Iris get up from her seat. "I will be back." She said before leaving.

"Where are you going?" Ben asked with concern.

"Umm... Calming my mind. I'll be back." Iris promised before turning left out of the room.

Ben wanted to catch up with her but he knows so well that he shouldn't. He thought, maybe Iris need time to calm her mind alone. Instead of following her, he stayed seated.

Iris walk down the hallway, trying to find where the sound came from, sick of hearing the sound only her could hear. As she reached the end, she saw a weirdly moving shadows, which seemed to move on its own, coming from one of the rooms.

At first glance, it looked almost like a big ball of smoke. Curious about what was happening, she took another step forward and found that the shadow started coming closer towards her.

Her eyes filled with darkness as she tried to control the shadows. But no matter how hard she tries, she can't control it. It seems to be getting bigger and darker every passing second. She started to panic by now and her only option was run.

She ran as fast as she could, but once she noticed that she was closer to the others, she stop. She didn't want to harm them so she decided to try and control it once again.

And again she failed. She start to panic but before she could do anything, the shadow somehow push her making her flying across the room and landed hard on the groaned. The others ran towards her.

"Iris, are you okay?" Ben asked feeling confused somehow of what's happening. Iris could only hum as Ben help her up.

"What is that?" Five asked.

"Is that Nyx?" Diego asked, pointing at the shadow. As soon as they heard the word Nyx, they became a bit scare.

"No, it's not Nyx. I don't know what the hell is that but I know that's my answer of why I born here." Iris said as she turned to Reginald and he only nodded his head while the other was speechless.

"What did you just say?" Allison asked.

"You were born here?" Viktor continued.

"I don't born, I appeared. Isn't that right, 'dad'." She turned to Reginald again and this time everyone did the same.

"It's true, that was the sources of Iris' existence." Reginald said and everyone turned their attention towards the shadow.

It slowly come closer. Ben step forward as he protected Iris with his arm. Diego tried throwing knife at the shadow but of course it didn't work. They tried to attack but every time they tired, they failed.

"It's useless, nothing can hurt it!" Allison exclaimed in frustration. The shadow came towards them. Everyone manage to escape from the darkness except for Iris.

"Iris!" They screamed.

"Iris! Get out of there!" Five shouted but he didn't get a response.

"Iris!" Ben yelled. The shadow lift upward along with Iris inside the shadow. They can't see her because of how dark the shadow was but they can hear her scream of pain.

SHADOW | 𝒃𝒆𝒏 𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒔Where stories live. Discover now