Ch. 20 Family Reunion

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"You may call me Sebastian if you'd like, but I must confess that is not my name,"

"Wait. Please? I don't understand,"

"Oh Jordan. I can see why you have so many men in your corner. You certainly are deliciously gorgeous. However, I must comment, you have a peculiar taste in men,"

Jordan tried to back away from Sebastian, but the chain attaching her to the bed stopped her.

"Come sit, and I promise I will explain everything to you,"

At this moment Jordan was sure she was dealing with someone who was quite unwell. And while the fighter in Jordan wanted to refuse to do anything asked of her, she no longer had just herself to worry about. If Jordan put her life in danger, she now put the life of her child in danger. Dan's child. Most likely Dan's only chance at a biological child. With a huff Jordan complied, and took a seat on the bed. When Sebastian joined her, she tried to scoot over to get as far away from him as she could, but her attempts were futile.

"Tell me, Jordan. Do you believe in something more? An afterlife? Another dimension we travel to after our time here is over?"

"You mean like Heaven? Yes... I was raised Christian technically,"

"I'm talking much bigger than just Heaven. I'm talking about the thread of truth the exist within most religions, myths, and fables,"

Oh dear god. Sebastian proceeded to explain the crazy fundamentals of the Eclipsa cult, that he referred to as just "The Eclipsa". Basically the cult believed that beings like giants, dragons, gods, titans, were all real, but they did not belong in this dimension. It was all about the balance. And apparently since the Eclipsa's are so enlightened, it was their duty to protect this dimension from beings who did not belong here. They believe that the presence of a giant like Dan symbolized a titan with the power to bring about the end of this world. Oyyy. While Dan may have been a massively powerful man, he was just a man. Just a person. This whole thing was ridiculous.

"Listen. I hear you, and I can respect your beliefs, but you must understand, Dan isn't some mythical creature. He wasn't even this big when I met him. He has a condition called-"

"Hyper Gigantism. Yes, I've heard this made up term. However, I'm afraid Daniel Camerino is not of this earth, and he is here to bring about the rapture,"

Oh dear god. How was Jordan supposed to reason with someone like this? And how was this Sebastian?! Sebastian had dedicated so much of his life to the medical field. Just becoming a doctor takes years and years of school and dedication. Also, why was he talking about Dan like a mythical creature all of a sudden when he never did this before? Of course Sebastian had been scared, and wasn't exactly supportive of Dan and Jordan dating but he'd never been anything like this. Hell, he'd never even sounded like this.

The man before Jordan was basically a stranger. He spoke with a thick french accent Jordan had never heard Sebastian use. His green eyes looked the same, and yet different at the same time. Jordan felt like she was sitting across from a stranger wearing a Sebastian mask.


Meanwhile, Dan was in over his head meeting with General Foster and a group of military representatives who'd recently arrived. Every person spoke about Dan like he was a weapon. As the conversation went on, Dan felt more and more uncomfortable. He didn't want to be a weapon of any sort. Wasn't the entire purpose of doing the interview and everything to make it clear that he was just a normal nice guy, only bigger? Now these people wanted Dan to stomp into action crushing anyone they deemed an enemy. No. Dan couldn't do that. He couldn't lose sight of who he was for these guys.

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