Ch. 13 He Who Must Not Be Named

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The time had finally come for Jordan to head back to Dan's place. After her last doctor's visit, Jordan received the okay to return to living on her own at her apartment (which was still recovering from Dino's vandalism by the way) and end her concussion bedrest regime. Of course the first thing Jordan wanted to do was make it over to Dan's place. The only problem was her car was still not out of the shop, so Jordan needed to find a ride to Dan's place. Jordan hadn't told her parents about Dan and his condition yet, so they were not an option. Jordan couldn't ask Chris for a ride since she hadn't yet confronted him about his lie to keep her and Dan apart. That was one conversation Jordan was happy to avoid for now. Finally, an opportunity revealed itself as Jordan texted back and forth with Sebastian.

Sebastian had been checking on Jordan via text every day since he'd returned her phone. In attempting to find a smooth segway to ask Jordan out, Sebastian told Jordan he was wide open all weekend outside of heading out to visit his mom for a bit. This was when Jordan realized that Sebastian's mother lived in the same direction as Dan's house, hence how the two had been going in the same direction the day of the accident. Perhaps Sebastian could give Jordan a ride?

Sebastian felt nervous to hear Jordan suggest he take her to the giant's house. However, this would give him alone time with Jordan, driving her there and back. Not to mention, Sebastian could probably charm her into getting dinner with him on the way home at the end of the weekend. Hmm... Maybe he could even convince her to get brunch at the start of the weekend... Yes. Sebastian could face his fears in the name of love.

Dan felt blind jealousy when Jordan told him her friend Sebastian was going to give her a ride to and from his place this weekend. If it were up to Dan, Jordan would never be anywhere near this Sebastian dude. It wasn't fair this guy got to be a hero and be so useful to Dan's girlfriend. No matter how Jordan tried to brush off the whole bringing her flowers bit, even Dan knew Sebastian was making a move. Dan would simply have to hold onto the confidence that he was the one Jordan wanted to be with... for now.

"You are the coolest woman, you know that?" Sebastian spoke as Jordan hopped into his car.

"I'm not cool. You're cool. I mean look at this car! It's like a spaceship!"

"Well you're the one casually going to hang out with a real life giant," Sebastian replied.

"He's not a giant... Well I mean yes he is, but it's not like he's a different species or something. He's a person just like us, only waaay bigger,"

"Either way, I think it's pretty amazing that you're so brave. I'm actually trying to be as brave as you right now, but I'm already floundering,"

"What do you mean?" Jordan asked, feeling her face flush.

"I am trying to be brave enough to ask you to get brunch with me before I drop you at the giant's- I mean Dan's house?"

Jordan felt anxious agreeing to go to brunch. She was starting to get the drift that Sebastian was in fact looking at her as more than a friend. In theory, this was the perfect opportunity for Jordan to draw the line in the sand letting Sebastian know where things stood between them. In reality, Jordan felt rude letting Sebastian down when he'd agreed to give her a ride both ways this weekend. Perhaps she could go and just keep things strictly in the friendzone.

Sitting across from Sebastian, Jordan lost track of time, enjoying the conversations the two were having. It wasn't until she looked down at her phone and saw an incoming call from Dan that she realized she'd told Dan she'd be there by noon, and it was already 12:30. Sebastian and Jordan hadn't even asked for their bill yet.

"Dan? Hey! I'm so sorry we're running late, it's totally my bad,"

"I'll get our bill," Sebastian said, louder than Jordan would have liked. She hadn't had time to place her hand over the phone.

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