Have to Go

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Marinette's POV :-

As my vision gradually cleared, I found myself face to face with two unfamiliar men. Their voices seemed distant, echoing in my head, and my surroundings appeared hazy. Reacting instinctively, I quickly assumed my fighting stance and threw a punch at one of them, connecting solidly with his face. I immediately realized that my actions might have caused them harm.

After a few moments, my vision began to sharpen, and I could discern the figures of Luka and Mr. Timothy Drake before me. I managed to regain my footing and stood up, feeling a mix of confusion and concern. I inquired about the man I had inadvertently struck, discovering that it was the same person I had encountered at the café the previous day. Regrettably, his face was now bleeding, and I felt a pang of guilt for causing him harm.

It was frustrating to see how the situation had escalated, with a crowd forming around me, even though I was perfectly capable of walking on my own. I wished they had given me some space and allowed me to assess the situation before rushing to my aid. Despite my initial defensive reaction, I knew deep down that I was not responsible for the chaos that had unfolded around me.

I glanced at the clock and realized that I was already late for my mission. It seemed like I couldn't catch a break, always finding myself running behind schedule. Was it my destiny to be perpetually late? This time, the reason for my tardiness was the unnecessary interference of those senseless individuals who liked to meddle in other people's lives. I couldn't help but feel frustrated with them.

"Thanks to both of you, I'm now running even later for an important task. I need to leave immediately. Please fill me in on all the details of what happened at school, as our classes will be merging today," I stated, trying to mask my irritation. With that, I made my exit, although I was still in pain. But as the saying goes, the French have a knack for enduring pain as if it were part of their daily breakfast routine.

"Boss, I understand the importance of providing updates during the mission, but having you on Bluetooth directly might not be the best option. It can be distracting and potentially compromise the mission's secrecy. Is there any chance we can designate another contact person for me to report to?"

I was already on the field, carrying out the mission, and having Plagg involved always seemed to complicate matters. His unpredictable nature and tendency to cause chaos were not exactly reassuring. However, I had a job to do, and I needed to make the best of the situation.

"Boss, I understand the situation. My mission is to rescue the leader of the 'Dark Dimension' mafia gang from a group of highly skilled gangsters. It's not a simple task, given their expertise in sharpshooting, hand-to-hand combat, and weaponry. However, I am well-prepared and aware of the challenges ahead."

As I approached my destination, only a few minutes away, the urgency of the situation became apparent. The plan had been updated: my primary objective was now to neutralize all the gangsters and then transport the leader to a hospital for medical treatment. Given the reputation of mafias, finding a willing doctor would be a challenge in itself.

With the new plan in mind, I focused on preparing myself mentally and physically for the task at hand. Time was of the essence, and the success of the mission relied on my skills and resourcefulness

"Boss, why are we protecting a mafia leader? It seems contradictory." I questioned the Agency's decision and my role in the mission.

"He's actually one of our undercover agents who has infiltrated the mafia," Boss explained. "He provides vital information on their activities, helping us target and dismantle criminal organizations. Besides, I personally admire his integrity despite his association with the mafia. He's proven himself to be a good person."

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