Ch. 7 Truth Hurts

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2 days later.

Dino felt his knees bounce, already on his second coffee, as he waited for the last person he ever expected to be getting coffee with to arrive. While the majority of Dino's business endeavors were legit, he still participated in some under the rug business affairs that resulted in him being pretty anti law-enforcement. Especially real deal folks like the FBI or CIA. Those organizations were always after people like Dino. However, today Dino hoped he could put aside the business, and any judgment that may be attached to his line of work to have a civil conversation, big brother to big brother.

Finally Jordan's older brother, Chris, entered the coffee shop where he immediately joined Dino. After a polite greeting the two got down to business.

"So how is she?" Dino asked, genuinely wanting to know how Jordan was holding up.

"She's pretty upset. I mean, to be honest, every time she talks about it I have a hard time believing the series of events. I know the government is involved now, but it's even above the FBI's jurisdiction. All we heard was some rumors."

"Yeah. This shit is crazy. And for what it's worth, I don't actually have anything against Jordan, but I do have to protect my family."

"I completely understand. I met your... unique brother a few weeks ago, and I thought him and Jordan together were dangerous then. I am more than happy to help create a safe and healthy situation where Jordan stays the hell away from him."

"Watch yourself talking about my brother. He might have the ability to be dangerous, but I can guarantee you, you're sitting across from the more dangerous brother out of the two of us."

"Noted," Chris replied, reminding himself to hold back his personal opinions to extract more information. If Chris's years with the FBI had taught him anything, it was to uncover as much information as possible in order to make the most educated choice. Chris wanted to know as much of the truth of this situation as possible so he could know when or how to convey the information to Jordan. "So I do want to know if he is still... you know... alive?"

Dino laughed at the question before answering, "Yeah, he's completely fine health-wise outside of being huge. I mean I guess it'd be good to tell her that part, that Dan only passed out from low blood sugar. Like any of us would do if we'd grown that much and had nothing to eat. His body went into starvation mode."

"Wow. I'm sure that will make her feel better to at least know he didn't die. So what's the situation with him now? Like how big is he?"

"A little under 50 feet, and possibly growing."

"Holy shit! I mean wow! That's... damn... Have you seen him?"

"Oh yeah, it's the craziest shit I've ever seen. He's being held at a base, I'm not sure I'm allowed to disclose to you, but yeah, it's the truth, and it's a lot to take in. I have been with him as much as I can, and I'll be over there later today, but we need to get our story straight so I can update him on Jordan."


"So how I see it, Dan and Jordan just aren't a possibility, but knowing those two love birds, they're the type that even after 50 feet wouldn't give up on each other. So I think if we make them think they gave up on each other we'd avoid a fall-out from this.

"I'm listening..."

"So Danny keeps asking if I've heard from Jordan, if Jordan's called, if Jordan can visit, blah blah blah- So I think it's best if I tell him that Jordan doesn't want to see him. And then the same would go for you."

"I would tell Jordan that Dan doesn't want to see her? Brilliant! I see where you're coming from."

"Exactly. So the story you tell her is Dan is alive, so she's not like sitting at home thinking she killed him or something, but then tell her that Dan doesn't want her anymore."

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