I Pretend to not care.

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Marinette's POV -

As I opened my eyes, the world around me was initially a blur. But amidst the haze, one thing stood out distinctly: the overwhelming sense of comfort and care. Despite being in a critical condition, I felt at ease. Gradually, my vision cleared, and I saw Damien sleeping in a corner of the room, holding my hand tightly, as if I were about to disappear into the distance. I tried to move without disturbing him, but my attempt failed. Apparently, he was a light sleeper. "Umm... Hi, I guess," I mumbled, breaking the silence. Startled, Damien jumped off the bed and began to yell.

"What made you think you could just faint like that? I was worried sick about you! You almost died... Are you serious right now? You can defend yourself against people twice your size but not someone like him?" I was taken aback by his outburst. What did I miss? Why was he acting like this? We were practically strangers, having only met a few times if that. His yelling was interrupted when Mr. Bruce entered the room, trying to calm him down.

"Hey, calm down. She just woke up. Don't scare her," Mr. Bruce intervened, attempting to diffuse the situation. Turning to me, he asked, "Miss, have you seen the face of your attacker? I can file a complaint and help track him down if we have some details." Mr. Bruce's professionalism was evident. "Mr. Bruce, I apologize, but I can't involve the police in this matter. There's a significant threat to my people. I would prefer to handle it myself. Besides, we have no information about the attacker. He had the audacity to threaten the lives of my loved ones. It's best if I take matters into my own hands." I couldn't let them become targets or be encouraged to harm the assailant.

"But your condition is severe. Please, let me at least help you," Mr. Bruce insisted. "Fine then, let me use your Bat-Wave," I suggested, referring to the advanced computer system Batman uses to gather information on criminals. I explained that I had known about his secret identity from the beginning, thanks to being a skilled tech developer. "I would have used my own equipment, but it's at my house, and time is of the essence. I only have four hours to crack the attacker's identity." I provided Mr. Bruce with a brief explanation. "Alright, as long as I can assist, I'm in," Mr. Bruce agreed, displaying confidence. He led me to the Batcave, where I began searching for data to uncover the identity of my attacker. Meanwhile, Mr. Bruce engaged in conversation with his son, Damien.

Damien's POV -

"Father, how can you trust her? She knew our identity from the beginning, and she claims to be a great tech developer, yet I've never heard of her before... And she mentioned that the man was a threat to 'her people.' What does she mean by 'her people'? Is she involved with some kind of gang?" I couldn't help but voice all the thoughts racing through my mind, although I held back some of them.

"Calm down, Damien," my father responded, attempting to reassure me. "I trust her because I choose to. As for her being a tech developer, I think it's best if you ask her directly. It's her secret to share, not mine. What I can tell you is that she's not a normal teenager. There's more to her than meets the eye."

His words only served to deepen my curiosity and confusion. Who was Marinette really? What was her connection to the incident and the mysterious attacker? It was clear that there was more at stake than I initially thought, and I needed to understand the extent of her involvement and the significance of her "people."

Marinette's POV -

"Well, ethically I shouldn't have listened to your private conversation, but you both were being quite loud. And by the way, thank you, Mr. Wayne, for respecting our boundaries," I said as they joined me at the computer, observing my actions. I attempted to connect to the Stark server, but it was taking too long. So, I resorted to hacking into it. After about five minutes, I received a call from Happy.

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