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when there's no one else to say


real life

"Hey, amor, can you wake up for me?" Alex asked softly, gently shaking the girl lying on top of him.

"No, sleep." She mumbled, clinging on tighter to his body. He chuckled softly, running a gently hand up her back.

"Come on, it's for a good cause." Alex said with an obvious smile.

"Can we get sushi if I do?"

"Of course."

"Fine, i'll get up." Callie sighed, moving herself off of Alex and sitting in between his legs. She yawned, trying to make herself up more. Once she looked up, her eyes met those of her best friend's and immediately her line of vision was blurred by tears.

"What the fuck?" She cried, standing and running to the person on the other side if the room. The girl hugged her close, the pair having not seen each other in two years.

"Surprise. A month late birthday present." Gabby laughed out, spilling tears of her own down her face. She mouthed a thank you to Alex who was smiling on the bed.

"So you guys go out for sushi, im gonna do my long awaited filming with the dream team. You guys have fun." Alex said as he walked out of the room.

"Ready to go?" Gabby asked, pulling away from the hug and wiping her face.

"Let me change, fucker." Callie laughed, reaching beyond her best friend to grab a hoodie.




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tagged: std.chickentoes.69
call1e.804 when she visits me i cry

std.chickentoes.69 you rlly did. poor man had to wake you up and you were all like "fuck off"
call1e.804 listen he's fine
quackity am i? am i really?
call1e.804 go finish making ur video mi amore
quackity yes mami

nyx.tucker ITS GABBY
std.chickentoes.69 ITS NYX

nyx.tucker oh i found everything on quackity btw.
nyx.tucker YOU TOTALLY DID
call1e.804 oh god


real life

"Dude, the sushi here is so good." Gabby said, putting another piece in her mouth using her chopsticks.

"I told you." Callie laughed.

"You drive like me by the way. I never taught you how to drive, but you drive like me." She said, a laugh ringing out afterwards.

"I do what I can." Callie said, their laughs mixing and becoming one. It echoed off the walls in the restaurant and they got stares, but neither paid any mind.

"So you're excited for boot camp?" Callie asked once the silence settled. Neither of them were strangers to the silence that lingered like raindrops on grass between them, but when they had limited time to be together, they always tried to fill it.

"Kind of. It'll be hard not seeing my family or talking to them for three months straight, but it's something i need to do." She spoke, glancing around at the sushi on her plate.

"For yourself, right? Because if you do it for other people, it's not gonna be something you're happy with for the rest of your life."

"For me and for Lydia. She needs to know that there's more out there for her."

"I can get that." Callie responded, nodding at her with a soft smile.

"So you and Alex?" She said, wiggling her eyebrows before eating another piece of sushi.

"What about it?" Callie asked, their face getting hot.

"Callie you don't let anyone help you during a panic attack. You just started letting Lauren help you and you've known her since you were like, twelve." Gabby says, staring at Callie with a look. "I know you fend off men, or anyone for that matter, but I can feel it."

"Feel what?"

"I'll tell you before I leave." She chuckled, voice soft as she continued eating. This time when the silence settled, it stayed.


"I'm back losers, what's for dinner?" Callie asked, taking off her shoes and skipping over to the couch. Gabby followed behind and sat in a chair whereas Callie leaned over the back of the couch, face in between Nick and Alex's.

"Whatever you want." Clay waved off.

"I can cook tacos?" Callie offered.

"I vote yes!" Gabby spoke up, looking up from her phone.

"I'll help you." Alex laughed, quickly pressing a kiss to her cheek before getting up and exiting the room. Callie sat stunned, face going red and eyes staying wide.

"This is the funniest shit ever." Lauren laughed, Gabby agreeing with her.

"Y'all should rot in hell." Callie said, laughing nervously as she stood and walked to the kitchen. Immediately immersing herself in cooking so she could forget about the small act of affection being shown.

"Hi amor." Alex said softly, walking up behind them and resting his chin on her shoulder.

"Hi." Callie said, voice quiet and concentrated as she cut the tomatoes for the toppings. Why she started there, she was unsure of herself, but she was kinda ass backwards at the moment. It was a small kiss on her cheek and shes flipping out.

"Where do you need me?" He asked, wrapping his arms around their waist with a gentle touch. Callie could feel his hesitation, but before she could register anything, she relaxed into him.

"Anywhere." Callie said, shrugging as she registered everything. The touch of gentle hands on her waist, the soft breathing on barely fanning her collarbone, the chest against her back, the beanie against her ear and hair. It was as if her senses were only tuned into Alex, listening to his breathing, feeling him everywhere, smelling his cologne and almost being able to taste it on her tongue, seeing his hands on her waist in her peripheral. Everything was Alex Alex Alex.

She wasn't sure how things could get any better than this. How her feelings could get anymore deep than this. How things could possibly get more in depth than this moment, right here.

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