Behind that glass was Katsuki who felt his heart twinge. Izuku's bright smile.. He looked so happy, Katsuki didn't make him smile like that since they were kids..

"Bro, you good?" Katsuki turns to see a red head who was looking at Katsuki worried that he saw as pity.
"None of your fucking buisness." He tsk in annoyance and the red head only saw a chance of making a new friend.

"That's cool dude, Eijiro Kirishima!" The red head grins ear to ear showing his sharp teeth.
"I don't care." Katsuki grumbles ready to hit the boy.

'The technical exam begins!!'

The conversation was cut by the doors opening saving the red head from being murdered.


The exam was ending and Izuku was able to spot a lot of students with immense potential and the amount of quirks were making his internal fanboying go crazy.

"Katsuki Bakugo.. He has quite a flashy quirk.." Nezu thinks out loud.
"Kacchan's quirk is really cool, he had a good control over it since we were young, his body produce nitroglycerin-like sweat and he can release it from his hands. When he's nervous or angry he tends to accidentally create small explosions, which is one of the things he should work on. He is really smart but also very loud and impulsive." Izuku rambles about Katsuki's quirk and personality.

"You know him?" Aizawa asks with a frown.
"He was my childhood best friend, we went to the same middle school." Izuku says still focused on the exam.

The teachers all noticed the was but Izuku was so focuses on the evaluation that he didn't notice the look the teachers gave to each other.

The loud alarm resonates in the arena announcing the end of the exam. Izuku was mumbling to himself about the different things he observed the students recovering.

"Izuku, Katsuki Bakugo, is he one of those who hurt you?" Aizawa asks getting straight to the point.
"No, of course it hurt when he stopped being friends with me but he wasn't hurting me." Izuku lies with a sad smile.
"Then do you want to go see him? He looked like he wanted to speak to you earlier." Mic points out trying to see any type of inconfort. "We are planning to talk about the results tomorrow so you could go if you want."

"Yeah, I don't see why not." Izuku smiles and he gets up bowing. "I'll join you guys at the teachers lounge after" Izuku says walking off. But he wasn't planning on going to talk to him.

Planning is the keyword here since the second he tries to get to his friends someone grabs his wrist.
"Izuku, can I please talk to you..?" Izuku was surprised not only for being called his real name but for the please.
"O.. Okay k-Kacchan.." He stutters slightly scared.
"Can we go somewhere with less people? I promise to only talk I just.. I missed you.." Katsuki admits embarrassed and slowly letting go of Izuku's wrist.

"Okay.. Umm.. We can go in the gymnasium.. No one is there at this time.." He mumbles unsure and Katsuki nods following Izuku across the students.
"Kacchan.. there are cameras everywhere here, just so you don't try to hit or other.. It could ruin your chances on getting in.." Izuku mumbles slightly afraid and Katsuki feels his heart drop, of course.. That was meant to be one of his first thoughts.

"I wasn't planning to.." He says ashamed and Izuku nods bringing him inside the gym.

"Izuku I-"
"If it's because your afraid I'd tell someone of what happened, I promise not to say a word, you don't nee-" Izuku was cut.
"NO!" He yells from pure frustration but not to Izuku but to himself.

Izuku took a step back startled.
"No.. I.. I want to say I'm sorry.." He says looking at the ground making Izuku freeze.
"I never should have pushed you away, I never should have hurt you during all those years, I should have stayed by your side.. You're the only one in that shitty school whom the option should have mattered. I never should have told you to kill yourself, never, I regretted it the second it came out and my pride. My stupid fucking pride." Katsuki had tears in his eyes. "When I understood you ran away.. I was scared.. Terrified.. I couldn't lose you and I'm sorry that's what it took for me to understand but I never want to lose you.. That day I saw you at the park, I didn't want to hurt you. The other extras, I don't know why they followed, they're dumb. I just wanted to bring you back.. Just.. I'm sorry.. I'm so fucking sorry." Katsuki says finally looking up at Izuku's eyes and they both had teary eyes. Izuku didn't think twice before going to hug Katsuki. The blond was shocked, but soon held Izuku back. "I promise.. I promise to not hurt you again.. but don't leave Zuku.." Katsuki whispers hiding in the crook of the viridian boy's neck.

"I won't Kacchan.. but please tell me this isn't a joke.." He whispers.

"I swear it isn't, ask the old hag how many times she walked on me fucking rehearsing that shit. I swear to All Might, it was worst then embarrassing." Katsuki sighs loudly making the smaller boy giggle.

"Auntie must have laughed at you" Izuku giggles slowly leaving the blonds arms.
"She didn't since I was a fucking emotional mess, but now.. I swear I'm hearing about that shit every fucking day." Katsuki grumbles making the other laugh softly.

"So, mind to tell me what the hell happen for you to end up here?" Katsuki asks playfully making Izuku chuckle.

"Well, Eraserhead found me in the abandoned warehouse after they caught some villains, now he and his husband are my legal guardians and since they're teachers here, I've been helping students train and I was able to analyze a bunch of them! I also learned how to fight!" Izuku explains cheerfully under the soft gaze of the other.

"That's nice, so.. are you going to stay here?" Katsuki asks curious.
"Yeah! I'm going to be in the hero course! Tho I think it's supposed to be a secret.. Don't tell anyone please!" Izuku pleads making Bakugo smirk.
"Don't worry Nerd, I ain't telling shit to no one."
"So.. Friends..?" Katsuki asks nervously making Izuku's tears come back.
"Of course Kacchan! I'll always want to be your friend!!" Izuku says with a huge smile which made Katsuki's heart skip a beat.

"Good.. So.. Can you tell me how I did today?" He asks teasingly.
"No information will be diffused for umm.. the public..?" Izuku says more as a question.
"Not their opinion idiot, yours!" Katsuki smiles and Izuku blushes slightly.

"Kacchan did great.. You have an amazing control of your quirk, you seem to have became more precise with your shooting style, you definitely gave an impression. Also, you seem to be able to keep your quirk activated for longer period of times."  "But are your forearms okay? I know you tend to hurt yourself when it's used for too long." Izuku looks at the other boy worried.

"I'm fine Nerd, I know my limits now.." Izuku gives him a sceptical look. "Most of the time.. When I'm umm.. calm.." Katsuki corrects himself embarrassed.

"But you know if you get hurt, recovery girl is really good, she can even heal broken bones!!" Izuku explains cheerfully making the blond frown.
"You seem to be speaking from experience."
"It was an accident! We were training and I was still only beginning!" Izuku defends himself looking away embarrassed.
"Idiot" He scolds flicking his forehead.

"Izuku! We found you!" Present Mic entered the room panicked. "Is everything okay?" He asks worried.

"That idiot just went on full on protective dad mode. We were just checking to see where you were at. I see everything is doing alright?" Aizawa asks after arriving.

"Yup! He was scolding me on breaking my bones-" Izuku laughs embarrassed earning a scoff from the tired teacher.

"Good. You deserve it." Shota smirks and Izuku pouts. It didn't take much for the two guardians to notice the way Katsuki looked at Izuku. They don't know what happened in their past but they knew that they didn't have to be scared for him hurting Izuku in the futur.

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