•Chapter- 40•

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Tera paas aana sahi,
Faasle banana sahi
Mera koi haq hi naa Raha

Been wrapped up in the arms of the person you love most, is the best feeling ever and Vansh RaiSinghania couldn't help but agree looking at the sleepy face of the lady in his arms

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Been wrapped up in the arms of the person you love most, is the best feeling ever and Vansh RaiSinghania couldn't help but agree looking at the sleepy face of the lady in his arms. She was everything he ever wanted. His happiess, his peace, his passion, and his desire.

He fell asleep for an hour or two in the early morning, but Riddhima's loose hair fringes hitted his face and disturbed his sleep. Since then, he is awake, staring at his beautiful wife. Face partially covered with the short hair fringes and lips parted, she looked as cute as an sleeping infant to him. Could he just wake her and eat her up? I mean, she looked so edible to him, so tempting to him right now that his throat went dry.

Last night, Like a Gentleman that he surely wasn't... Vansh made Riddhima sleep on the backseat of the car and himself sat near her foot end, folding his hand and leaning his head against the headrest of the backseat. He didn't realized how he fell on Riddhima in his half slept state. When his eyes opened, he was already lying on the seat and that too on top of Riddhima's body sandwiching her beneath his rock hard body and the car seat.
Not wanting to crush her delicate frame under him, He gently made place for himself on the small seat and turned her on her flank. Putting his hand around her small waist to prevent her from falling, He too shifted on his flank side and pulled Riddhima Close. This way, he made place for both of them on the car seat.

While sleeping, Riddhima's hands involuntarily landed on the side of his chest and her head hid as she dug it in the space between his neck and shoulder. Vansh's body froze as he felt her nose tip touching his neck. For the first time, he regretted sleeping bare bodied because the lady next to him was sending currents down his spine with her soft accidental touches.

Placing his chin above her head, Vansh closed his eyes holding his woman securely and close to him. What is this feeling? He never knew he could feel something like this for anyone. Sleep was far away as the new electrifying sensation travelling inside him excited him for all wrong reasons and he couldn't help but think about all the unimaginable stuff they could do inside the car. Oh Please, He ain't a Saint to not think about the ecstasy of married life when his lady is lying next to him, encircling her arm around his body.

Since the second his sleep got disturbed due to her stubborn hair fringes, Vansh is staring at his wife's face and breathing her presence every second, absorbing her in his eyes. Vansh RaiSinghania would have freeze the moment if he could. To him, it felt like he was still in a dream which can break even at the blink of his eyes.

Tugging the hair fringes falling on her face behind her ear ,Vansh pulled the duvet with his other hand and covered their bodies under it. This feeling was wholesome. For the first time in months, he felt complete. He felt like if his lady is by his side, he doesn't need anything else in his life.

His heart thudded when Riddhima snuggled close to him and put her leg above his legs. Her toes brushed against the skin of his calf, making his body go numb. Did she even know what she was doing to him? Did she even know how much it was paining down there? Her proximity was like a slow torture for him. And no matter how much it pained him, he just wanted to get tortured... Over and Over again untill the day she loses herself in his arms and breaks all the barriers between them.

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