First day in Academy(1)

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After getting just two hours of sleep, I groggily woke up and quickly got ready for the day ahead. Knowing that blending in was crucial, I opted for a casual outfit that would help me remain inconspicuous. I made sure to pack my school bag with the necessary items, including my guitar, which I couldn't go without.

To maintain anonymity, I put on a black mask, ensuring that my face would be covered and unrecognizable. With my disguise complete, I headed out, hopped onto my bike, and followed the directions on my GPS, guiding me toward Gotham Academy.

As I rode through the city streets, a sense of anticipation and caution filled the air. I remained vigilant, constantly scanning my surroundings, aware that I was in a new and potentially dangerous environment. The shadows seemed to whisper secrets and unknown dangers, reminding me to stay alert and ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.

 The shadows seemed to whisper secrets and unknown dangers, reminding me to stay alert and ready for whatever challenges lay ahead

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Whoa! Mr. Wayne really went all out with this school. The exterior looks incredibly classy, and I can't wait to see what the interior holds. As I strolled through the campus, it quickly became apparent that my fame had preceded me. Every student I passed held magazines featuring my picture. It's a good thing I came prepared with my disguise, or I would have been swarmed by an overwhelming wave of fans.

I continued making my way toward the Principal's office, navigating through the bustling hallways. Suddenly, three boys carelessly bumped into me, deliberately shouldering me with force. Their intention seemed clear – they were trying to provoke a fight. I couldn't believe their audacity.

"Hey, watch where you're going! Don't you think you owe me an apology right now?" I snapped at them, my voice carrying a mix of frustration and assertiveness. The gasps from the surrounding students indicated that these boys held some popularity in the school. However, I paid no heed to their status.

Wait a second! Are these the boys I have to protect as part of my mission? Oh, goodness, this mask is making it difficult to see clearly. "Apologize? Hahaha, very funny," They replied sarcastically. "Don't you know who we are? We're the well-known celebrities of this school: Jonathan, Alex, and Felix." Their bragging was starting to get on my nerves.

"Celebrities? Give me a break. Do you even know who I am?" I responded, trying to keep my anger in check. It was crucial for me to maintain a low profile and not let my true identity slip. "Oh, I know who you are," I continued with a hint of amusement. "You're the new transfer student from the so-called 'City of Love,' France." Inside, I couldn't help but laugh at the irony. Paris and its reputation as the city of love were far from the reality I knew. It wasn't Hawkmoth who had destroyed Paris's peace, but the so-called responsible citizens of the city

"I've heard the rumors about your terrible singing, and I want to hear it for myself. Being from the 'City of Love,' I expect you to sing..." one of the boys remarked, while another chimed in, "Oh, look! You have a guitar, so why not a love-themed rap? I've never heard a rap without drum beats before."

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