MDC Anniversary Part 3(Lila Busted)

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And Now it was time to warn Mr. Wayne. As I pondered on it, he approached me. "Hello Miss M, nice to see you," he greeted, alone as Mrs. Wayne conversed with her friends. Ignoring his initial comment, I proceeded with my warning. "Well, hello. I want to warn you about someone," I said, observing his reaction carefully.

"Warn about someone? You should know I am not afraid of anyone," he responded confidently. I knew that his confidence would soon be challenged.

"That's a great thing, but please do listen to me. There is a teenage girl named Lila Rossi. She is wanted in many countries and charged with multiple murders. Her modus operandi begins by infiltrating colleges and fabricating connections with celebrities, claiming to know their secret identities or being in contact with famous individuals. She spins elaborate lies, tailored to appease the desires of her victims. But her true intent is to target those who refuse to believe her falsehoods and systematically dismantle their lives. She takes everything from them – their friends, their respect, their loved ones, and even their parents. She inflicts mental and physical torment, bullying, stabbing, and subjecting her victims to unspeakable acts that defy imagination. Finally, when her targets are left with no one who believes them, accused of falsehoods and utterly broken, they often succumb to despair and take drastic measures."

As I finished my explanation, a mixture of shock and anger washed over Mr. Wayne's face. "Don't misunderstand me; I am angry. But how does this concern me? Why are you telling me instead of the authorities?" he questioned. I was frustrated that he didn't fully grasp the severity of the situation and had already resorted to complaints. Taking a deep breath to compose myself, I took a sip of my wine before continuing.

"Well, Lila Rossi exploits the reputations of celebrities and VIPs to support her lies. And her next target could be one of your sons. Recently, she manipulated Mr. Agreste by fabricating a secret relationship with his son, falsely claiming she was pregnant as a result. She then blackmailed him for money, threatening to expose their supposed affair. Eventually, Mr. Agreste, feeling helpless, disowned his own son to protect his reputation and distanced himself from the rumors Lila spread. Personally, I believe Mr. Agreste's actions were justified; his former son, Adrien, mixed with Lila Rossi solely to blackmail his own father."

As I finished, I heard a voice from behind. I knew he had been standing there as I had called him, but Mr. Wayne appeared surprised. "Thank you, ma'am. You seem to understand my perspective, unlike others who label me as cruel for disowning my own son," he said with a tinge of sadness. Feeling the need to confront him despite my discomfort with such situations, I responded with a touch of sarcasm.

"When did celebrities start caring about people's opinions? They have no right to judge people, especially someone like you. If I were in your shoes, I would probably do the same or hire someone to eliminate him." As the words left my mouth, Mr. Wayne smiled, seemingly amused that I, a stranger, would dare to confront him. He then turned his attention to me.

"Well, Miss M, I don't understand why you specifically mentioned Ms. Dupain-Cheng in your speech. Is she someone important, or do you know her?" he asked, seeking clarification.

"Alright, it's time I tell you, but first, can you inform me about the winner of your competition? Is it Ms. Dupain-Cheng?" I asked, wanting to confirm that I had won. My plan was to expose Lila Rossi's lies in Gotham.

"Yes, Ms. Dupain-Cheng is the winner, and she is awarded a one-month trip to Gotham with her class," he replied, placing his trust in me. However, I couldn't care less about the prize.

"Well then, Ms. Rossi is her classmate, and Ms. Dupain-Cheng is her current target. She is someone who knows me very well. I can't reveal more about her at the moment," I replied, leaving Mr. Wayne to contemplate the information. After a moment of thought, he responded.

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