First Time Meeting

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Damien's POV :-

As I witnessed the girl effortlessly incapacitate the five goons sent by Riddler, my mind was flooded with a mixture of astonishment and confusion. How was it possible for someone seemingly ordinary to possess such formidable combat skills? There was an aura of calm determination surrounding her as if she had been through countless battles before.

My initial intention to intervene out of guilt quickly transformed into a burning desire to understand her. Who was she? How did she acquire such incredible abilities? These questions consumed my thoughts as I watched her stand victorious amidst the fallen goons.

Riddler expressed his disbelief at her abilities, he sent another wave of ten skilled goons to attack her. I stood back, torn between intervening and witnessing her remarkable skills unfold. As the goons closed in on her, she fearlessly faced the challenge, undeterred by their larger size and overwhelming numbers.

With calculated precision and lightning-fast reflexes, She swiftly dispatched each goon, delivering powerful punches that left them incapacitated one by one. Her movements were a blend of grace and strength, effortlessly neutralizing her opponents. Within moments, all ten goons lay defeated on the ground, unable to continue the fight.

Suddenly, to my horror, Riddler fired a shot at her. My heart raced as I sprinted towards her, but to my astonishment, she swiftly drew her Dagger and effortlessly sliced the bullet in two halves, deflecting the deadly projectile. The room fell silent as Riddler dropped to his knees, trembling with fear and remorse.

"Ma'am, I beg for your mercy," Riddler pleaded, his voice filled with desperation. "I am unworthy of standing in your presence. Please, grant me the honor of a glorious death at your hands. I am a fool for not recognizing you, for not realizing that you are Noci-" His words were abruptly cut off by Her.

"That is enough," she said firmly, her tone commanding respect. "I will spare your life, but on one condition. You shall never take the lives of innocent people for your misguided revenge. If I hear any news of your transgressions, you will face the consequences accordingly."

With a sense of finality, She sheathed her Dagger, concealing it behind her suit. It was a stark reminder of the hidden strength she possessed. I was in awe of her ability to instill fear in someone as formidable as Riddler and to command such authority.

Her enigmatic persona intrigued me even further. Beneath her seemingly ordinary exterior, she carried a power and resolve that defied expectations. There was much more to her than met the eye, and I couldn't help but be drawn to unraveling the mystery that surrounded her.

By the way, her Dagger had a distinct appearance, reminiscent of a medieval artifact. It featured a dragon motif and a mysterious black gem. Even the sheath had intricate dragon designs. The blade itself displayed its remarkable power by effortlessly slicing a bullet in half. I had never encountered such a unique and extraordinary Dagger before. After safely stowing away her weapon, she rejoined her class and they approached me. It seemed that this trip would not be as uneventful as I initially thought.

 It seemed that this trip would not be as uneventful as I initially thought

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