13: A Whistle in the Wind

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It was almost as if he didn't see me.

I felt like breaking something. Anything.

His face preferably.

Some way to greet an old friend.

I should have known nothing would be the same. I know I most certainly am not. But I guess the small string of hope was only there to keep me alive long enough to make it home.

It was evening now. The sun turning the sky a deep hue of orange and yellow. It was so much prettier from the coasts of Wido and on a rooftop.

The streets of this town were especially quiet at night. Just from my observation from tonight.

By the time I was ready to leave, it was pitch dark and the lanterns that lit the street seemed to already be running out of fluid to keep burning.

When I swung my legs over the ledge of the building I sat atop of, I couldn't help but turn my head back when I saw the figure of a man.

The same man from yesterday night.

Maybe it had been a good thing to wear my gear tonight. My hood had easily concealed my face behind the shadows, so I didn't bother to pull my mask above my nose.

I sat with one leg on either side of the roof and watched him.

He turned his head towards me. So he clearly knows I'm here.

Part of me wanted to ask if he was okay since last night. But the other part of me saw the hint of irritation and not wanting to talk. I decided against it.

He did however turn to me after a moment, "New to town?" His voice was deep and gravelly. There was a pitch to it that sounded familiar, but then again, what's familiar to a girl that disappeared for eight years?

"Somewhat. I used to live here." I said simply. But because I thought he meant if I was new to this specific town, "In Morvaria. I mean." I added.

He just nodded.

"What about you?" I asked him.

He answered in the same gravelly voice, "Morvaria is my home. I'm important to this kingdom."

I scoffed, "Ah... I see. So what's your bloodline?" To far maybe.

He chuckled, "I didn't mean through the blood that runs in my viens." He shifted a bit before speaking again, "I keep this kingdom alive. Thriving with equal parts beauty and crime."

My brows rose, though he couldn't see my face. "You cause the crime?"

There he goes again with the chuckle that sounded so sexy. "Not on purpose. Most of the time at least."


He shifted again and this time turned a little toward me.

I could just barely see under his hood. He had a clean shave it looked like. Definitely kissable lips. A strong jawline.

"Zeclan and Andoridge would've starved as a whole had it not been for me."

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