24: Before Death Do We Part

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My blood ran cold as I stared at the map.

Every camp settlement from the Mountain ranges of Arcgate all the way to the coast of the Southern sea.

I could feel Ezran's gaze burning into the side of my face, Raya's as well.

Elliot stepped out of the bathing room and took one look at all of us before he made his way to look over my shoulder.

I looked up at the General, "Where did she get these?" There were two names I could've referred to in this moment, yet Raya knew I meant both in the question.

"Alix called me down to help her carry a few stacks of books to the study and replace the ones we took back to their shelves." She sat on the cushioned arm chair across the room, "She pulled the journals down and that one flipped open to the page."

I looked back at the map. Realization settled over me that our fight would not end in Morvaria.

Raya spoke again, "I found it odd, though." I looked up at her. "She didn't react to it. Not like I did."

I shook my head, "She's a child, she probably can't even grasp the fact of it."

"But she can grasp the fact that an ancient bloodsucking spirit walker is trying to kill my prince?" She said with a tone that suggested something deadly. I ignored it.

"What are you proposing, Raya?" I shifted to look at her.

The general stared past me. Her hands idly playing with the button of her tunic, "I don't know yet. But I have a feeling we won't like it."


"Your father calls for meetings at the worst time." I squeeze Ezran's hand as we walk down the corridor to the throne room.

He only laughs before he pushes the door open and we're met with both of his parents and their attendants.

Next to his father, Elex, sat his mother, Aurora. Both in elegant fabrics fit with accent jewels or tones of other colors. But as different as they were dressed, they still matched each other.

"The bride and groom to be!" Elex beamed at us.

It was an effort not to laugh at his statement, considering the agreement me and Ezran came upon earlier.

Aurora stood and left the dais to press a kiss to my face. She smoothed my hair and brushed a few pieces of lint from my shoulder. I smiled at her. A second mother in a way, but the fact I still haven't warmed up enough to tell her the truth broke me.

She pulled me away from Ezran into the council room next door, and only then did she speak.

"The ones who sleep are the ones in need."

My blood went cold.

"They scream for help and get you still do not see." The queen retorts. Her eyes fill with tears.

"Tears bind skin and stone for once they go cold, the lady in red shall guide." A breath, "When conflict arises, war is on brink. Countries thrive on the death of their citizens."

I shuddered as I spoke, "Find the level of safe to survive a war, a lady in red shall guide, nonetheless, never die." It was a mere whisper but Aurora spoke with me.

"You must leave this continent girl. The north is no longer safe."

I took a step toward the queen. "Aurora. How do you know about the letter." Not much a question but a statement. A demand.

She shakes her head, "There are ears everywhere. I cannot tell you." She turned, a hand going into her hair and following the curls that flowed down her back. "Conflict arises."

I breathe carefully. "Where?"

She turns to me again, "Isman calls for aid against Tiersas. Elex plans to join."

"No. No you cant!" She holds up a hand to quiet me but I can't help my panic. "Aurora, this is a trap!"

She looks over her shoulder before stepping closer and dropping her tone, "You think I don't know? I need you to get my son, yourself, and Raya out of here! You three are the future of this kingdom, and without you, there will be no more of Morvaria."

I freeze. My blood cold and not from the draft in the room.

"Winter is ending. The fields will melt and dry under the sun, and we will be open for attack in a matter of weeks." She continues, "Verubia is my home, Adalia. My father is king there."

"B-But... you told everyone you were-"

"I am a daughter of an Ismanian witch. My father a descendant of-

"Of a Clark." I breathe.

Aurora nods and tears roll down her face. "I know what happened to you." She whispers. "I know what happened to your parents."

I can feel my face start to shift as I break down. I break because it all crashes down on me and realization is too much at this moment.

"I went to get you! As soon as I heard, I got on a boat but I was too late. The feud between my father and the north had already blown over, and he closed his borders indefinitely."

My legs grow weak and I fall to my knees, my face in my hands. Aurora hesitantly wraps her arms around me and holds me.

"I'm so sorry! I am so sorry Adalia! For it all! I wish I could've stopped it. I wish I could've gotten you out!" She was shaking even though I was the one being held. "Remember the painting we talked about when you first returned? The one of all of you as a family?"

I nod. My breathing becoming calmer but my tears still flowing.

"I had it done because when I heard, I lost all hope. I got it recreated to a pocket size so I could wear it everyday. And I have!" She shifted and dug in her corset.

She unfolded the picture and... it was all of us. The same picture just smaller. The paper had been folded so many times that it was practically falling apart. She flipped it over and on the back, "Hope." It was written there in thin ink.

"I wrote it as a reminder. You and your brother were my hope, your safety was! And I'm so sorry that I couldn't get you out."

I shook my head and turned in her arms so now I pressing my body to hers, wrapping my arms around her.

"I will get him out." I whispered. "I will get us all out."

She sobs and tightens her hold on me as well. "Thank you."

Short one but I needed to update!

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Short one but I needed to update!

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Enjoy loves!

-S 💞

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