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"You know, I saw you in Verubia." Aurora said, standing next to me in a gown Im sure only the purest of angels held and made.

I laughed, "That's not creepy at all." I was in a similar gown, just less skirt. I like being able to breathe.

She nudges my arm, "I gave you your privacy. But I saw how you fought. How you protected the family you had."

"I didn't have a family there. No one but my brother."

"Sure you did. Tracy? That man who taught you? They were your family."

"My family was in Morvaria." I kicked a pebble into the lake before us.

"My child," she sighed and wrapped her arms around me. "Your family is not strictly who is your blood or who you've known the longest. Your family is the people that care for you as you would for them. The ones that would wipe your tears and hope for a smile on your face. Tracy, the old man and his son. And even that one woman from the market that would always give you her scraps for not even a penny-"

"Jen did not care for me, she doesn't count."

"She would make other people pay for her scraps while she gave you the better pieces for free. She wanted to see you live. She is family."

I groaned, "What's your point?"

The sound of footsteps on the gravel made us turn, "Her point?" Luna, my aunt strode for us, "Her point is no matter what, no matter where you are in the world, and no matter who follows you, you have a heart, and so do the people who cared for you." She kissed my head before she kicked off her shoes and bunched her dress in her hands, stepping into the clear water of the lake.

"Labels don't make people family. You said so yourself! You told Raya she was like a sister to you yet, you have no blood relation to her." My mother did the same as her sister and now they were both standing in the water.

I started to kick off my sandals and stepped in the water till it was knee deep.

"Just like how I treated you as my own child, yet I lived knowing for years that you belonged to someone else. But you were still mine." Aunt Luna hooked her arm with mine.

Mama ran forward and completely submerged herself in the water, me and Aunt Luna turning away as she splashed us. We laughed and followed suite.

"My point, mia cara, is that everyone has held the heart of an heir. Including you with Ezran. And now, you are the heart of the heir. That necklace," she points to the identical necklace around my neck, the same necklace Ezran was wearing at this very moment. "it pulses with color. It is his heart beat, my love."

I held the necklace in my palm as it pulsed steadily. A tear fell on my palm, sliding toward the stone. It hissed as it touched and glowed even brighter.

"You see that? Why many believe there is nothing after death, we are proof of it. Ezran can feel our very existence and same for us. There is always light at the end of the tunnel. You just have to follow it fast enough before it blinds you."

The End

My last update on this story! Thank you all for reading, ik I haven't been very present with my other stories but I will try my best!

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My last update on this story! Thank you all for reading, ik I haven't been very present with my other stories but I will try my best!

I hope you all enjoyed this as much as I did, and if you want more, please check out my other stories!

Enjoy my loves!

-S 🫶🏽

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