Ch. 18 Was she dreaming?

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"Are you okay?! I'm sorry I grabbed you! I-I"

"It's okay. I'm good. Who are those people?" Jordan asked.

"I don't know, but it sounds like they're still here," Dan said, as the two could hear what sounded like gunshots and explosions outside of the house. Dan had taken them into his bedroom closet, because it doesn't have any windows, so he figured that was the best place to hide in this apparent attack. While part of him felt like he should go outside and dare these attackers to come for him, he couldn't leave Jordan. No matter what threat Dan might pose to Jordan, he would shield her with his life until these people were dealt with.

"That was so scary! Wait, were you shot?"Jordan asked, looking at Dan's shirt that now appeared to have a series of tiny holes in it. Dan looked down and realized that the "tiny rocks" he'd felt were actually bullets. Dan felt even more inhuman when he realized bullets didn't even pierce his skin, and he hoped Jordan wouldn't be frightened by that reality.

"I guess so, but I'm not bleeding,"

"Wow. Oh my gosh... you saved my life... thank you,"

"By grabbing you without asking," Dan said with an uncomfortable chuckle and an obvious blush forming.

"I'm amazed I wasn't hit. I was standing right by you... I guess perks of you being so big now ha," Jordan joked. Dan couldn't help but smile, finally seeing her smile again.

Dan was sitting on the floor of his closet with Jordan's tiny form cupped in his hands. "Do you want me to put you down?" Dan asked, suddenly feeling like he should have already asked her this.

"No... I like being held by you. Dan... I've missed you," Jordan admitted, feeling herself hop onto the blush train.

"I've missed you too. And again, I'm so so sorry,"

"Dan, it really was an accident. It's not like you've ever been holding me while going from 8-90 feet in the matter of moments. Plus you had to focus not only on holding me, but on protecting me from the crumbling pieces of bar-"

"That were only crumbling because of me growing!"

"But didn't you grow because you were so mad at Dino? And I'm basically to blame for that because I kept the stories about Dino's threats from you,"

"No, the doctors said that was bound to happen. The whole me growing back to this size. I guess my body had been fighting off the effects of the shrink laser. It was all really bad timing. Honestly it was all a really bad idea to begin with. I should have just accepted that I was cursed to be this size forever,"

Hearing Dan believe that nothing good had come from him shrinking down to a more "normal" size made Jordan want to share the first thought that had flashed through her mind. She'd thought that something truly amazing might have come from his time shrunken down... of course she wouldn't be able to know without a proper test.

"You okay Jordan? You look like you're deep in thought."

"I'm really glad we got that time at the same size," Jordan finally responded, looking back up to make eye contact with Dan.

"Well I was still wayy bigger than you,"

"Yeah, whatever. You know what I mean!"

"Yeah, I do. I'm glad too,"

"So are your ribs um, fully recovered?"

"Yeah. There's like a little ache, almost like I had a really hard workout, but that will apparently be gone soon. I'm doing much better."

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