Ch. 5 What's Up Doc?

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The next morning Jordan awoke in a warm cocoon created by Dan's strong arms. Dan gently held her to his chest, spooning and cuddling with her all night following their time kissing and "exploring". While Jordan didn't know what time it was, she did want to sneak away to freshen up and have time to manage her "bed head" before Dan got up. When Jordan went to sneak out of Dan's embrace she realized she couldn't. Moving against Dan's arms only seemed to make him unconsciously pull her closer. The harder Jordan pushed to try and break free, the more effortlessly tighter Dan's hold on her seemed to get. Finally Jordan could feel her heart truly quicken. While Jordan wasn't yet being completely crushed, she was being held in a vice-like grip that made it impossible for her to move within Dan's arms. Any tighter, and Jordan's not sure if she'd be able to breathe.

Next, a now familiar rumble from Dan's stomach sent vibrations through Jordan's body, which was still locked against Dan. Jordan saw this as a perfect excuse to wake Dan up. She repeatedly tried saying Dan's name at different volumes to no avail. The only indication that Dan was even alive came from his steady heart beat, his deep breaths, and of course the periodic rumble from his stomach.

An excruciatingly long half hour or so later, Dan woke up at last, feeling famished. He rolled onto his back, meaning to ready himself to get up and head to the kitchen when he realized he was still holding onto Jordan, who appeared to be wide awake. Dan was glad Jordan didn't appear to be hurt, but she did look a bit flustered.

"Will you move your arm?" Jordan chirped, causing Dan to immediately remove his rather heavy arm off Jordan.

"I'm so sorry! Did I hurt you?"

"Nope! I mean, I was kind of trapped in a hug there for a moment, but I just have to pee!" Jordan admitted, trying to keep her tone fun and light. Moving to get off the bed reminded Jordan how big a drop it was for her to the floor. Without needing to ask, Dan leaned over and helped her down. Since Jordan said she'd be right back, Dan took a moment to lay back on his bed reflecting on the amazing time he was having with Jordan.

Dan could feel a cool breeze against his feet, reminding him of his younger days when his feet constantly hung off the end of his bed. It wasn't until his father had custom beds and bedding made for Dan, that he could rest "normally". Dan attempted to scoot closer to his headboard so his feet wouldn't hang off his bed, only to find he was already as far up in the bed as possible, and yet his feet hung off the end.

Dan felt his stomach drop and his mind race. While yes, he had grown a few inches the day before, Dan specifically remembered fitting his bed perfectly last night. No no no no no... he couldn't... right? Dan hadn't been upset at all... Not even during the exchange with Jordan's brother.

"Penny for your thoughts? You look stressed," Jordan said as she practically skipped back to the bed, feeling fresher now that she'd made herself presentable. She met Dan at the side of the bed he was laying on meaning to signal what side she wanted to be on. Picking up on her non-verbal cue, Dan leaned over, lifted Jordan up and placed her on his lap. For a moment Dan remained silent as he sat trying not to accept what had appeared to have happened to him over night. Jordan looked so small to Dan right now. Could she be smaller than just yesterday? Could she see it? Dan wondered.

"Dan? Are you okay?"

"Do I seem different right now?"

Jordan tried to turn to face Dan. "You're acting weird, what's up?"

Before Dan could answer his stomach growled yet again, making Dan even more anxious. If what Dan thought had happened overnight really did happen, then it would make sense why he was so hungry right now.

"Let's go make breakfast?" Jordan suggested, trying to decipher why Dan was acting so strange. Maybe he wasn't much of a morning person?

After placing Jordan back down next to the bed, Dan finally stood up and made his way to his mirror. Shit! While yesterday Dan's growth made him nearly too tall for his mirror, he now was a whole head taller than the mirror. Dan felt panicked. His shorts he'd slept in were far tighter than last night, The t-shirt he attempted to throw on ripped as he put it on, and his custom made adidas slides definitely didn't fit. No no no! Why did this happen? How did this happen, Dan wondered as his inner melt down ensued.

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