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Anne took Harry for shopping at the diagon Alley as he was constantly annoying her asking questions like, "shall we go now..when are we going to leave...Now...What about now momm??...let's go now mum...pweaseeee"

Finally they were there. Little Harry was mesmerized by that place.He had heard about it a lot but his mum never took him there as she always use to say that "magic is not safe for little kids, but now...he's Big and he's here" Harry chuckles thinking all this to himself.

*Harry's POV*

Wow this place is amazing..even better than what I have ever imagined.
I've always wanted to come here but mum never agreed to that.
I think mum's excited for this too.

My thoughts were interrupted by mum as she asked, "what pet would you like to have dear"?

"An OWL" i shouted with excitement..duh.
I've been planning for this day since I was five years old obviously I know exactly what I want.

Then we find out way to a pet shop. a My eyes instantly falls onto a beautiful white feathered owl and i knew that this was it... "that's going to be my new best friend". i told my mum and she agreed to my decision. "I'm gonna name him Snowy, you know cuz he's just as beautiful as the white fresh snow".. I told as She smiled "that's a really pretty name hun".


I think Snowy likes me too. He seems really Happy with me. I wish I could talk to animals. I was lost in my head with these thoughts as we were exiting the pet shop when suddenly my eyes meet someone else's eyes who was standing right across the road..

It was a girl, she had dark mysterious eyes, raven hair, and a pretty smile.
I could tell by the mesmerized look on her face that she was shopping here for the first time as well.

As we both were looking at each other
She gave me a sweet smile and i smiled back.
Suddenly I realised that I wasn't with my mum anymore. She might have thought I was following her but i stopped when I looked at that girl. when my mum realise that, she shouts my name waving with her hand calling me to join her.
we now need to buy me my wand...yes my own personal wand...now Gemma can't tease me anymore for not having my own wand. I think to my self as I waved my hand saying bye to that girl..she smiled and waved back to me.


It's been about 3 hours now and we were almost done with our shopping. I was looking arround trying to find that girl again so that I could introduce myself to her but I guess she went home. Maybe I'll see her again someday as she might also be a student at Hogwarts.

Now all we need to do is to buy me a ticket for the Hogwarts express and I'll be all set for my new journey.

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