First Day in Academy (2)

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Damien's POV - 

I sneaked into my own room, which seemed oddly amusing. I tossed and turned, unable to find a comfortable position to sleep. First, it was the girl from the airport, and now this rooftop encounter. It had been the worst day of my life, or rather, the worst "yesterday." I silently prayed to the powers above, hoping that I wouldn't have to endure any more days like that.

Eventually, exhaustion took its toll, and I managed to fall asleep without any intrusive thoughts plaguing my mind. (Smug) The next morning, I was abruptly awakened by a knock on the door followed by Alfred's voice booming through the room.

"Master, wake up! You'll be late for school, and breakfast is ready on the table."

Upon hearing his words, I quickly headed to the bathroom, took a shower, brushed my hair, tied my shoelaces, and got ready for the day ahead. With my morning routine complete, I was now prepared to face whatever challenges awaited me

At the dining table, I joined everyone as they indulged in their meals. Alfred served me a special dish to help me stay awake during classes. While savoring the flavors, I turned to my father and posed a question that had been on my mind. "Father, why don't you make uniforms mandatory for all students? It's quite bothersome to witness girls clad in clownish outfits and excessive makeup, trying to impress me. They often end up in petty fights over fashion choices."

He dismissed my complaint, emphasizing the importance of individuality and making an impression. Silently finishing my breakfast, I accompanied Alfred to Gotham Academy, prepared for the day ahead.

When I arrived at the academy, I noticed a large crowd gathered around. Initially, I assumed it was the usual attention-seeking trio of popular boys. However, upon closer inspection, I spotted a masked girl accompanied by a blue-haired boy. I had seen the boy before during the airport incident. He was from the French class and seemed to be friends with the suspicious lady. It was strange to see them here, considering the French class was scheduled to visit next week.

My attention was immediately drawn to the masked girl as she started singing. Her voice was incredible, reminiscent of a skilled musician. It surprised many. Surprisingly, besides my heroic endeavors, I have a couple of hobbies that may come as a surprise. One of them is painting, which some people already know about. However, the second hobby, singing, remains a secret that no one is aware of... yet.

And then, to my surprise, the blue-haired boy planted a kiss on her cheek. However, instead of reacting positively, she cursed out loud, catching the attention of those nearby, including Alfred. Ever the observant butler, Alfred pointed out her indiscretion, and she immediately apologized, seemingly shocked by her own outburst. 

I initially thought her reaction was due to my presence as a Wayne, but I was proven wrong when she introduced herself to Alfred, not by her name but as the master of Joseph Anders. I couldn't decipher if it was some kind of code name or alias. Nevertheless, Alfred instantly recognized her, and their interaction resembled that of a devoted fan meeting their idol. To my surprise, Alfred extended an invitation for her to visit the mansion tomorrow, completely disregarding my presence and failing to seek my input on inviting a total stranger.

Let's just pretend this didn't happen. I made my way to my classroom and took my usual seat in the back corner. I plugged in my earphones and started listening to the latest album by NETTE. Her voice always captivated me. After a few minutes, Mrs. Lockwood entered the class, full of her usual enthusiasm. She then announced the arrival of a transfer student. "Children, please welcome our new classmate..." The classroom door swung open, and to my surprise, it was the same girl from earlier and the blue-haired boy accompanying her.

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