4: How the suffering ends

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Memories scare me.

Good and bad.

What if they never happened? What if I never got to experience such an event.

But also, would I be how I am if they never were created?

The sun beams down on my face like the earliest of spring days, even if it's the middle of  September.

I can hear the palace waking up just outside my door.

But I also remember what today is.

I can smell the scent I do every year on this day, vanilla and strawberry with a hint of rose.

I wait a little longer before I hear the one thing in truly waiting for.

A few minutes go by and I start to lose hope, until the big clock tower chimes. 9 times to be exact.

9 in the morning.

It was my cue to lay back down and shut my eyes like nothing ever happened.

I hear the hinges of my door struggle against the force it was pushed open with and then loud steps.

"I know your not sleeping." Ezran says.

I hold together my act for as long as I could, but the feeling of him being closer to my face made me peek an eye open and laugh.

Ezran throws himself on the bed next to me, "So, how does it feel?" He asks. Guessing by my expression, he adds to his question. "To be 11? To be a normal girl turning a bigger age?"

I sigh, "I'm not much different from you." A chuckle escapes me.

"Yeah but, you don't have to worry about—"

"About learning to be a princess? Of course I don't, but I choose to." I offer a smile but he just sighs.

I frown, "It's really not all that different Ez. If I wanted, I could ask my parents for a cake with two candles and for a new charm to my bracelet and they would grant it if the right scar was pressed hard enough." I start to sit up, "As much as I love that, I also love the big ceremony your mother throws for me, and I cherish every gift I am given because I love seeing the kingdom celebrating me."

He nods simply, "Maybe you just got the better part of royalty." He laughs, "Anyways, I have a surprise for you! Get ready!" He jumps up from the bed and makes his way to the door.

I yawn and stretch and finally, get up from my bed.

Today is going to be a long day.


You know that feeling you get when a bunch of people just stare at you as you blow out your birthday candles.

Yeah, well, minus the candles. And the cake.

I walk through the halls of the palace, the stained glass windows allowing for colorful light here and there.

My dress was simple. A long, flowing, gown. It was light and breezy and it made me feel like a fairy.

"Good morning, princess!" A group of older women pass by. They all bow their heads, some curtsy.

I stop and offer a curtsy as well. A simple "Good morning!" With a beaming smile.

They all started walking again. All except for one. She waited a few seconds longer, "Happy birthday!" She whispers.

I turn a bright shade of red and smile deeply at her. "Thank you, Lady Tyra."

I continue down the hall, a smile on my face.

I passed tall windows and huge doors that led into even bigger rooms.

A few of the palace helpers were around hauling carts of decorations for later today.

Bouquets of flowers with various colors and species.

"There you are!" Ezran runs up behind me. He hooks his arm with my own and starts leading the way.

"Where are you taking me?" I look over at him. Even as young as we both were, he had so many more inches on me. His jawline already sharp.

He looked down at me and smiled, "It's a surprise."

For the next 3 minutes, Ezran lead me throughout the palace. Down many halls and corridors.

We finally reached one of the queens gardens, the one that was small and quiet.

There were rows of lavender pots and daisies. A few rows of tulips and roses, a couple hydrangea bushes.

It was easily one of my favorite places to hide simply because of its distance from everything. It was on the farthest side of the palace, not even accessible by the queens rooms.

Ezran stopped in front of me, a smile on his face. "Close your eyes." He whispered.

I looked at him skeptically. He just tilted his head to the side, pressing more on the matter.

I huffed and closed my eyes. My only senses now being hearing and smell. Not much to touch other than Ezran's hands.

He pulled me to walk, our steps falling over dry leaves and sticks, no matter the fact it was still warm and winter wouldn't be here for another few months.

I felt the path change under my feet, from dry grass to hard stone. We were on the walk way now.

A breeze went past me, my hair being picked up off my shoulders and blown past my ears.

We suddenly stopped.

"Okay, I know it's been about a year. So my surprise to you Adalia, is bringing our friend back." Ezran spoke.

I opened my eyes slowly, in front of me, a girl stood there.

A smile started across my face, my body over filled with joy.

"Raya Alina!" I screamed. I threw myself at her, being caught by her arms.

"It's been to long Princess Adalia!" She laughed.

I pulled back, shoving her playfully.

"Oh yeah? Well it's been about a year, Duchess!" I throw back.

She laughs, hooking her arm with mine and turning us to walk.

"My father has agreed to a vacation. And considering he has had me working to become the future Duchess of Iriesas for so many months now, I convinced him that I needed this more than him."

I chuckle, "How long are you staying?"

She sighs, "Only a few days. But, we're going to make the best of each day I am here, starting with your birthday!" Her sentence ending with enthusiasm.

My smile never disappearing, "Well, I have my last fitting for my dress in a few minutes, I actually need to start making my way to Karina now, want to come?"

She looked over at me and nodded excitedly.

I looked back at Ezran, to which he nodded us off and we were on our way.

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Enjoy loves!

-S 💞

The Heart of The Heir | completedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ