19: problems

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For the rest of the night, Ezran shadowed me.

He didn't leave my side once and even held my hands a few times.

I was thankful to him for it. If it weren't for him, my hands would be shaking every time I greeted someone.

By midnight, I was exhausted and wanted nothing more than to fall asleep in my dress, make still done and hair still pinned.

I guess Ezran must have read my mind, because as our dance ended, he put his hand on the small of my back and guided me to the exit.

We were seconds away from slipping out when Elex stopped us.

"My son!" He walked up to us, "Adalia! Where must you be off too so early?"

Ezran laughed at his statement, "Papa, it's midnight! We've been dancing for hours!"

His father shook his head and took my hand, leading us back into the room. "Don't be silly! We haven't even made the announcement yet!"

Ezran groaned as I looked back at him and smiled with tired eyes.

Elex brought us to the dais where the rest of his court sat to eat, and lifted an empty wine glass and a spoon. He tapped the spoon on the side of the glass repeatedly to get the rooms attention.

When it went silent, I felt so many eyes on me. My hands beginning to shake again but didn't because of the hand that slipped around my own. Mint and juniper right next to me.

"As you all know, the midnight ball is to honor the new courting season and the participating bachelors and bachelorettes!" His father smiled over at us. "This season however, we are happy to announce that my son, Ezran is fi—"

Ezran interrupted, "The Princess and I are courting each other! We are thankful for the well wishes but if you must excuse us, we are very tired!" He turned me to the exit and just before we were to step out, he turned to the crowd of shocked guest, "Farewell, goodnight!"

And we left.


"I cannot believe you just did that." I laughed as I opened my door to my room. A chilling cold from the balcony blew my hair into my face.

Ezran walked past me to close the door and lock it. He even picked up the papers that flew off my desk.

"I find it rude to hold one from their slumber." He said seriously, even though was a smile on his face.

I laughed as I kicked my heels off, mad that I had left my other pair out in the snow, and laid out on the bed.

"Mmm so soft." I closed my eyes to let sleep pull me in but was rudely interrupted when Ezran pulled me to sit up. "I thought it was rude to hold someone from sleep?" I pouted.

"You won't sleep comfortably in this dress. Come on, off it goes." He reached for the zipper but I smacked his hand away.

"I can do that myself, thank you!"

He walked away laughing into my wardrobe. When he came out, he held a white night gown over his shoulder and a towel. He dipped the towel in a cup of water that wasn't there when we left.

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