Ch. 14 Consequences

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"I want you to meet my family,"

"What?" Dan asked, checking that he'd heard Jordan correctly.

"I said, I want you to meet my family," Jordan declared as she continued to snuggle on Dan's bare chest.

"Are you sure? I mean you said yesterday this was-"

"I will explain everything to them beforehand. Oh and maybe we should take a pic together! We don't have one since you... you know. I can mentally prepare them for your greatness and then it won't be so shocking,"

"D-do you think that will work?" Dan asked, sounding anxious.

"Well... Chris is probably a lost cause at the moment, but if I get my parents on board, Chris wont have a leg to stand on. Not to mention, my parents will probably be super disappointed that Chris was part of a plan that brought me so much heartache,"

"Oh yeah, so did you ever talk to Chris about everything?"

"You mean about him being a lying piece of crap! Yeah, I have been avoiding that but I know I need to have that conversation soon."

Little did Jordan know just how soon she'd be having that conversation with Chris. After Sebastian dropped Jordan off at her apartment she was surprised to find Chris had left himself in with his spare key.

"Whoa! What are you doing here?!"Jordan asked, feeling shocked to find Chris sitting on the couch in her living room. Jordan had luckily just had the locks changed since Dino had her house broken into.... Maybe giving Chris a spare key wasn't such a good idea...

"Where were you this weekend?"

"I was with a friend. Why?"

"I know you were with that Dan guy again!" Chris yelled as he stood up from the couch.


"Don't even try me-"

"Wait, are you trying to make me out to be some liar, cuz I think we both know who the big liar in the room is,"

A silence fell between the siblings as they shared a tense staring match, both waiting for the other to speak it seemed.

"I will do whatever I have to do to protect my family," Chris finally replied in a low tone.

"Protect me from what?! And don't you dare say Dan! You know he'd never hurt me!"

"Not on purpose. No, I trust you to choose a guy that wouldn't hurt you on purpose... but when someone is that big of a freak of nature- Literally!"

"Don't call him that!"

"I am just being honest. And first of all, when I agreed to help Dino with the plan, doctors were blaming your relationship with Dan for making him a giant. At the end of the day, I knew that guy was dangerous back at 13 feet tall,"

"No he isn't!"

"Don't you want to get married and have kids? You're so good with Spencer,"

"Who said I can't have that with Dan?" Jordan asked, making Chris so angry he had to start pacing so he wouldn't hit something.

"You can't be serious! What is wrong with you Jordan!!!"

"Get out of my house Chris,"

"Excuse me?"

"If you're just going to yell at me all night then you can show yourself out,"

Chris felt more furious than he thought was possible. He marched towards Jordan's front door, and then turned around once he realized he hadn't even touched on the situation with the other Camerino brother.

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