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"Louis William Tomlinson"

'Tomlinson' is a well known family name in the history of wizardry.
A pure bloodline of generations of Slytherins within it.
Tomlinsons have be well know and feared for their power and the knowledge of dark magic that flows through their veins.
They are considered as the darkest family of wizards.
Also They've been know to have some generic connections with one of the Founders of Hogwarts, that is non other than 'The Salazar Slytherin'.

Louis's Father was one of the most powerful and richest man in the Wizarding World. He was a cruel and selfish man. Even with his own son, he had always been a distant, heartless and cruel Father.
He wanted Louis to join in practising dark arts from an early age so that he could continue their family's legacy.
Louis had always been the Rebellious son. He knew that he never wanted to be like his father and for this he had been punished several time by different jinxes and hexes by his father for disobeying his orders.

His mother on the other hand was the most loving person he has ever met. She never wanted Louis to get involved with the dark magic. She wanted her beloved son to be far away from all the evil that surrounds their family. She wanted him to be happy, to be free, to be himself.
It kills her to see his little boy in pain caused from the spells by his own father. That's why she asked professor Dumbledore to take an early addmission at Hogwarts, sending her little baby boy far away from herself and his cruel father before he was even 11.

Louis Tomlinson was now in his 3rd year at Hogwarts. Just like the other members of his family he was sorted into Slytherin. He was pretty disappointed by the decision of sorting hat but he promises himself that no matter what he's never going to be like his father... he's going to be a good person, who cares about others and who fights against the evil.

Obviously he's quite popular in Hogwarts. Everybody knows his name.
As he now is a handsome young man, he always finds himself surrounded by a bunch of girls flirting with him and trying to get his attention.
It seems like Every guy want's to be friends with him and every girl want's to date him.

Louis usually is annoyed by all the attention he gets..he always feels like all these people are trying to be close to him just because of his family name and stuff. Due to the horrific image of his family everyone in the school is usually kinda frightened by him. He feels like People follow him arround all the time just because they all wanted to be in his good graces.
He felt like he doesn't have any real friend unit he met Zayn..
Z and L have been best friends for almost 2 years now.


*Louis's POV*

I was minding my own damn business but as I went to the restroom i saw a gryffindor boy maybe a few years older than me was beating up a kid.

The kid was on the floor and the other boy was constantly kicking him in the stomach saying , "you little piece of shit ...you don't deserve to be here... Hogwarts don't need people like you..you bloody faggoat!!!"

I felt the rage as the blood in my veins started to boil...the next thing I know the gryffindor boy was on the floor and i was on top of him punching without a pause... I wasn't able to control myself... The anger filled inside of me was getting the best of me.

Suddenly I felt someone's hand on my chest, someone was trying to seperate me and the other boy.
And then, I saw ✨Him✨.

Tinted cheeks...lips like the perfect shade of pink...Soft brown curls covering his eyes as he tuck them to the back of his ears..
Then, then i met his eyes...
curious.. passionate...confused....
As if the morning dew drops are placed on the leaves just waiting to merge with the beautiful nature...i felt like i could fit my whole world inside those beautiful emerald green eyes...As they were just made for me.

*Wait a minute, did I just edited a Harry styles pic in Slytherin robes and then changed its colour and batch to make it Ravenclaw just so that you guys can have a picture for better imagination? I guess i did*

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*Wait a minute, did I just edited a Harry styles pic in Slytherin robes and then changed its colour and batch to make it Ravenclaw just so that you guys can have a picture for better imagination? I guess i did*

Wait Whatt???why am I think like that...no noo noooo i can't just think about some boy like that!
I was in so much confusion i didn't know what else to do so i pushed him away.

"Wot's yor problem curly??
Why the fokk these Ravenclaw's have to be so nosy all the time!!"
I was too stunned to think about what am I even saying.

Idk he was lecturing me some shit and i just wanted him to go...i was so confused by the feelings i was having

"Ju..just get out of here curlyy...
i don't owe you any explanation."

And then he called me a fookin psychopath??? What the hell I was just trying to help some little kid...i didn't say anything after that but this was just not right...i was doing a good thing here.. helping the one in need.
I agree that I was a little out of control while beating that boy but, I'm not a fookin psychopath...

The whole night I wasn't able to stop myself from thinking about that boy with green eyes...i don't know what is it but I'm frustrated with the things I'm feeling right now.. I don't even know what they are..and my stomach is doing this stupid fluttering thing with me...ugghhhh but why am I thinking about some guy who I've just met for a few minutes and who thinks that I'm a psychopath!


[The next morning]

I receive a letter from my father...he told me how big of a disappointment I am to him and his family. How he thinks that I'm weak , useless and pathetic.
I've been listening to these hurtful words from my father's mouth since I was little kid but they still hurts the same.
Also this is not even the worst part He want's me to come back home! The literal living hell that I never wanted to visit again in my life ... He wrote that if I wouldn't agree to his orders he would come and take me back himself and then i can forget about coming back to Hogwarts ever again.
the only thing good about that awful place is my mum... she's the most wonderful and kindest person I've ever seen. I really wanted to meet her it's been so long but really I don't wanna face "the fookin Devil" again.

The words from my father's letter were circling around my head telling me that I'm the worst thing that can ever happen to anyone..
I was on the verge of tears, almost unable to breath, trying to hold back all of the emotions cuz I don't want anyone to see me like that.

Suddenly I heard a voice comming towards me...it was that green eyed boy, the one that called me psychopath, yesterday...i bet he's here to tell me what an awful person I am. Well trust me I already know that!!

I almost shouted at him while telling him that I don't wanna listen to anything he has to say. I could tell by his expressions that he was a little hurt by my words but it would be better for him if he would just stay away from me... I'm no good to anyone!

"LEAVE...just fookin leave me alone will ya!!!" i just shouted that to his face and ran away as i wasn't able to hold back my tears anymore and i really don't want him to see that.

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