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It seems like a really simple word formed by the combination of four letters but in reality, it is by far the most complicated thing in the world.

Love is a mysterious and powerful emotion. It can make people do crazy things, which is often the inspiration behind the great creative works of art.

Love can make people feel happy and euphoric, as if they're floating on a cloud. It can also make them feel sad and desperate, as if they're losing their grip on reality. Love can be passionate and exciting, or it can be calm and reassuring.
The definition and forms of love are different for different people.

It can be of different kinds. Nurturing love a mother have for their child... Affectionate love for friends..Admirational Love for our Idols...The doting Love we have for our siblings but what a person craves the most, is the passionate love one have for their lover.

Harry was now feeling different emotions but the once he was most certain about was the feeling of love that is thriving in every inch of his body.
Yes, for others it might seems like, it was just a kiss but for Harry this was his way of presenting his heart and soul to Louis.
This kiss was the unwritten love letter that he received on his lips.
All the unspoken words and feelings that he was burying inside his heart were now freely flying like a bird through the night.
It felt like, now his mind, body and soul all belongs to Louis and Louis only.

From the moment he tasted the nectar of his love, Harry knew he wants to spend the rest of the eternity with this boy.
Maybe this is too soon for thinking about all these things but Louis.. he's different.. special... he's literally everything harry had imagined and more and that kiss was the most beautiful feeling that Harry had ever experienced so yeah, maybe this is soon but he wants to belong to louis, forever.

Dancing and humming to the love songs harry finds his way to his first class of the day 'Transfiguration'.

To be honest Harry wasn't really fond of that class in particular. He was really good at charms and potions but this was the subject he dreaded the most.
Zayn on the other hand, had always been the star student of the class. so he agreed to help Harry pass the O.W.Ls

"Mr. Styles next time you decides to honour us with your presence please let us know in advance, so that we could reschedule our classes according to your convience", said professor McGonagall in a cold voice as soon as Harry enters the classroom.
"Now take your seat without disturbing the class any further "

"My apologies ma'am.., this won't happen again", harry said politely with his head down as he walks towards the empty seat beside Lipi.

"Soo??" L whispered.

"I kissed him...emm actually, he kissed me".

"WHAT?" Lipi squeak with a little scream.

Professor gave her a cold, raised brow look but continued her teaching session.Lipi was way too excited to even notice the silent warning given by professor McGonagall.

"He kissed you?? But you told me that it wasn't a date... nevermind that's not even important anymore...
so tell me how was it?
How did it happened?
Who made the first move?
Did you tell him about your feelings?
What did he say?
Wait, is he in love with you?
Aaaaaahhhhh yes you two would make a super cute couple...Aww and I'm gonna be your made of honour..yay"

"Wohh wohh wohhh calm down Evans...it was just a kiss.
Well to be fair, it was actually the most beautiful thing I've ever experienced in my entire life. Everything was bloody perfect and-" harry whispered as McGonagall shoot them with another ice cold look.

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