niall asked tilting his face in confusion.

Harry was confused, cause the last thing he remembered was running, getting out of breath, and collapsing in some dark alley.

"I mean, did someone carry me back here?

"What are you talking about mate? Didn't you come back here by yourself?"

"Ah..yeah never mind. Maybe I'm just in my head ", he said still trying to recall any memory of coming back to his dorm.

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