I Don't Need Your Pity

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Damien's POV -      

We finally reached home... Because it was very late and dark I carried her to my bedroom everyone was asleep except my father. "Let her sleep in my bedroom, I will debrief it later," I whispered to him. She was very light, but at the same time very stiff and robust. I tugged her into my bed and left silently. I saw Father waiting for me on the couch. "So, what happened? Did it work? Did she recognize them? Who are they? and What they want." I was fired by the questions. "Yes, it did work. He left for his family, And she also recognized the goons. They were sleeper cells of the Joker. I don't know why they are after her." "Okay, let's just sleep tonight and regain our energy, we have a huge day ahead."

I went to my room and sit beside my bed, she is adorable when she is sleeping. I can't help but get worried about her, and the amount of pain and suffering she went through. I didn't even realize that her hand was in mine and that I was gently rubbing her hand. It was very calming, Whenever I am with her I forget about everything including my past, and become a new and better person, I am more like myself when I am with her. With these thoughts, I drift apart to sleep while holding her hand close to me.

Marinette's POV -        

I open my eyes and the first person I see is Damien, sleeping while holding my hand. I had to leave before anyone suspects me of not being at home the whole night. I got up and when I was about to leave as I usually do, something felt wrong, so I wrote a note and left it on the bed and before leaving I put a blanket over him. It was cold outside and after all, he saved my life this is the least I could do. I went through the window and then took a cab, well it was awkward cause I had blood stains on my shirt which is not normal. He was afraid of me.

 Slowly I reached my home and got freshened luckily no one knew I wasn't home last night. I got ready and left out it was 6 am. I checked my emails for any updates and there were many. I missed a lot of meetings. Now I had to work harder than I already have been. I wasn't ready for a bike ride so I took my car to a cafe.

"Good morning ma'am!" said the waiter. "Encanto Presmo." It is a code word, basically, the cafe is a base for my agency and the only one in Goatham. With the code, he leads me to the interior secret office. "Gracias." I thanked him. I did some training both physical and mental. I then took the medicine which eases the pain of the injury.

When I reached the academy everyone there was shocked, It was unusual but then the bell rang, Lie-la. Who else could it be? Spreading lies is the only thing she excels at. Should I guess what lie she spread this time? As I was guessing, I got interrupted by a sudden voice, "Marinette, shouldn't you be resting, You were heavily inju-" "Shhuuu..." I cut him off, can't risk letting my babysitters know that I was out yesterday and heavily injured.

Damien's POV -

When I woke up with a blanket wrapped around me, I found her missing, there was a note on the table 'It's Marinette, I just wanted to thank you and your family, for helping me save an innocent life. As for yesterday's incident, it's better if no one knows about it. And leave the sleeper cell's case up to me, it was related to me so it's better if you or your alter do not intervene in my issues.'  She really is a different case, She sure is involved in something big but now I am sure it's not something evil.

As I woke up and prepared for another day of school, I found myself wondering if she would be there. Logic said she shouldn't come, but secretly, I hoped she would. There's something about being around her that stirs up this strange feeling in my heart, an unexplainable sensation that lingers on.

As I stepped out of my car, standing in front of the academy, a sense of unease washed over me. I couldn't put my finger on it, but there was something in the air, a feeling that today wouldn't be a great day. The vibes were off, and I couldn't shake this lingering sense of foreboding. But I decide to ignore it.

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