Ch. 12 Knight in Shining Armor

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As if perfectly timed, the military's helicopters, tanks, and hummers caught sight of Dan as soon as he made contact with Sebastian's SUV. The once dim and vacant road was covered with military personnel and a symphony of sounds, featuring soldiers, helicopters, and the ever present storm. Of course, Dan was not focused on any of the commotion around him, for his focus was solely on the vehicle in his grasp.

When Dan saw Jordan being rushed into a car in another man's arms, an abundance of emotions stirred within him. First, Dan focused on deciphering whether or not the tiny woman he saw was his Jordan or not. Next, Dan was consumed with a jealousy he couldn't control when seeing Jordan in another man's arms. Jordan should be in Dan's arms and Dan's arms alone. Quickly, Dan acknowledged that this line of thinking was not useful as he became less jealous and more worried for Jordan. Had Jordan been hurt? Was this guy helping or hurting her? Without thinking about the ramifications, Dan had picked up the car, that to him was really the size of a toy car, and brought it to his face so he could see his Jordan.

Despite how gently Dan had believed he'd lifted the car, the two passengers, Jordan and Sebastian, were screaming from the sensation of being lifted so high into the air. Sebastian was certain this would be his end. He hadn't even had time to process what he'd seen, and now he was most likely going to be eaten alive! Jordan, who was still fighting through the haze brought on from her accident, was initially consumed with terror as she realized she was inside of what felt like a flying car. Quickly the car stopped moving, and Jordan was able to see a pair of big brown eyes full of confusion and concern peering in at her. Luckily, Jordan would recognize these eyes anywhere, for as soon as she released the sinking feeling being so high in the air gave her, she cleared her confusion and realized this was Dan.

"Dan! I'm okay!" Jordan had attempted to shout loud enough for Dan to hear her, but considering the dude in the front seat was screaming, and there was a hum of helicopters and rain all around, she wasn't confident Dan actually heard her. Oyyy. What was happening?! Jordan had just been rescued from her car. Her head was still pounding. Now Dan was here, out in the open with some strangers' cars! What was he thinking?!

"JORDAN! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" Dan's voice boomed, cutting off Jordan's attempt to communicate.

"Daniel Camerino, place the vehicle on the ground immediately!" A voice ordered from a loud speaker attached to a hovering helicopter.

Hearing his name over the speaker momentarily caused Dan to divert his attention from Jordan and take in the scene around him. Holy shit! There were at least 4 helicopters circling Dan, while he was surrounded by hummers and tanks at his feet. If Dan hadn't clocked the cars around him, he would have potentially really endangered the people around him. Wait... was Dan endangering the people around him? Dan was pretty sure the voice from the speaker had said his name again. Was Dan getting arrested? Could Dan get arrested? Wait, was he making this worse? Dan's eyes returned to Jordan who looked to be saying something in a panic. Had Dan caused this panic? It's probably terrifying to be lifted without warning like that. This was just what Dan had done to Amar and Eli! How had he made the same mistake this quickly!

With silent concentration Dan carefully brought the tiny car back to the ground. As he knelt down the soldiers and vehicles surrounding him backed up to give him space, but remained at a tension.

"Dan! It's General Foster. You need to slowly rise, and remove yourself from this road. Head back to your base the way you came,"

Before Dan could follow General Foster's instructions, Jordan swung the back door of the car open and tumbled out onto the rain covered pavement.

"Dan! I'm okay!" Jordan had attempted to yell. With a glance, everyone, including Dan, could see Jordan's bleeding forehead, and less than perfect condition. Dan crouched lower as his hands circled around Jordan, ready to catch her should she fall again. His quick movement toward Jordan elicited a stir of movement, both towards and away from Dan and Jordan.

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